Controversial Points in Organ Donor Management

C. Chamorro, J.A. Falcón, and J.C. Michelena


There are still many controversial aspects regarding which method is best for managing

organ donors to prevent, lessen, or even reverse the organ alterations associated with brain

death. Fundamental aspects are the management of an adequate perfusion pressure,

hormone restoration, and opposition of the inflammatory state associated with brain

death. Once volume has been normalized, it is necessary to administer vasoactive drugs,

including catecholamines to re-establish the loss of sympathetic tone at the vascular and

myocardial level. It is impossible to define the ideal or maximal catecholamine dose

because it depends on the donor’s vascular tone, vascular reactivity, and pharmacokinetic

variability characteristic of critical patients, particularly organ donors. To control early

onset of diabetes insipidus, it is necessary to administer desmopressin. At present there are

insufficient clinical studies to show the usefulness of triiodothyronine. Furthermore, due to

its limited availability, elevated cost, and probable side effects, the use of this hormone is

not justified. More importance is being given to the negative influence of the inflammatory

state associated with brain death, which has repercussions on organ viability and probably

influences the prevalence of rejection episodes. Meanwhile in organ donor management,

we recommend the use of 15 mg/kg of methylprednisolone as soon as possible. Contrary

to triiodothyronine, the potential benefit of its immunomodulatory effects, its low cost, and

the absence of major side effects justify this recommendation.

DURING brain death (BD) a series of hemodynamic,

hormonal, and inflammatory disorders may alter or

irreversibly damage the function of various organs,1 preventing

their use. Furthermore, the alterations may contribute to

early graft failure or rejection phenomena. Adequate organ

donor management is fundamental to preventing, reducing, or

reversing these alterations.2 Nevertheless, at present there are

controversial management aspects; even the various published

recommendations are at times contradictory.3–8


During BD it is possible to differentiate 2 periods with

different hemodynamic alterations. There is an acute phase

derived from the progression of ischemia toward the medulla

oblongata, with loss of vagal nucleus activity, which is

characterized by maximum stimulation of sympathetic activity.

In this phase, called “catecholamine storm,” severe

arterial hypertension is produced together with supraventricular

or ventricular arrhythmias that may lead to cardiac

arrest. Massive release of vasoactive substances provokes

generalized vasoconstriction with reduced blood flow to the

organs, thus producing ischemia, decreased cellular energy

reserves, and, at times, organic structural damage. A rapid

progression of BD is associated with a greater intensity of

this response.9,10 Most authors agree that control of this

phase with short half-life drugs, such as esmolol, urapidil,

nicardipine, or nitroprusside, can avoid or reduce organ

damage, especially to the heart and lung.8,11

Following cessation of catecholamine release, a second

phase arises, which is characterized by hypotension secondary

to the loss of sympathetic effects at the vascular and

myocardial levels.1,12 In consequence, hemodynamic stability

is only maintained in a minority of cadaveric donors; the

natural evolution is toward progressive hypotension and

cardiac arrest. This phase may be called chronic and be

sustained during the entire donor maintenance process.

Untreated hypotension worsens organ perfusion and may

irreversibly damage the function of various organs. Active

treatment to achieve hemodynamic stability is obtained byadapting 3 basic hemodynamic pillars: preload, afterload,

and contraction.5 The contribution of fluids is fundamental

to offset the losses suffered before or after BD establishment.

On occasion, the donor may be hypovolemic either

due to the treatment to control intracranial hypertension

(mannitol, diuretics, or therapeutic hypothermia) or to

polyuria secondary to hyperglycemia or the onset of insipidus

diabetes. The contribution of fluids must aim to

normalize the preload to central venous pressure values

between 3 and 10 mm Hg. It must be adjusted to urinary

losses, or those estimated, taking into account that excess

liquid administration may worsen myocardial or pulmonary

function.13 The type of fluid administered must be determined

according to the hydroelectrolytic situation at each

phase of maintenance; habitually, it is recommended to

administer Ringer’s lactate. On occasions when there is

hypernatremia, solutions should be administered containing

more free water, such as 5% dextrose. The administration

of colloids must be performed judiciously; in excess

they may induce kidney disorders,14 coagulation disorders,

15 or even molecular capture by the hepatic reticuloendothelial

system.16 The colloids of choice are probably new

generation hydroxyethylstarch solution without surpassing

the administration of 500–1000 cc.15 Loss of sympathetic

tone at the vascular and cardiac levels must be offset by the

exogenous administration of catecholamines with _-agonist

and _1-agonist effects.12 Dopamine and preferably noradrenaline

have these effects. The doses should be those

that allow for maintaining mean arterial pressure between

70 and 90 mm Hg with an adequate level of fluid repletion.

