All registrations are due on or before Friday, April 14, 2017
Registrations can be returned the following ways:
Return to school with your child. Attention : Jeanine Potter
Mail to:Unadilla Valley Youth Baseball/Softball Inc. PO Box 826 New Berlin NY 13411
- If you are in great financial need and are unable to pay the registration fees, please contact Jeanine Potter 607-847-7500 ext. 4103 and the league will work with you to make sure your child can participate.
- On April 30th at 6 pm there will be a parent meeting at the Unadilla Valley Central School Cafeteria to discuss rules, regulations, fund raisers and responsibilities of parents and coaches.
- Parents will be required to work in the food booth if they have games scheduled at our Chobani Champions sites located on Fish Field. On your child’s game schedule the food booth will be assigned. If you cannot work the date you are scheduled, it is your responsibility to switch with another parent.
- Major and Minor players will pay a deposit for their uniform use. This money will be collected in the registration fees (see below). This will be returned in cash to each family when their uniform is returned at the end of season.
The following age limits apply for the safety of all children:FEE
- T-BallMay 1st 2010 - April 30th 2012 (5 or 6 years old)$25
- Pee WeeMay 1st2008 - April 30th 2010 (7 or 8 years old)$30
- Minor Baseball or SoftballMay 1st2006 - April 30th 2008 (9 or 10 years old)$50 ($10 refundable)
- Major Baseball or SoftballMay 1st 2004 - April 30 2006 (11 or 12 years old)$55 ($15 refundable)
***Due to the ever-rising cost of insurance and uniforms, our fees have had to increase.***-
If you would like to have your child play up a level they MUST have previously played one year at that level. (Example: Last year they played T-ball at age 5. Now are 6 and want to play Pee Wee)Please submit in writing your request to move up your son/daughter with the registration form. The little league board will review the request and may ask your son/daughter to participate in a one hour tryout. All 12 year olds MUST play Majors.
- As a parent I recognize that it is vital that I support the efforts and decisions of the coaching staff of my child. In the event I have questions regarding my child’s role, or decisions the coach has made, I will communicate those concerns to the coach in a respectful and timely fashion (not during or immediately after a game when emotions may be high).
- As a parent I also recognize the importance of being a positive role model. I agree to conduct myself in a manner consistent with good sportsmanship at all contests. I agree to cheer in a positive fashion for outstanding play and will refrain from criticizing the efforts of the officials, players and decisions of the coaches.
- Attendance at practice is a priority for all team members. As a parent/guardian of a team member I will make every attempt to assure that my child and a representative of my family will be able to attend all practices and contests. I understand the league uses a 50/50 participation rule. This means that my child needs to attend at least 50% of the practices to play in games and 50% of the games to receive a trophy or be eligible for All Stars. This parent or representative will remain at practice the entire time in case of emergency. If the parent or guardian needs to leave to drop off or pick up another child, the coach will be made aware of this each time prior to the parent leaving.
What is required when the registration is returned:
- This form below completed and signed by a Parent/Guardian
- A copy of the child’s birth certificate (1st year players only)
- A Check made payable to Unadilla Valley Youth Baseball
- Health Update completed and returned
Some health insurance plans (ex: NYCM Blue Healthy Choices - Lifestyle Benefits) may reimburse you for the amount of the registration fee you have paid as our program is a community based organized sport for kids. The League will be happy to provide you with a receipt for your paid registration fee(s). Please be advised, it is your responsibility to submit any necessary paperwork to your health insurance carrier. Please remember that any questions regarding coverage and/or reimbursement must be made by you to your employer/insurance company. The League will simply supply you with a receipt. Please check the box below if you would like a receipt.
Name of Child:______Child’s Age as of May 1st: ______Grade______
Date of Birth: ______birth certificate for 1st year players required
Phone Number: ______
LEVEL T-ballPee WeeMinor BBMinor SBMajor BBMajor SB
Email Address (work/home)______
(We will do the majority of our communication this way. Please include one)
T-Shirt Size: (circle one)Youth S (6-8), M (8-10), L (10-12)
I am willing to be contacted to help as coaching staff (Please circle one) Yes No
I/We, the parents of the above named candidate for a position in the Unadilla Valley Youth Baseball/Softball Inc. hereby give my/our approval to participate in any and all league activities. I/We assume all risks, hazards and incidental to such participation including transportation to and from activities; and I/We do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the local league, Unadilla Valley Youth Baseball/Softball Inc./Town of Pittsfield Fire District/Town of Columbus, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants and persons transporting my/our child to and from activities, from any claim or liability of any kind arising out of injury to my/our child, whether the result of negligence or for any other cause, except to the extent and in the amount covered by accident or liability insurance. I/We agree to return upon request the uniform and other equipment issued to my/our child in as good a condition as when received (except for normal wear and tear). I/We will furnish a certified birth certificate of the above named candidate to League Officials. I have read through all the information provided to me by Unadilla Valley SB/BB Inc. By signing below I agree to support and endorse all the rules, policies and procedures discussed within this paperwork.
Print: Parent/Guardian Name:______Date: ______
Signature of Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Igive Unadilla Valley Youth Baseball/Softball Inc. the right to use pictures of my child participating in baseball or softball on their website. These pictures will only be used to highlight or promote the league, players or sponsors. I understand these are public pictures of my child and can be viewed by anyone who visits the league website. The address of the league site is
Print: Parent/Guardian Name:______Date:______
Signature of Parent/Guardian Name: ______
PO Box 826 New Berlin NY 13411
Please return this portion with your registration form.
This will enable us to help make sure your child has a safe season and be kept with the coach of each team.
Participant:______Date of Birth:______Age:______
Limitations ______yes______no
If the answer to any of the following questions is “YES, please describe, on the line provided, the condition or situation that prompted your answer.
- Any injuries requiring medical attention during the past year?______yes______no
- Taking medicine, allergies, or under physician’s care at this time?______yes______no
- Any feeling of faintness, dizziness, or fatigue after exercise or exertion?______yes______no
- Any surgical operations, fractures, treatment in a hospital or ______yes______no
emergency room in the past year?
I, the undersigned, clearly understand these questionsare asked in order to decide of my child can safely participate. The answers are correct as of this date and he/she has my permission to participate.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Phone numbers where parents/guardians can be reached:
Name: ______Work Phone (______) ______
Name: ______Work Phone (______) ______
Emergency contact ______Phone (______) ______
Medical Information (Other)