The Open University of Israel
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The Computer Science Division
Shai Shimon
ID 028455863
Cell 0526-126207
Prepared under the supervision of Professor Ehud Gudes
Table of Contents
List of figures
List of Tables
2basic concepts
2.2APRIORI- Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules [1]
3PAPERS survey
3.1.5FP-BONSAI ALGORITHM [5] algorithm algorithm example
3.2short papers surveys
5summary and conclusions
List of figures
16 / pass execution times of Apriori and AprioriTId / Figure 2.1.1-117 / Execution times for decreasing minimum support (max potentially large itemset is 2 / Figure 2.1.1-2
18 / Execution times for decreasing minimum support (max potentially large itemset is 4 / Figure 2.1.1-3
18 / Execution times for decreasing minimum support (max potentially large itemset is 6 / Figure 2.1.1-4
26 / FP grows example / Figure 2.1.1-5
26 / FP grows example for p (1) / Figure 2.1.1-6
27 / FP grows example for p (2) / Figure 2.1.1-7
27 / FP grows example for m (1) / Figure 2.1.1-8
28 / FP grows example for m (2) / Figure 2.1.1-9
28 / FP grows example for am / Figure 2.1.1-10
29 / FP grows example for cam and fam / Figure 2.1.1-11
29 / FP grows example for cam and cm / Figure 2.1.1-12
30 / FP grows example for cam and fm / Figure 2.1.1-13
30 / FP grows example results / Figure 2.1.1-14
32 / FP tree algorithm experiment –Run time ,support threshold / Figure 2.1.1-15
32 / FP grows algorithm experiment –Transactions number with threshold=1.5% / Figure 2.1.1-16
43 / ExAMiner0 / Figure 3.1.4-1
44 / ExAMiner1 & ExAMiner2 / Figure 3.1.4-2
54 / ExaMiner experiment Data Reduction Rate (min_sup = 1100) / Figure 3.1.4-3
54 / ExaMiner experiment Data Reduction Rate (min_sup = 500) / Figure 3.1.4-4
55 / ExaMiner experiment Run time synthetic (min_sup =1200) / Figure 3.1.4-5
56 / ExaMiner experiment Run time synthetic (sum(prices) > 2800) / Figure 3.1.4-6
64 / FP Bonsai Examiner experiment (BMS-POS) (1) / Figure 3.1.5-1
65 / FP Bonsai Examiner experiment (BMS-POS) (2 / Figure 3.1.5-2
72 / Application window – main panel / Figure 4-1
73 / Application window – FP tree result panel / Figure 4-2
List of Tables
8 / Market-Basket transactions / Table 2-19 / Convertibleanti-monotone / Table 2-2
10 / Convertiblemonotone / Table 2-3
11 / strongly convertible constraints / Table 2-4
22 / FP tree algorithm example Tid, item, and frequency (1) / Table 2.1.1-1
22 / FP tree algorithm example Tid, item, and frequency (2) / Table 2.1.1-2
23 / FP tree algorithm example Tid, item, and frequency (3) / Table 2.1.1-3
23 / FP tree algorithm example Tid, item, and Header table (1) / Table 2.1.1-4
24 / FP tree algorithm example Tid, item, and Header table (2) / Table 2.1.1-5
24 / FP tree algorithm example Tid, item, and Header table (3) / Table 2.1.1-6
27 / F tree algorithm example Tid, item, and Header table (4) / Table 2.1.1-7
27 / FP tree algorithm example Tid, item, and Header table (5) / Table 2.1.1-8
31 / FP tree algorithm experiment – Synthetic data set / Table 2.1.1-9
36 / Transaction Id AND transaction / Table 3.1.2-1
36 / Frequent itemsets with support threshold / Table 3.1.2-2
43 / ExaMiner 0 / Table 3.1.4-1-A
44 / ExaMiner 1 / Table 3.1.4-1-B
45 / ExaMiner example level one (1) / Table 3.1.4-2
45 / ExaMiner example level one (2) / Table 3.1.4-3
46 / ExaMiner example level one (3) / Table 3.1.4-4
47 / ExaMiner example level one (4) / Table 3.1.4-5
48 / ExaMiner example level one (5) / Table 3.1.4-6
49 / ExaMiner example level one (6) / Table 3.1.4-7
49 / ExaMiner example level two (1) / Table 3.1.4-8
50 / ExaMiner example level two (2) / Table 3.1.4-9
50 / ExaMiner example level two (4) / Table 3.1.4-10
51 / ExaMiner example level two (5) / Table 3.1.4-11
52 / ExaMiner example level two (7) / Table 3.1.4-12
52 / ExaMiner example level two (7) / Table 3.1.4-13
53 / ExaMiner example level two (7) / Table 3.1.4-14
58 / FP Bonsai example - item, value table / Table 3.1.5-1
59 / FP Bonsai example- Tid ,items table / Table 3.1.5-2
59 / FP Bonsai example -pruning – (constraint check) / Table 3.1.5-3
60 / FP Bonsai example Run -pruning (Support check) / Table 3.1.5-4
60 / FP Bonsai example -pruning (1) / Table 3.1.5-5
61 / FP Bonsai example Run -pruning (2) / Table 3.1.5-6
61 / FP Bonsai example -pruning (3) / Table 3.1.5-7
62 / FP Bonsai example Run -pruning (4) / Table 3.1.5-8
