Classroom Procedures:

Bathroom use:

You may ask to use the bathroom at the beginning of class or if instruction time is finished. There are two passes located next to the door. One for boys marked “niños” and one for girls marked “niñas”. Please wash your hands and come back to class as soon as you are finished.

Class participation:

When you walk into the classroom, greet the teacher and your fellow classmates. Sit in your assigned seats with your partner and take out all necessary materials listed on the board.

Sit up straight and smile. When a question is asked by me I will raise my hand and give you time to think before you answer. When my hand goes down, you will answer all together. If you have a question, raise your hand and wait to be called on.

When you and your assigned partner work together, we will lean in and use a whisper voice.

When presenting in front of the class, use a voice that is clear and easy to hear.

Independent work:

You are working at your desk. You are doing assignments or correcting work. You may read or work on an assignment after and ONLY after the work for our class is completed.

Reflection time:

We will end our class with reflection 5 minutes before the bell rings.

Note taking:

All notes will be taken in the Cornell note-taking method. I will show you what this looks like.


All students have a wonderful new tool to use this year! Technology is awesome for classroom use! However, everything has its right time and place. You will not need your chrome books out every day. I will let you know when you need to take them out. Certain features on your chrome books are forbidden such as Google Translate. Phones are not a useful tool in the classroom and will not be used. Please adhere to the student handbook and follow all technology rules and regulations.