CoPMRE Thirteenth Annual Symposium

Digital Healthcare …. shaping the future

Wednesday 12th October 2016, 9.00am - 4.30pm
Executive Business Centre (EBC), Lansdowne Campus, BH8 8EB
9.00am / Registration and coffee/networking in the exhibitors area
Morning session – Chair Dr Katherine Curtis
9.30am / Welcome
Professor Stephen Tee, Executive Dean, Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Bournemouth University (confirmed)
9.40am / The life and times of Tech in 20 minutes– a contrast
Dr Andrew Main, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University (confirmed)
Dr Tim Battcock, Co-Director (Education), Centre of Postgraduate Medical Research & Education ( CoPMRE), Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Bournemouth University and Consultant Physician, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (confirmed)
10.00am / Hackathons: Digital solutions – from concept to reality
Professor Tamas Hickish, Co- Director (Research), Centre of Postgraduate Medical Research & Education ( CoPMRE), Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Bournemouth University and Consultant in Medical Oncology, The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (confirmed)
10.20am / Keynote Address
Why Digital Healthcare? The national context and strategy
Cathy Francis, Director of patients and information, NHS England South (confirmed)
11.00am / Morning refreshments/networking in the exhibitors area
13.00pm / Steps on the Dorset Digital Journey – The Dorset Care Record and beyond
Andy Hadley, Head of IT Development, NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (confirmed)
Digital Clinical Pathways: harnessing the power of digital health service design
Nuno Almeida, Founder and CEO, Nourish (confirmed)
Innovation Showcase
·  Mobile Device to detect neuropathy in cancer patients
Professor Jonathan Cole, Consultant in Neurophysiology,
Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (confirmed)
·  The Patient Experience
Dr Sue Baron, Academic/Lecturer in Adult Nursing, Faculty
of Health & Social Sciences, Bournemouth University (conf)
Panel Discussion (morning speakers)
Moderator: Dr Katherine Curtis, Associate Professor and Head of Department Nursing and Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Bournemouth University
Lunchtime networking/exhibitors
14.00pm / Afternoon session – Chair Dr Tim Battcock
Dr Tim Battcock, Co-Director (Education), Centre of Postgraduate Medical Research & Education ( CoPMRE), Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Bournemouth University and Consultant Physician, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
14.05pm / Using technology to deliver mental health care at scale
Claire Harding, Head of Impact and Research, Big White Wall (confirmed)
15.30pm / Keynote Address
Title tbc
Professor Theo Arvanitis, Professor of e-Health
Innovation and Head of Research at the Institute of Digital Healthcare (IDH) at
WMG, University of Warwick (confirmed)
Afternoon refreshments/networking in the exhibitors area
Innovation Showcase
·  How do you solve a problem like prevention
Richard Dolan, Innovation Lead, NHS Dorset CCG (confirmed)
·  Title tbc
Dr Biao Zeng, Senior Research Fellow and Founder of iTalkTone Lab,
Bournemouth University (tbc)
16.00pm / Hackathons revisited: The Digital Solution
Professor Tamas Hickish, Co- Director, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Research & Education ( CoPMRE), Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Bournemouth University & The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (confirmed)
16.15pm / Panel Discussion (all afternoon speakers)
Moderator: Dr Tim Battcock
16.30pm / Close
Dr Tim Battcock, Co-Director (Education), Centre of Postgraduate Medical Research & Education ( CoPMRE), Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Bournemouth University and Consultant Physician, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust