Paul D. Soloway, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae


Cornell University

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Division of Nutritional Sciences

211 Weill Hall

Ithaca, NY 14853-6301

Phone: 607-254-6444




Birthplace:Boston, MA



1975-1979 Cornell University, Dept. of Biochemistry, Ithaca, NY; BA Awarded 1979

1981 Purdue University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, W. Lafayette, IN

1982-1984 SUNY Stonybrook, Dept. of Microbiology, Stonybrook, NY

1984-1989 Princeton University, Dept. of Molecular Biology, Princeton, NJ;
Thomas E. Shenk, Advisor; Ph.D. Awarded 1989

1989-1990Post-doctoral Fellow, MIT, Dept. of Biology, Cambridge, MA;
Malcolm Gefter, Advisor

1990-1994Post-doctoral Fellow, Whitehead Institute, Cambridge, MA;

Rudolf Jaenisch, Advisor


1979-1981Lab Technician, Cornell University, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Ithaca, NY

1994-1998Cancer Research Scientist III, Assistant Member, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY

1998-1999Cancer Research Scientist IV, Assistant Member, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY

1999-2002Cancer Research Scientist IV, Associate Member, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology; Director, Transgenic and Gene Targeting Facility, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY

2002-2005Adjunct Member, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY

2002-2005Associate Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY

2005-pres.Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY


Original Reports

1. Watanabe, T., S. Tomizawa, K. Mitsuya, Y. Totoki, Y. Yamamoto, S. Kuramochi-Miyagawa, N. Iida, Y. Hoki, P.J. Murphy, A. Toyoda, K. Gotoh, H. Hiura, T. Arima, A. Fujiyama, T. Sado, T. Shibata, T. Nakano, H. Lin, K. Ichiyanagi, P.D. Soloway, and H. Sasaki, Role for piRNAs and noncoding RNA in de novo DNA methylation of the imprinted mouse Rasgrf1 locus. Science, 2011. 332(6031): p. 848-52

2. Park, Y.-J., H. Herman, Y. Gao, A.M. Lindroth, B.Y. Hu, and P.D. Soloway, Sequences sufficient for reprogramming imprinted germ-line DNA methylation defined In Revision, PLoS One, 2011

3. Drake, N.M., L.M. Devito, T.A. Cleland, and P.D. Soloway, Imprinted Rasgrf1 expression in neonatal mice affects olfactory learning and memory. Genes Brain Behav, 2011. 10: p. 392-403

4. Wang, X., P.D. Soloway, and A.G. Clark, Paternally biased X inactivation in mouse neonatal brain. Genome Biol, 2010. 11(7): p. R79

5. Kandalam, V., R. Basu, T. Abraham, X. Wang, P.D. Soloway, D.M. Jaworski, G.Y. Oudit, and Z. Kassiri, TIMP2 Deficiency Accelerates Adverse Post-Myocardial Infarction Remodeling Because of Enhanced MT1-MMP Activity Despite Lack of MMP2 Activation. Circ Res, 2010. 106(4): p. 796-808

6. Cipriany, B.R., R. Zhao, P.J. Murphy, S.L. Levy, C.P. Tan, H.G. Craighead, and P.D. Soloway, Single Molecule Epigenetic Analysis in a Nanofluidic Channel. Anal Chem, 2010. 82: p. 2480–2487

7. Brideau, C.M., K.P. Kauppinen, R. Holmes, and P.D. Soloway, A Non-Coding RNA Within the Rasgrf1 Locus in Mouse Is Imprinted and Regulated by Its Homologous Chromosome in Trans. PLoS ONE, 2010. 5(11): p. e13784

8. Brideau, C.M., K.E. Eilertson, J.A. Hagarman, C.D. Bustamante, and P.D. Soloway, Successful Computational Prediction of Novel Imprinted Genes From Epigenomic Features. Mol Cell Biol, 2010. 30(13): p. 3357–3370

9. Fasano, S., A. D'Antoni, P.C. Orban, E. Valjent, E. Putignano, H. Vara, T. Pizzorusso, M. Giustetto, B. Yoon, P. Soloway, R. Maldonado, J. Caboche, and R. Brambilla, Ras-guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 1 (Ras-GRF1) controls activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling in the striatum and long-term behavioral responses to cocaine. Biol Psychiatry, 2009. 66(8): p. 758-68

