The Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held on Thursday 21st
Oct, 2010 at 3.00 p.m. in Graduate Space
Part A - Open Business
1. Sederunt: ( Chair) R. Herron, SP; J. Sangha, VPSA; A. Smith, VPSS;
M. Wilberton, ISO; J. Buntin, WO.
In Attendance: D. Carse, GM; Marie Wilkinson, Clerk.
F. McCabe, Catering Manager;
Brendan Murphy, Head of ICT & Marketing Cordia (Services) LLP
Morven Crichton, Hospitalities Retail Services Manager;
Craig Farquharson, IT Graphics Designer
At 3.20 p.m., a delay due to a technical problem. The SP welcomed the Encore catering staff to the meeting. The Catering Manager introduced his colleagues and the presentation was given. The Head of ICT Marketing, Cordia Services gave an overview of the plans, stating that they were looking to engage with students and use that feedback to enhance the Encore face book site and move forward with the changes planned for the refectory. The Student Executive was asked to put forward their ideas. The Executive members felt the Mystery Shopper, and giving feedback on face book was fine, but having ‘feedback cards’ on trays and tables for the students to complete at the time of their visit would get more results. It was felt that clearer pricing and menus was a must, as was having the menu advertised on plasma screens throughout campus.
The SP stated that he would promote, Encore face book site, via the All Student Email and through links on the S.A. website.
The Catering Manager apologised that the take away service at Café Roots had been delayed and hoped that the situation would be resolved soon.
The SP thanked the Catering Manager for the presentation and his commitment to providing the catering for the Alister Boyd Charity Fundraiser and the NUS Demo.
The Encore team left the meeting at 3.38 p.m.
At this time the SP called a change to Standing Orders and the members agreed that item 7, GCU Re-profiling, could be presented. The SP stated that this item was to be discussed under Closed Business.
At 3.58 p.m., the SP asked to be excused from the meeting and passed duty of the Chair to the VPSA.
2. Apologies: K. Livingston, VPSD;
No apologies: J. Oliver- Sousa, Campaigns Officer;
E. McLean, Communications Officer.
3. Minutes
The unconfirmed minutes of the Executive meeting held on 30th Sept, 2010. The Chair called a vote and the Executive members were unanimous in accepting the minutes as an accurate record.
4.1 GCUSA Communication Survey
In the absence of the Communications Officer this matter would be carried forward to the next Executive meeting. Action: Communications Officer
4.2 Campaigns Strategy
In the absence of the Campaigns Officer this matter would be carried forward to the next Executive meeting. Action: Campaigns Officer
4.3 NUS National Demo
The VPSA gave a brief update, advising that publicity had been increased and hoped to build on that momentum at the meeting that evening. Many students had noted their interest and 20 students had already signed up and paid the deposit. The SP would give an update at the next Executive meeting.
Action: SP
4.4 Arc Morning Membership
The VPSS advised that he had not yet had a meeting with the Recreation Manager as the RM had still to meet with the Director of Finance. The VPSS would give an update at the next Executive meeting.
Action: VPSS
4.5 Social Space – booking system
(a) SA Study Rooms - Booking System
The GM advised that the plasma screens and wall laminates had been installed in the 3 meetings rooms and that the BASE would be handling the booking system for those areas, by the student emailing The GM advised that the rooms could be booked by students for up to 2 hours at a time.
(b) Social Space
The GM advised that the card swipe system was being installed and had been assured that the Social Space would be accessible to students, up till 8pm, from the coming week 25th October.
4.6 Film Society
The VPSS advised that he and the SIC would be meeting with students, looking to set up the Film Society and was confident that Monday Movies would be showing soon. The WO volunteered her assistance in getting the film society up and running.
{ Clerk’s note: There has been problems with the swipe system, it was hoped that this would be resolved by 1st Nov. }
4.7 Executive Committee Objectives
The GM stated that he had now received all the Executive individual objectives, also the team objective on Internationalising from the VPSA.
Team Objectives
Academic Feedback - led by Campaigns Officer
Goating - led by Communications Officer
The VPSA, Campaigns Officer and Communications Officer would present these SMART objectives to the next meeting.