62 / FP Bonsai example -pruning (5) / Table 3.1.5-9
62 / FP Bonsai example results / Table 3.1.5-10
71 / Transactions table / Table 4-1
71 / Items and prices / Table 4-2
71,72 / Experiments results / Table 4-3
The purpose of data mining is to identify and predict patterns, trends and relationships in data.The main steps in data mining process are:
Defining the problem, preparation of information, data analysis, evaluation of the results, displaying the results.
In this work I'll present a number of data mining algorithms using association rules. First I'll present the basic algorithms (Apriori Algorithm and FP Tree) and then we'll discuss algorithms with constraints. We will present the algorithms with constraints in detail,and also we shall discuss the differences between them.
In factthis workwillfocusondataminingalgorithmswithconstraints. We will focus onthe importance ofconstraints in data mining, ontheir use, and exploredifferent typesofconstraintsand effective methods ofdataminingalgorithms. As it's well known, since the size of data mining results may sometimes be very large, using constraints help the user find the desired information and improves the system performance. This workwill focus oncertain typesofconstraints, andalgorithmsthat were builtfor them. Specifically, the algorithmsthat wewill revieware:
In addition we will review briefly six other articles: Four articles on constraints and two advanced algorithms than Apriori.
The last phase of the work is an implementation of two algorithms: Bonsai-tree and FP-tree. The implementation was coded in the JAVA language. The Database input is a synthetic database and it was built by a random generator that was especially developed for this purpose. The results and conclusions of the evaluation are summarized in the paper.
Over the years, mass storage cost has decreased dramatically, and database technology, incorporating the ubiquitous Internet, has evolved to be more intelligent and powerful. We are now at the equinox where we have too much data yet so few computerized tools to analyze it, let alone apply the knowledge resulted from the analysis to expedite information dissemination, scientific research, and industrial and commercial decision making. We are indeed data billionaires living in the gutter of knowledge.
This is where data mining came in, which started out as a direct consequence of information technology development. Following the amazing progress in the field, data mining can now provide theoretical foundations to implement analyzing software for various kinds of applications.
This paper is mainly focus on how to efficiently generate association rules.
The user is allowed to express his focus in mining, by means of a rich class of constraints that capture application semantics. Besides allowing user exploration and control, the paradigm allows many of these constraints to be pushed deep inside mining (later discussed in basic concepts), thus pruning the search space of patterns to those of interest to the user, and achieving superior performance.
In this report we discuss 2 main topics algorithms for constraints and efficiency improvements.
This paper is divided to 4 main topics:
- Basic concepts and short brief on both Apriori and FP-Tree algorithms– In this section we'll focus on the basic concepts which will help us deal with the rest of the paper and we'll discuss shortly about 2 algorithms: Apriori and FP-Tree.
- Paper survey –In this section we show the advantage of the constraints. With constraints we obtain fewer patterns which are more interesting. Indeed constraints are the way we use to define what is “interesting”. Here we'll introduce4 articles, which will use constraints methodology:
- "Mining Frequent Itemsets with Convertible Constraints" [9]
- "Mining association ruleswith itemconstraints" [10]
- "Examiner algorithm" [4]
- "FP Bonsai" [4]
- Short paper survey – Here we'll describe briefly few articles which deal both improving basic algorithms and constraints algorithms.
- Application implementation – After describing all the above articles, we'll show the results of an application which was written in java. This application implements 2 algorithms: "FP Tree" and "FP Bonsai". The program was runwith data that was generated syntactically. The program will show the duration of each algorithm in addition to the results.