10. Drake, N.M., Y.J. Park, A.S. Shirali, T.A. Cleland, and P.D. Soloway, Imprint switch mutations at Rasgrf1 support conflict hypothesis of imprinting and define a growth control mechanism upstream of IGF1. Mamm Genome, 2009. 20(9-10): p. 654-63

11. Wang, X., Q. Sun, S.D. McGrath, E.R. Mardis, P.D. Soloway, and A.G. Clark, Transcriptome-wide identification of novel imprinted genes in neonatal mouse brain. PLoS ONE, 2008. 3(12): p. e3839

12. Lluri, G., G.D. Langlois, P.D. Soloway, and D.M. Jaworski, Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) regulates myogenesis and beta1 integrin expression in vitro. Exp Cell Res, 2008. 314(1): p. 11-24

13. Lindroth, A.M., Y.J. Park, C.M. McLean, G.A. Dokshin, J.M. Persson, H. Herman, D. Pasini, X. Miro, M.E. Donohoe, J.T. Lee, K. Helin, and P.D. Soloway, Antagonism between DNA and H3K27 Methylation at the Imprinted Rasgrf1 Locus. PLoS Genetics, 2008. 4(8): p. e1000145

14. Slape, C., Y.J. Chung, P.D. Soloway, L. Tessarollo, and P.D. Aplan, Mouse embryonic stem cells that express a NUP98-HOXD13 fusion protein are impaired in their ability to differentiate and can be complemented by BCR-ABL. Leukemia, 2007. 21(6): p. 1239-48

15. Soloway, P.D., Gene nutrient interactions and evolution. Nutr Rev, 2006. 64(5 Pt 2): p. S52-4; discussion S72-91

16. Soloway, P.D., Paramutable Possibilities. Nature, 2006. 441: p. 413-414

17. Lluri, G., G.D. Langlois, B. McClellan, P.D. Soloway, and D.M. Jaworski, Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) regulates neuromuscular junction development via a beta1 integrin-mediated mechanism. J Neurobiol, 2006. 66(12): p. 1365-1377

18. Jaworski, D.M., P. Soloway, J. Caterina, and W.A. Falls, Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2(TIMP-2)-deficient mice display motor deficits. J Neurobiol, 2006. 66(1): p. 82-94

19. Holmes, R. and P.D. Soloway, Regulation of imprinted DNA methylation. Cytogenet Genome Res, 2006. 113(1-4): p. 122-9

20. Holmes, R., Y. Chang, and P.D. Soloway, Timing and Sequence Requirements Defined for Embryonic Maintenance of Imprinted DNA Methylation at Rasgrf1. Mol Cell Biol, 2006. 26(24): p. 9564-70

21. English, J.L., Z. Kassiri, I. Koskivirta, S.J. Atkinson, M. Di Grappa, P.D. Soloway, H. Nagase, E. Vuorio, G. Murphy, and R. Khokha, Individual Timp deficiencies differentially impact pro-MMP-2 activation. J Biol Chem, 2006. 281(15): p. 10337-46

22. Crocker, S.J., J.K. Whitmire, R.F. Frausto, P. Chertboonmuang, P.D. Soloway, J.L. Whitton, and I.L. Campbell, Persistent macrophage/microglial activation and myelin disruption after experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1-deficient mice. Am J Pathol, 2006. 169(6): p. 2104-16

23. Chaillan, F.A., S. Rivera, E. Marchetti, J. Jourquin, Z. Werb, P.D. Soloway, M. Khrestchatisky, and F.S. Roman, Involvement of tissue inhibition of metalloproteinases-1 in learning and memory in mice. Behav Brain Res, 2006. 173: p. 191-198

24. Yoon, B.-J., H. Herman, B. Hu, Y.J. Park, A.M. Lindroth, A. Bell, A.G. West, Y. Chang, A. Stablewski, J.C. Piel, D.I. Loukinov, V. Lobanenkov, and P.D. Soloway, Rasgrf1 Imprinting is Regulated by a CTCF-dependent Methylation-Sensitive Enhancer Blocker. Mol Cell Biol, 2005. 25(24): p. 11184–11190

