Science: Grade 6


Life, Earth, and Space Science

Content Competencies for Each Standard:

Standard #1: Science as Inquiry

Students will combine processes and scientific knowledge by using scientific reasoning and critical thinking to develop their understanding of science.


Identify steps of scientific method. Science fair project, Using Science Process Skills, x-xvi

Given a question, formulate a hypothesisScience Fair Project , Planning an Investigation R1- R3

Understand importance of lab safety.Safety in Science, xvi

Given and experiment, predict outcomes.Science Fair Project , Planning an Investigation R1- R3

Identify science lab equipment.Science Handbook, Using science tools R4-R10

Follow appropriate safely procedures for lab equipment.Safety in Science, xvi

Use equipment to measure data SI units in a science experiment. Measurement systems R10

Given science investigation, make predictions about results Science fair project, Using Science Process Skills, x-xvi

Verbally communicate, and defend predictions. Science fair project, Using Science Process Skills, x-xvi

Identify relationships among parts of familiar systems. . Planning an investigation, step 1, 2, Investigate further. Draw conclusions share results.

Identify appropriate components of lab report. Using a Computer, Writing lab reports, Making graphs, Doing Research.

Identify relationships among parts of familiar systems.Planning an Investigation R2-R3, Scientific method Outline. Step 4, conduct your test, Step 1, Observe and ask questions

Describe changes in system. Planning an Investigation R2-R3, Scientific method Outline.

Given scientific concept, analyze change within system using model. Planning an invsestigation, step 3. Step 4, Draw conclusions share results.

Compare and analyze results of an experiment; compare results with peer results. Planning an invsestigation, step 5, Draw conclusions share results.

Standard #2: Unifying Concepts of Science

Students will demonstrate an understanding that systems, models, changes, evolution, form and function, and design innovation are the unifying concepts of science.


Use grade-level appropriate strategies to apply appropriate scientific concepts, process, and vocabulary which include the following:

systems, order and organization Concept mapping for each chapter, organizing information

models, evidence, and explanation Science fair project, communicating results, observation of experiment,

change, constancy, and measurement Science fair project, communicating results, observation of experiment,

Evolution and equilibrium Adaptation of Species , balance in niches, ecosytems

form and function Science fair project, communicating results, observation of experiment,

design innovation. Science fair project, communicating results, observation of experiment,

Standard #3: Humans and Science

Students will demonstrate knowledge of human health and the history and development of science, as well as make informed decisions concerning human impact upon environments.


1. Analyze linkages among populations, resources, and environments and predict results of human influences on Earth’s systems.Unit 1-Unit 20. Science in Action, Science technology, and Society (each section of the book has a one per chapter)

2. Analyze the effects of the products, processes, technologies, and inventions of a society on human health, and the integrity of the environment.Unit 1-Unit 20. Science in Action, Science technology, and Society (each section of the book has a one per chapter)

3. Identify major milestones in science from diverse cultural backgrounds and gender that have changed the thinking of the time. Unit 1-Unit 20. Science in Action, Science technology, and Society (each section of the book has a one per chapter)

(For health related competencies, see Health Curriculum.)

Standard #4: Physical Science

Students will demonstrate knowledge of properties, forms, patterns, changes, and interactions of physical and chemical systems.


1. Define matter in relation to its identifying properties (mass, volume, density). Unit E, Chapter 1, Lesson 3, Chapter 2, Lesson 1

2. Construct a model of an atom demonstrating its parts and electrical charges.Unit E. Chapter 1, Lesson 1, Class assignment to make a 3d model of an atom.

3. Investigate the properties of selected elements.Unit E, Chapter 2, Lesson 1,

4. Build an electric circuit, distinguish between direct and alternating current, and investigate the relationship between magnetism and electricity.Unit E, Chapter 3, Lesson 2, Hands on project series and parallel circuits.

Standard #5: Life Science

Students will demonstrate knowledge of characteristics, structures, and functions of life systems; the process, continuity, and diversity of life; and the interactions of organisms with each other and their environment.


1. Identify the five characteristics of living things. Unit A, Chapter 2, Lesson 1 & 2, Unit B, Chapters 1-4, Unit C, Chapter 2, lessons 1-2

2. Analyze the basic needs for life.Unit B, Chapters 1-4, Unit C, Chapter 2, lesson 1-2

3. Investigate basic processes of classification systems relating to the use and development of a dichotomous key. Unit A, Chapter 2, Lesson 1 & 2

4. Compare and contrast the kingdoms. Unit A, Chapter 2, Lesson 1 & 2

5. Compare animal cells with plant cells. Unit A, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Standard #6: Earth and Space Science

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the composition, structures, processes, and interactions of the earth-space systems.


1. Identify common minerals through testing properties. Properties of Common Minerals, `Unit 2, Minerals of the Earth, Chapters 3, Section 2, Identify Minerals, Lab Book, Mysterious Minerals

2. Compare the relative importance of various minerals in modern society.Unit 2, Minerals of the Earth, Chapter 3, Section 3, The Formation, Mining, and Use of Minerals.

3. Differentiate among the processes that shape the earth including mountains, faults, volcanoes, and glaciers. Unit 3, Chapter 7- 9. Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Unit 4, Chapter 10-12, Weathering and Soil Formation, The Flow of Water, Agents of Erosion and Depostion.

4. Describe the formation and features of rocks: i.e., igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.

5. Design and construct a model of a watershed and describe the forces that shape it.

6. Model layers of the earth. Unit 2, Chapter 4, Sections 1-4 Rocks, Minerals Mixtures.