Nevertheless, various authors and scientific societies have

recommended avoiding alpha-adrenergic drugs and limiting

the use of dopamine to a maximum dose of 10 _g/kg/min.3–5

We consider that these recommendations move away from

adequate management of the cardiovascular changes associated

with BD. It is necessary to administer vasoactive drugs to

restore the lost sympathetic tone; in addition, it is impossible

to define the ideal or maximum dose because this depends

on the residual level of the donor’s vascular tone, vascular

reactivity, and pharmacokinetic variability that all drugs

show in critical patients, such as organ donors.17 There are

no published studies that associate adequate exogenous

catecholamine administration with organ damage induced

by BD.18 In contrast, some publications associate the use of

dopamine or noradrenaline in the donor with improved

evolution of the transplanted organs.19,20 Not only the

hemodynamic effects, with normalization of perfusion pressure,

but also the immunomodulatory effects of the catecholamines

may explain this observation.21


The hypothalamic/hypophyseal axis, as a central nervous

system component, is affected in BD. On occasions, hypophyseal

blood flow may be maintained by branches of the

lower hypophyseal artery, subsidiaries of the external carotid

artery, which explains why all donors do not show

hypophyseal hormonal alterations. The most usual disorder,

in up to 90% of all donors, is early onset of diabetes

insipidus, derived from the lack of antidiuretic hormone

production and release. The administration of this hormone,

or especially its derivative desmopressin (DDVAP),

is fundamental during donor management. Other hormonal

disorders are more controversial. Some authors and scientific

societies have recommended the use of thyroid hormones

or triiodothyronine (T3), or, failing that, thyroxine

for organ donor management, especially when there is

associated myocardial dysfunction.3–5,7,8 These recommendations

are based on non-comparative or retrospective

studies. However, the majority of the studies undertaken

with greater methodological and scientific rigor have not

demonstrated their usefulness.22,23 Pérez-Blanco et al in a

prospective, randomized, double-blinded controlled study

failed to observe any hemodynamic or metabolic benefit of

the use of T3 in adult cadaveric organ donors.24 A recent

revision by the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS)

reported that the administration to the donor of DDVAP,

diuretics, and steroids, instead of thyroid hormones, was

associated with improved organ yield.25 Thyroid disorders

associated with BD may be included in the so-called

“critical patient euthyroid syndrome,” where the administration

of these hormones has not been shown to be

beneficial.26 Only in unusual cases of prolonged donor

management, namely, longer than 24–48 hours, might

thyroid hormones have some beneficial role.


During BD an inflammatory response syndrome occurs.

Pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-_, interleukin

(IL)-1, IL-6, and IL-8, as well as leukocyte activation and

intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAM-1) or vascular

adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) expression are increased

both in blood and locally, in various organs.27,28 This

inflammatory response may be of cerebral origin or from

ischemia-reperfusion and free radical activation at the

organ level during the herniation process.2,10 The inflammatory

activity may contribute to hemodynamic and organic

deterioration, leading to immunologic changes that

favor the subsequent appearance of rejection phenomena in

the recipient.2,29 This observation may explain the wellknown

greater incidence of rejection among recipients who

receive organs from BD donors compared with living

donors or even from donors following cardiac arrest.30

Early administration of steroid at the time of establishment

of BD may inhibit the release or prevent the alterations

produced by pro-inflammatory cytokines, in addition to

being able to stabilize cell membranes, produce a downward

trend in adhesion molecule expression, and interfere with

the lipid peroxidation that occurs after ischemia. Kuecuek

et al31 demonstrated that steroid administration to donors

was associated with a significant decrease in inflammatory

cytokines, both in the serum and locally in various harvested

organs. These effects may lessen the incidence of early graftfailure and of subsequent rejection episodes. A retrospective

analysis performed by UNOS on 14,616 cadaver kidney

transplant recipients showed that steroid administration

produced a 10% decrease in renal graft loss at 1 year after

implantation.32 At an experimental level, steroid use prior

to BD or early after its establishment avoids deterioration

of myocardial contraction by decreasing the release of

pro-inflammatory cytokines.33 Some authors have recommended

early use of 15 mg/kg of methylprednisolone during

pulmonary donor management. Nonetheless, this recommendation

is based on a single published retrospective

study and a historic series.34,35 A recent study designed to

show its usefulness in pulmonary donor management only

demonstrated reduction of lung water accumulation among

steroid-treated donors.36 However, despite the absence of

prospective studies that demonstrate the usefulness of

steroids, their potential beneficial immunomodulatory effects,

as well as their low economic cost, and the absence of

adverse effects justify their administration.37


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