25. Ogier, C., R. Creidy, J. Boucraut, P.D. Soloway, M. Khrestchatisky, and S. Rivera, Astrocyte reactivity to Fas activation is attenuated in TIMP-1 deficient mice: an in vitro study. BMC Neurosci, 2005. 6(1): p. 68

26. Mohammed, F.F., C.J. Pennington, Z. Kassiri, J.S. Rubin, P.D. Soloway, U. Ruther, D.R. Edwards, and R. Khokha, Metalloproteinase inhibitor TIMP-1 affects hepatocyte cell cycle via HGF activation in murine liver regeneration. Hepatology, 2005. 41(4): p. 857-67

27. Lee, M.M., B.J. Yoon, K. Osiewicz, M. Preston, B. Bundy, A.M. van Heeckeren, Z. Werb, and P.D. Soloway, Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 regulates resistance to infection. Infect Immun, 2005. 73(1): p. 661-5

28. Kim, K.H., K. Burkhart, P. Chen, C.W. Frevert, J. Randolph-Habecker, R.C. Hackman, P.D. Soloway, and D.K. Madtes, Tissue Inhibitor of MP-1 Deficiency Amplifies Acute Lung Injury in Bleomycin Exposed Mice. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, 2005

29. Jourquin, J., E. Tremblay, A. Bernard, G. Charton, F.A. Chaillan, E. Marchetti, F.S. Roman, P.D. Soloway, V. Dive, A. Yiotakis, M. Khrestchatisky, and S. Rivera, Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) modulates neuronal death, axonal plasticity, and learning and memory. Eur J Neurosci, 2005. 22(10): p. 2569-2578

30. Jaworski, D.M., J. Boone, J. Caterina, P. Soloway, and W.A. Falls, Prepulse inhibition and fear-potentiated startle are altered in tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) knockout mice. Brain Res, 2005. 1051(1-2): p. 81-9

31. Zhao, H., M.M. Bernardo, P. Osenkowski, A. Sohail, D. Pei, H. Nagase, M. Kashiwagi, P.D. Soloway, Y.A. DeClerck, and R. Fridman, Differential Inhibition of MT3-MMP and MT1-MMP by TIMP-2 and TIMP-3 regulates Pro-MMP-2 activation. J Biol Chem, 2004. 279: p. 8592-8601

32. Sabeh, F., I. Ota, K. Holmbeck, H. Birkedal-Hansen, P. Soloway, M. Balbin, C. Lopez-Otin, S. Shapiro, M. Inada, S. Krane, E. Allen, D. Chung, and S.J. Weiss, Tumor cell traffic through the extracellular matrix is controlled by the membrane-anchored collagenase MT1-MMP. J Cell Biol, 2004. 167(4): p. 769-81

33. Worley, J.R., P.B. Thompkins, M.H. Lee, M. Hutton, P. Soloway, D.R. Edwards, G. Murphy, and V. Knauper, Sequence motifs of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP-2) determining progelatinase A (proMMP-2) binding and activation by membrane-type metalloproteinase 1 (MT1-MMP). Biochem J, 2003. 372(Pt 3): p. 799-809

34. Wiseman, B.S., M.D. Sternlicht, L.R. Lund, C.M. Alexander, J. Mott, M.J. Bissell, P. Soloway, S. Itohara, and Z. Werb, Site-specific inductive and inhibitory activities of MMP-2 and MMP-3 orchestrate mammary gland branching morphogenesis. J Cell Biol, 2003. 162(6): p. 1123-33

35. Lemaitre, V., P.D. Soloway, and J. D'Armiento, Increased medial degradation with pseudo-aneurysm formation in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice deficient in tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1. Circulation, 2003. 107(2): p. 333-8.