Action: Comms Officer, Campaigns Officer
4.8 Zone Conference attendance
The VPSA advised that she was to attend the NUS Zone Conference on 26th - 28th Oct, and would give an update, within her report, to the next Executive meeting.
4.9 Allister Boyd Charity Ball
The VPSS confirmed that the preparations were well under way for the Ball, the venue and catering was booked and ticket price had been set at £25. Raffle prizes were still being sought but the VPSS was confident that many more would be gathered before the Ball on the 24th November 2010.
Due to time constraints, the Chair stated that as reports had been circulated prior to the meeting she would pass on individual reports being presented and asked if anyone wished to add to their report or have any questions.
The VPSS wished to highlight the he and the SP had visited GCU London, stating that the campus looked good and their visit had been well received by the few students who had stayed for the afternoon presentation. That whilst representation of GCU London, was fairly limited, the SP had promised to promote them through all avenues available at GCUSA.
The WO advised that she planned to open up the Self Defence Classes to female students that turned up.
6a Defining Information, Consultation and Participation
The Executive members unanimously approved the paper advising that it was clear and concise. The Executive felt they particularly liked the associated diagram. The GM informed the Executive that this would be taken back to the SUEI Group.
6b Executive Committee and Website
The GM stated that he was most disappointed that the Executive had not updated their website pages and were in danger of failing in their remit which was to engage with the students and be seen to be in contact and easily accessible. The GM felt that in order to meet SUEI requirements they must engage with students more and show evidence of their interaction. This could take the form of blogging on facebook or twitter 2 or 3 times a week. The committee members gave an undertaking to be more proactive.
Action: Executive
7. GCU Re-Profiling
This matter had been discussed under Closed Business earlier in the meeting.
8. Key Facts about GCU (paper)
It was felt that the paper had little relevance as the information on GCU was a year out of date, and would have been much more relevant and interesting if it showed as a comparison with other institutions. However, some felt the National information was useful.
9. ELIR Reflective Review
The VPSA advised that due to time constraints this item would be presented for discussion at the next Executive meeting. Action: SP / VPSD
10. Equality & Diversity Audit Action Plan
The Executive Committee were unanimous in agreeing to the recommendations put forward. The VPSA was to ensure that religious event dates did not clash with major events at the S.A. and report back to the GM. Action: VPSA
11. Browne Review
The Executive committee had a short discussion on the Browne review and the direct and indirect impact on Scotland and GCU.
12. CSP attendance Campaigns Officer
The VPSA asked the members to consider the Campaigns Officer’s non – attendance at the 2 remaining CSP meetings of this session. During the discussion several points were noted.
The members were not unsympathetic with the CO’s situation as it was difficult to juggle course work and a part-time job as well as taking on duties of Lay Executive post. However, it was felt that the CO was not fulfilling her remit in representing students by not attending the meetings nor showing to progress any campaigns, as a report had not been submitted to 1st CSP.
The VPSA called a vote:
support the CO non attendance at CSP - 0 votes
not support the CO non attendance at CSP - 0 votes
to defer a decision - 4 votes
Therefore it was felt, as the Campaigns Officer was not present to give content to her situation, it seemed appropriate to wait and discuss this with the Campaigns Officer at the next meeting. This matter would be raised at the next Executive meeting. Action: SP
{ Clerks note:
On Friday 22nd October2010 the Campaigns Officer resigned from the Executive role. }
13. Student Listening Event
The GM was disappointed that no Executive member was co-ordinating students to attend the next Principal Listening event on Monday 25th October. The GM felt that if this situation was not addressed immediately then the opportunity for students could be wasted. The VPSA would speak with the SP and look to remedy the situation. Action: VPSA
14. E & E Purchases
On presenting the paper the VPSA explained the reasons for requesting funds from the campaigns budget and how it would help the SA towards achieving the Silver Award of Green Impact.
The Executive members voted unanimously in favour of releasing £60 towards purchase of a few of the smaller items: Re-chargeable batteries and charger, Snap it off signs and Thermometers.
A discussion on Item 7 of the Agenda was discussed under closed business.
Meeting Closed at 5.05 p.m.
Date of next meeting
Monday 8th November at 3pm, Room NH214