Root List #2, #’s 76-94
Copy the roots list into your notebook or onto binder paper.
One example word is provided for you as a hint.
For homework, fill in a total of 4 example words and the meaning.
The first one is started for you. Honors: 6 example words required.
Root / Meaning / Example wds 1& 2 / Ex wds 3 & 4 / Ex wds 5 & 676. sang / sanguine
77. scrib,
script / transcription
78. sent,
sens / presentiment
79. sequ,
secut / non sequitur
80. son- / panasonic
81. -spir- / respiration
82. string,
strict / stringent
83. ven,
vent / conventional
84. anthrop / misanthropic
85. arch / archaic
86. bibl,
bibli / bibliophile
87. chrom- / monochromatic
88. -cosm- / cosmonaut
89. neo- / neologism
90. pan- / panoply
91. -path- / empathetic
92. -phon- / symphony
93. proto- / protolithic
94. dem- / demagogue