36. Herman, H., M. Lu, M. Anggraini, A. Sikora, Y. Chang, B.J. Yoon, and P.D. Soloway, Trans allele methylation and paramutation-like effects in mice. Nat Genet, 2003. 34(2): p. 199-202

37. Appenheimer, M.M., R.Y. Huang, E.V. Chandrasekaran, M. Dalziel, Y.P. Hu, P.D. Soloway, S.A. Wuensch, K.L. Matta, and J.T. Lau, Biologic contribution of P1 promoter-mediated expression of ST6Gal I sialyltransferase. Glycobiology, 2003. 13(8): p. 591-600

38. Yoon, B.J., H. Herman, A. Sikora, L.T. Smith, C. Plass, and P.D. Soloway, Regulation of DNA methylation of Rasgrf1. Nat Genet, 2002. 30(1): p. 92-6

39. Plass, C. and P.D. Soloway, DNA methylation, imprinting and cancer. Eur J Hum Genet, 2002. 10(1): p. 6-16

40. Knauper, V., L. Bailey, J.R. Worley, P. Soloway, M.L. Patterson, and G. Murphy, Cellular activation of proMMP-13 by MT1-MMP depends on the C-terminal domain of MMP-13. FEBS Lett, 2002. 532(1-2): p. 127-30

41. Fitzpatrick, G.V., P.D. Soloway, and M.J. Higgins, Regional loss of imprinting and growth deficiency in mice with a targeted deletion of KvDMR1. Nat Genet, 2002. 32: p. 426 - 431

42. de la Puente, A., J. Hall, Y.Z. Wu, G. Leone, J. Peters, B.J. Yoon, P. Soloway, and C. Plass, Structural characterization of Rasgrf1 and a novel linked imprinted locus. Gene, 2002. 291(1-2): p. 287-97

43. Yamada, E., T. Tobe, H. Yamada, N. Okamoto, D.J. Zack, Z. Werb, P.D. Soloway, and P.A. Campochiaro, TIMP-1 promotes VEGF-induced neovascularization in the retina. Histol Histopathol, 2001. 16(1): p. 87-97

44. Vaillant, B., M.G. Chiaramonte, A.W. Cheever, P.D. Soloway, and T.A. Wynn, Regulation of hepatic fibrosis and extracellular matrix genes by the th response: new insight into the role of tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases. J Immunol, 2001. 167(12): p. 7017-26

45. Morrison, C.J., G.S. Butler, H.F. Bigg, C.R. Roberts, P.D. Soloway, and C.M. Overall, Cellular activation of MMP-2 (gelatinase A) by MT2-MMP occurs via a TIMP-2-independent pathway. J Biol Chem, 2001. 276(50): p. 47402-10

46. Kim, H., T. Oda, J. Lopez-Guisa, D. Wing, D.R. Edwards, P.D. Soloway, and A.A. Eddy, TIMP-1 deficiency does not attenuate interstitial fibrosis in obstructive nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2001. 12(4): p. 736-48

47. Johnson, M.T., S. Mahmood, S.L. Hyatt, H.S. Yang, P.D. Soloway, R.W. Hanson, and M.S. Patel, Inactivation of the murine pyruvate dehydrogenase (Pdha1) gene and its effect on early embryonic development. Mol Genet Metab, 2001. 74(3): p. 293-302

48. Ho, A.T., E.B. Voura, P.D. Soloway, K.L. Watson, and R. Khokha, MMP inhibitors augment fibroblast adhesion through stabilization of focal adhesion contacts and up-regulation of cadherin function. J Biol Chem, 2001. 276(43): p. 40215-24

49. Hernandez-Barrantes, S., Y. Shimura, P.D. Soloway, Q.A. Sang, and R. Fridman, Differential roles of TIMP-4 and TIMP-2 in pro-MMP-2 activation by MT1-MMP. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2001. 281(1): p. 126-30

50. Coussens, L.M., S.D. Shapiro, P.D. Soloway, and Z. Werb, Models for gain-of-function and loss-of-function of MMPs. Transgenic and gene targeted mice. Methods Mol Biol, 2001. 151: p. 149-79

51. Bigg, H.F., C.J. Morrison, G.S. Butler, M.A. Bogoyevitch, Z. Wang, P.D. Soloway, and C.M. Overall, Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-4 inhibits but does not support the activation of gelatinase A via efficient inhibition of membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase. Cancer Res, 2001. 61(9): p. 3610-8

52. Wang, Z., R. Juttermann, and P.D. Soloway, TIMP-2 is required for efficient activation of proMMP-2 in vivo. J Biol Chem, 2000. 275(34): p. 26411-5