2basic concepts
a)Association rules mining - Given a set of transactions, find rules that will predict the occurrence of an item based on the occurrences of other items in the transaction
Table 2-1 Market-Basket transactions
–A collection of one or more items
Example: {Milk, Bread, Diapers}
An itemset that contains k items
c)Support count (-sigma)
–Frequency occurrence of an itemset
–E.g. ({Milk, Bread, Diapers}) = 2
–The percentage of the fraction of transactions that contain an itemset represents the support. Or in other words an itemset which appears in x transactions of the database is the support of this itemset.
–E.g. s({Milk, Bread, Diapers}) appear in 2 transactions in the table above so the support is 2/5 *100 = 40%
–Confidence denotes the strength of implication in the rule, means the more the confidence higher the relationship between the 2 sets is stronger. The casual link between milk and bread is strong in the example because the confidence is 75%.
–Confidence(X=>Y) = Support(XY) / Support(X)
–E.g. s({Milk, Bread}) = 3/5
s({Milk}) = 4/5
Confidence (Milk Bread) = (3/5) / (4/5) = 0.75 - >75%
f)Frequent Itemset
–An itemset whose support is greater than or equal to a minsup threshold
g)Association Rule
–An implication expression of the form X Y, where X and Y are itemsets
{Milk, Diapers} {Beer}
What are constraints in data mining? Constraints are the rules enforced on data transactions.
The Idea in constraints is to focus on the specific and relevant itemsets which we want to mine. The following bellows are some basic concepts regarding constrains.
h)Constraints mining – Aim to reduce search space. It findall patterns satisfying constraints
i)Constraints based search - Aim to reduce search space and findsonly some (or one) answer
Both Constraints mining and Constraints based search are aimed at reducing search space but the first find the all the patterns and the other find some or one of the patterns. This of course makes the difference in the run time and the memory usage.
j)Anti-monotonic - When an itemset S violates the constraint, so does any of its superset
Example: C: range(S.profit) 15 is anti-monotone Itemset ab violates C
range(ab) = 40 15
So does every superset of ab
k)Monotonic - When an itemset S satisfies the constraint, so does any of its superset
Example: C: range(S.profit) 15 Itemset ab satisfies C
range(ab) = 40 15
So does every superset of ab
The following tables are for the examples
Table 2-2ConvertibleAnti monotone
l)Convertible anti-monotone - Assume there is an order R. Whenever an itemset S satisfies C, so does any prefix of S.
Example: C: avg(S) 20 w.r.t. item value descending order
The itemset “abc” satisfies C
avg(abc) = 30 20
and so does “ab” avg(ab) = 35 20 and “a” avg(a) = 40 20
Convertible monotone - Assume there is an order R. Whenever and itemset S violates C, so does any prefix of S.
Example: C: avg(S) 20 w.r.t. item value descending order The
itemset “abc” violates C avg(abc) = 30 20and so does “ab”
avg(ab) = 35 20 and “a” avg(a) = 40 20
The following tables are for the examples
Table 2-3Convertiblemonotone
m)Strongly convertible constraints
Whenever there exists an order R over the set of items such that C is convertible
anti-monotone R and convertible monotone R^-1
Example C: avg(X) 25 is convertible anti-monotone w.r.t. item value descending order R
The itemset “afg” satisfies C so does “af” and “a”.
avg(X) 25 is convertible monotone w.r.t. item value ascendingorder R^-1
The itemset “ech” violates C so does “ec” and “e”.
Table descending order Table ascending order
Table 2-4strongly convertible constraints
n)Succinctness constraints
Given A1, the set of items satisfying a succinctness constraint C, then any set S satisfying C is based on A1, i.e., S contains a subset belonging to A1. min(S.Price) v is succinct because each subset who satisfy the constraint is a subset of A1., sum(S.Price) v is not succinct.
min(S.Price) v
A1 = {20,30,40,8,5,3}
V = 70
min(A1)< V satisfy the constraint so does each subset of A1 satisfy the constraint.
sum(A1)> V satisfy the constraint but not each subset of A1 satisfy the constraint. For example sum(20,30)<70
Apriori is the most simple and most widely known algorithm for mining frequent itemsets created by R. Agrawal and R. Skrikant.
The Apriori algorithm works iteratively. It first finds the set of large 1- itemsets, and then set of 2-itemsets, and so on. The number of scan over the transaction database is as many as the length of the maximal itemset. Apriori is based on the following fact: The simple but powerful observation leads to the generation of a smaller candidate set using the set of large itemsets found in the previous iteration.
