Management of Permits & Isolations

Contractor Information Sheet

1.  Permit to Work

a)  A Permit to Work is required for a number of high risk activities associated with Confined Spaces, Hot Work and Work at Height – see the Table 1 below for details of intended use.

b)  The maximum duration for a Permit to Work is one working day/shift. If the work continues into the next day/shift, a new Permit to Work will be issued.

c)  The Anglian Water Permit to Work writer/issuer will monitor the permitted job and must close the permit down at the end of the working day/shift or expiry time specified on the Permit.

2.  Isolation Permit / Certificate

a)  “Isolation Certificates” are required where asset / plant / machinery isolation is required for safe working, where that isolation is not possible or practicable by the person doing the job.

b)  Isolation Permit / Certificate types include electrical isolation, below ground water mains isolation and plant/machinery isolation - see the Table 2 below for details of intended use.

c)  An Isolation Permit / Certificate will be valid for the duration of the isolation.

3.  General Requirements

a) All Permits/Certificates shall be issued by an Anglian Water competent person and accepted (signed) by the person on site in charge of the job for the contractor. Contractors will not be allowed to issue Anglian Water Permits / Certificates.

b) Permits / Certificates will only be issued at the work location and will remain in force until formally signed and closed off by an Anglian Water Permit writer.

c) All unsupervised contractor work on our sites will require a site/asset access authorisation. This will be issued on a site by site basis or may cover a number of sites. A site/asset access authorisation is NOT a Permit to Work for high risk activities or an Isolation Permit / Certificate for isolation purposes.

a)  If you are unsure whether a Permit is required please ask before you start work.

b)  Contractors own safe systems of work may include the provision for using a Permit to Work system. This will be separate to the Anglian Water Permit system as described above. As such, you should have your own systems for ensuring the adequacy of the permits and the competency of those writing, issuing, monitoring and closing off permits.

Table 1 - Permit to Work Types

Permit / Requirement /
Confined Spaces / 1.  NC3 where person cannot stay attached to a vertical winch at all times) or
2.  for NC4 confined spaces the safety team must be contacted to agree safe system of work
Work at Height / 1.  any work on unprotected roofs with a drop of 1.5 metres or more
2.  any work on fragile roofs or with unprotected skylights/windows
Steam Raising plant / Where steam plant isolation is required for safe working by in-house and third parties doing the work on the Steam Raising Plant boiler(s), flues, steam & hot water pipework.
Hot works / Hot works is the use of Naked flames, cutting, grinding or welding or other processes which may generate significant heat, where there is a risk of fire or explosion. See below guidance
Hot Works Permit not required – in areas “designated” as not requiring a permit such as welding bays.
Hot Works Permit always required for - High Risk Areas i.e.
·  roof spaces
·  confined spaces
·  within 10m of fuel tanks, gas cylinders and bulk flammable materials
·  DSEAR zones
·  inside (or within 10metres outside) of buildings with combustible construction including combustible insulation
Risk assessment required
For hot work not covered by the above sections, a Risk Assessment must be completed. Suitable controls must be put in place. If the residual risk is anything other than “low”, then a Hot Works Permit is required.

Table 2 – Isolation Permit / Certificate Types

Isolation Permit / certificate / Intended use: /
Electrical Isolation / ·  for work on multiple supply situations, including fixed and mobile generators, where a single point of isolation cannot be defined. This applies to work carried out by Anglian Water electricians and contractors
·  where the point of isolation isn’t clearly defined
·  High Voltage (1000v AC or 1500 volts DC) intrusive work (intrusive work does NOT include switching operations). See Work Instruction 04 – Accessing HV areas for further information
·  when supply needs to be fully isolated and made safe for:
1.  the protection of emergency services (for example fire services before operating water hoses)
2.  work involving demolition where electrical equipment (including cables) is present.
Electrical contractors do not require an electrical permit (except as defined above) as they shall be in control of their own isolations.
Below ground water mains and sewage rising mains isolation / Water mains:
·  for work on below ground pressurised water mains requiring the full (note - not required for part isolation) isolation of the flow in order for work to be safely undertaken. This ensures that where required water mains are isolated before work starts.
·  for returning water mains to full pressure (including those that have been throttled back or pressure reduced by valve operation). Importantly, this part of the isolation permit/certificate ensures that people are clear of any danger area before the asset is re-pressurised
WW – Sewage rising mains:
Note: for work on sewage rising mains, the contractor will carry out their own isolation. The Anglian Water Technician will attend site to identify the correct isolation point(s) for the rising main. Contractor’s representative will isolate the rising main pumps with own padlock/hasp and affix signage at the isolation points and on entrance to control room. An example of signage is given in Appendix 1.
Plant/ Machinery Isolation / ·  where steam/power/flow/hydraulic/mechanical isolation is required for safe working of third parties doing the work
·  where personnel don’t have the competence to safely isolate the equipment they are working on (e.g. a contractor fitting guards onto a reciprocating rake)

Appendix 1 – An example Contractor Isolation Signage for Sewage Rising Mains

Revision: Aug 2017 / Page 1 of 4
This document was printed on 27-Aug-14. May be uncontrolled if printed.