53. Toth, M., M.M. Bernardo, D.C. Gervasi, P.D. Soloway, Z. Wang, H.F. Bigg, C.M. Overall, Y.A. DeClerck, H. Tschesche, M.L. Cher, S. Brown, S. Mobashery, and R. Fridman, Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-2 acts synergistically with synthetic matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors but not with TIMP-4 to enhance the (Membrane type 1)-MMP-dependent activation of pro-MMP-2. J Biol Chem, 2000. 275(52): p. 41415-23

54. Roten, L., S. Nemoto, J. Simsic, M.L. Coker, V. Rao, S. Baicu, G. Defreyte, P.J. Soloway, M.R. Zile, and F.G. Spinale, Effects of gene deletion of the tissue inhibitor of the matrix metalloproteinase-type 1 (TIMP-1) on left ventricular geometry and function in mice. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 2000. 32(1): p. 109-20

55. Pozzi, A., P.E. Moberg, L.A. Miles, S. Wagner, P. Soloway, and H.A. Gardner, Elevated matrix metalloprotease and angiostatin levels in integrin alpha 1 knockout mice cause reduced tumor vascularization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2000. 97(5): p. 2202-7

56. Osiewicz, K., M.J. Preston, G.B. Pier, and P.D. Soloway, Elevated Antibacterial Activity in TIMP-1-deficient Mice, in Tissue Inhibitors in Development and Disease, S.P. Hawkes, D.R. Edwards, and R. Khokha, Editors. 2000, Harwood Academic Publishers: Amsterdam. p. 159-162.

57. Eddy, A.A., H. Kim, J. Lopez-Guisa, T. Oda, and P.D. Soloway, Interstitial fibrosis in mice with overload proteinuria: deficiency of TIMP-1 is not protective. Kidney Int, 2000. 58(2): p. 618-28

58. Wang, Z. and P.D. Soloway, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 perform different functions in vivo. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1999. 878: p. 519-21

59. Osiewicz, K., M. McGarry, and P.D. Soloway, Hyper-resistance to infection in TIMP-1-deficient mice is neutrophil dependent but not immune cell autonomous. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1999. 878: p. 494-6

60. Lijnen, H.R., P. Soloway, and D. Collen, Tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 impairs arterial neointima formation after vascular injury in mice. Circ Res, 1999. 85(12): p. 1186-91

61. Campochiaro, P.A., P. Soloway, S.J. Ryan, and J.W. Miller, The pathogenesis of choroidal neovascularization in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Mol Vis, 1999. 5: p. 34

62. Nothnick, W.B., P.D. Soloway, and T.E. Curry, Jr., Pattern of messenger ribonucleic acid expression of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) during testicular maturation in male mice lacking a functional TIMP-1 gene. Biol Reprod, 1998. 59(2): p. 364-70

63. Nothnick, W.B. and P.D. Soloway, Novel implications in the development of endometriosis: biphasic effect of macrophage activation on peritoneal tissue expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1. Am J Reprod Immunol, 1998. 40(5): p. 364-9

64. d'Audiffret, A., P. Soloway, R. Saadeh, C. Carty, P. Bush, J.J. Ricotta, and M. Dryjski, Endothelial dysfunction following thrombolysis in vitro. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 1998. 16(6): p. 494-500

65. Nothnick, W.B., P. Soloway, and T.E. Curry, Jr., Assessment of the role of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) during the periovulatory period in female mice lacking a functional TIMP-1 gene. Biol Reprod, 1997. 56(5): p. 1181-8

66. Soloway, P.D., C.M. Alexander, Z. Werb, and R. Jaenisch, Targeted mutagenesis of Timp-1 reveals that lung tumor invasion is influenced by Timp-1 genotype of the tumor but not by that of the host. Oncogene, 1996. 13(11): p. 2307-14

67. Carty, C.S., P.D. Soloway, S. Kayastha, J. Bauer, B. Marsan, J.J. Ricotta, and M. Dryjski, Nicotine and cotinine stimulate secretion of basic fibroblast growth factor and affect expression of matrix metalloproteinases in cultured human smooth muscle cells. J Vasc Surg, 1996. 24(6): p. 927-34; discussion 934-5