Generation of candidate itemsets is expensive (in both spaceand time)
Unlike AprioriFP-growth uses an extended prefix-tree structure to store the database in a compressed form. It uses a pattern fragment growth method to avoid the costly process of candidate generation and testing used by Apriori.
2.2APRIORI- Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules[1]
Algorithms summarize
Apriori, first scans the transaction databases D in order to count the support of each item i in I, and determines the set of large 1-itemsets. Then one iteration is performed for each of the computation of the set of 2-itemsets, 3-itemsets, and so on. The kth iteration consists of two steps:
- Generate the candidate set Ck from the set of large (k-1)-itemsets, Lk-1.
- Scan the database in order to compute the support of each candidate itemset in Ck
The candidate generation algorithm is given as follows:
The candidate generation procedure computes the set of potentially large k-itemsets from the set of large (k-1)-itemsets. A new candidate k-itemset is generated from two large (k-1)-itemsets if their first (k-2) items are the same. The candidate set Ck is a superset of the large k-itemsets. The candidate set is guaranteed to include all possiblelarge k-itemsets because of the fact that all subsets of a large itemset are also large. Since all large itemsets in Lk-1 are checked for contribution to candidate itemset, the candidate set Ck is certainly a superset of large k-itemsets. After the candidates are generated, their counts must be computed in order to determine which of them are large. This counting step is really important in the efficiency of the algorithm, because the set of the candidate itemsets may be possibly large. Apriori handles this problem by employing a hash tree for storing the candidate. The candidate generation algorithm is used to find the candidate itemsets contained in a transaction using this hash tree structure. For each transaction T in the transaction database D, the candidates contained in T are found using the hash tree, and then their counts are incremented. After examining all transaction in D, the ones that are large are inserted into Lk.
The problem is that every pass goes over the all data, and it's no efficient process.
The answer for this problem is aprioriTid.
- Uses the database only once.
- Builds a storage set C^k
–Members has the form < TID, {Xk} >
- Xk are potentially large k-items in transaction TI.
- For k=1, C^1 is the database.
- Uses C^k in pass k+1.
Algorithm aprioryTid
- C^k could be smaller than the database.
–If a transaction does not contain k-itemset candidates, than it will be excluded from C^k .
- For large k, each entry may be smaller than the transaction
–The transaction might contain only few candidates.
For small k, each entry may be larger than the corresponding transaction.
–An entry includes all k-itemsets contained in the transaction.
Figure 2.1.1-1 – Per pass execution times of Apriori and AprioriTId
We can see in the figure above that in the earlier passes apriori does better performance but in the later passes aprioriTid beats Apriori. That’s because in the later passes the number of candidate itemsets reduces. AprioriTid doesn't use the database it uses CK instead. CK become smaller and that’s why in the later passes aprioriTid is better.
So who is better?
In the earlier passes, Aprioridoes better than AprioriTid. However, AprioriTidbeats Apriori in later passes. We observed similarrelative behavior for the other datasets, the reasonfor which is as follows. Apriori and AprioriTiduse the same candidate generation procedure andtherefore count the same itemsets. In the laterpasses, the number of candidate itemsets reduces. However, Apriori still examines everytransaction in the database. On the other hand, rather than scanning the database, AprioriTid scansCKfor obtaining support counts, and the size of CKhas become smaller than the size of the database.When the CKsets can fit in memory, we do not evenincur the cost of writing them to disk.
Based on these observations, we can design ahybrid algorithm, which we call AprioriHybrid thatuses Apriori in the initial passes and switches toAprioriTid when it expects that the set CK at theend of the pass will fit in memory. We use thefollowing heuristic to estimate if CK would fit inmemory in the next pass. At the end of thecurrent pass, we have the counts of the candidate'siin CK. From this, we estimate what the size of CKwould have been if it had been generated. This size, in words, is
If CKin this pass was smallenough to fit in memory, and there were fewer largecandidates in the current pass than the previous pass,we switch to AprioriTid.
The switch takes time, but it still worth it.We can see from the graphs bellow the advantage of AprioryHybrid algorithm. It takes the advantages of both algorithms Apriori and AprioriTid.
T10.12.D100K and the others represent the parameter settings.
|T| - 10 – Average size of the transactions.
|I| - 2 - Average size of the maximal potentially large itemsets.
D – 100K – Number of transactions.
settings12,14,16 are the average size of the maximal potentially large itemsets.