68. Soloway, P., S. Fish, H. Passmore, M. Gefter, R. Coffee, and T. Manser, Regulation of the immune response to peptide antigens: differential induction of immediate-type hypersensitivity and T cell proliferation due to changes in either peptide structure or major histocompatibility complex haplotype. J Exp Med, 1991. 174(4): p. 847-58

69. Kamradt, T., P.D. Soloway, D.L. Perkins, and M.L. Gefter, Pertussis toxin prevents the induction of peripheral T cell anergy and enhances the T cell response to an encephalitogenic peptide of myelin basic protein. J Immunol, 1991. 147(10): p. 3296-302

70. Soloway, P.D. and T. Shenk, The adenovirus type 5 i-leader open reading frame functions in cis to reduce the half-life of L1 mRNAs. J Virol, 1990. 64(2): p. 551-8

71. Hasson, T.B., P.D. Soloway, D.A. Ornelles, W. Doerfler, and T. Shenk, Adenovirus L1 52- and 55-kilodalton proteins are required for assembly of virions. J Virol, 1989. 63(9): p. 3612-21

Invited Book Chapters and Reviews

  1. Brideau, C. M., and Soloway, P. D. (2011) Data Mining for Imprinted Genes. In: Engel, N. (ed). Genomic Imprinting: Methods and Protocols, Humana Press
  2. Flax, J. D., and Soloway, P. D. (2011) Methylation on the mind. Nat Neurosci14, 1494-1496.
  1. Soloway, P. D. (2006). "Paramutable Possibilities." Nature441: 413-414.
  1. Soloway, P. D. (2006). "Gene nutrient interactions and evolution." Nutr Rev64(5 Pt 2): S52-4; discussion S72-91
  2. Holmes, R. and P. D. Soloway (2006). "Regulation of imprinted DNA methylation." Cytogenet Genome Res113(1-4): 122-9.
  1. Plass, C. and P. D. Soloway (2002). "DNA methylation, imprinting and cancer." Eur J Hum Genet10(1): 6-16.
  1. Coussens, L. M., S. D. Shapiro, P. D. Soloway and Z. Werb (2001). "Models for gain-of-function and loss-of-function of MMPs. Transgenic and gene targeted mice." Methods Mol Biol151: 149-79.
  1. Osiewicz, K., Preston, M. J., Pier, G. B., Soloway, P. D. (2000) Elevated Antibacterial Activity in TIMP-1-deficient Mice, In: Tissue Inhibitors in Development and Disease, Edited by Susan P. Hawkes, Dylan R. Edwards and Rama Khokha, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 159-162.



1. 9/1/08-7/31/12NIH 2R01CA98596

Direct Costs:$760,000

Title: Epigenetic Control of a Ras Activator

Role: Principal Investigator

Effort: 3.0 months

2. 9/15/08-7/31/12NIH 1R01 DA025722

Direct Costs: $1,000,000

Title: Epigenomic analysis on a nanoscale device

Role:Principal Investigator (Harold Craighead Co-PI)

Effort:1.2 months


1. 1989-1992 Leukemia Society of America Post-doctoral Fellowship

2. 1992-1993 NIH 1-F32-GM015325 Post-doctoral Fellowship

3. 3/1/96-1/31/99NIH 1-R01-EY11279-03
Direct Costs: $339,881
Title: Keratitis: The Role of the TIMPs and IL-6

Role: Principal Investigator

Effort: 45%

4. 2/1/99-1/31/05NIH 2-R01-EY11279
Direct Costs: $943,748
Title: Keratitis: The Role of the TIMPs

Role: Principal Investigator

Effort: 40%

5. 6/1/02-5/31/06US Army DAMD17-02-1-0652

Direct Costs: $298,837
Title: The Role of RASGRF1 in Neurofibromatosis

Validating a Potential Therapeutic Target

Role: Principal Investigator

Effort: 15%

6. 2/25/03-2/24/08 NIH 1R01CA98596
Direct Costs: $1,112,500
Title: Epigenetic Control of a Ras Activator

Role: Principal Investigator

Effort: 25%

7. 4/1/06-3/31/09NIH 1R01 CA120870

Direct Costs:$285,000

Title:Nutrient Genome Interactions Affecting Colon Cancer

Role: Principal Investigator

Effort:1.2 months