11th Grade Alternate Assessment for Colorado ACT

District Assessment Coordinator Instructions


·  Testing Window: April 1-26, 2013

·  Data Entry on the Data Pipeline Site: April 29-May 3, 2013

This is the last time you will enter 11th Grade Alternate data on the ADE site. 2014 will be in the new data pipeline!

·  For additional information on upcoming training and resources related to the 11th Grade Alternate, etc. check this website: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdesped/AssessmentDisability.asp

Step 1. Username and Password for Automated Data Exchange (ADE).

As the District Assessment Coordinator (DAC), you will need to possess two sets of usernames and passwords to access the Automated Data Exchange (ADE) site:

·  First, the district username and password are the same as those used for any data submission your district does for CDE.

·  The second, your personal username and password, is the same username and password you used for the 11th Grade Alternate Assessment system last year.

·  If you are a new DAC and do not have a personal username and password created for the ADE system, please fill out the attached form and return to Linda Lamirande using one of these two methods:

o  Print form, complete, scan and email to (preferred method)

o  Fax to (303) 866-6767

o  You will be contacted with your username and password

Step 2. Enter the ADE website.

·  Go to https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us

·  Click on the link for “Automated Data Exchange System.”

A window asking for username and password will appear.

·  Enter your district username and password.

Step 3. Select the 11th Grade Alternate Assessment data collection.

·  A. Enter your personal username and password

·  B. Select “11th Grade Alternate Assessment” as the System

·  C. Leave “Choose one if Applicable” in the Collection Period

·  D. Select “2012-2013” School Year

·  E. Click Main Menu button

Step 4. Confirm collection and year.

The next window asks you to verify the collection selection.

·  Select the button “YES!”

Step 5. Choose a task

This screen allows the DAC to select a task. Step-by-Step instructions are given for each option below:

Option A. Enter the data entry website to add or edit student test information.

Step A- 1. Select “Maintain 11th Grade Alternate Assessment Records by FORM submission.”

Step A- 2. Login to the online submission webpage.

·  Enter your district or BOCES code and personal username and password. (Omit any letters preceding the district number)

Note that any field marked with an asterisk (*) is a required field and must be completed to continue.

·  Click on the button

Step A- 3. Find the student in the database, or create an entry for a student not already in the database.

This the SASID/Control Screen. Using the SASID, you will be able to locate students in the CDE 11th Grade Alternate Assessment database.

Note: Save all information you enter while working on any of the demographic and test data tabs.

After saving, click the CLEAR Record tab so that you may enter data for the next student. For best results, please follow the detailed instructions on this screen.

·  Enter the SASID number

·  Click Lookup SASID

If the SASID was submitted for a student in the pre-coded label submission or has already been entered during this submission, the student’s last and first names should appear in the two fields next to where you entered SASID. The field under the Lookup button will read FOUND.

If the SASID was not submitted for a student in the pre-coded label submission and has not been entered during this submission, the field under the Lookup button will read NOT FOUND. No name will fill in next to the SASID.

Step A -4. Enter Demographic Data for the student.

·  Click on the “Demographic” tab at the top of the screen.

If the SASID was submitted for a student in the pre-coded label submission, all demographic information is pre-populated. You will not be able to update this information until the SBD process.

If the SASID was not submitted for a student in the pre-coded label submission, you can manually enter all demographic data. Be sure to scroll down to the end of the page.

Return to the SASID/Control tab and select .

Step A-5. Enter Test Data for the student.

Note the blue content area tabs at the top of the screen. These are the individual content area that corresponds to the student’s test answer documentation sheet.

·  Select one of the blue content area tabs.

·  Using the data collection sheets completed by the test examiner, enter the student response on each of the indicators.

o  Make certain you enter responses into the correlating content area.

·  Enter the Test Invalidation Code.

o  If you select 0 “Student Tested All Activities” but do not complete entering each indicator, the data cannot be saved. All data entry must be complete before selecting the 0 code.

o  If the student did not complete all activities, select another Test Invalidation Code.

·  Return to the SASID/Control tab and hit the button.

·  Repeat Step A-5 for all content areas required for the student’s grade level

Please double check to make sure the student’s demographic data and test responses were entered accurately and saved to the system. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete test administration, as well as an incomplete student report.

NOTE: To err on the side of caution, be sure to return to the SASID/Control screen and Save Record after entering the demographic data and each content area data.

·  It only takes a moment and is much safer!

Step A-6. Clear the screen to enter data for the next student, or exit the website.


·  To enter data for another student, use the button. Repeat the process to enter demographic data and/or content area test responses for each student.

If all records are complete, select

A blank screen will appear. Press the “back” button on your browser to return to the ADE Main Menu (Step 5).

The Colorado ACT results are usually posted in August. When ACT testing data is made available, the 11th Grade Alternate results will also be posted. District Assessment Coordinators will receive an email notification with instructions to access district reports by selecting the following options:

Option B. Run 11th Grade Alternate Assessment reports

Step B- 1. Select Run 11th Grade Alternate Assessment Reports

This report will give information about which students have complete records in the CDE database.

Once selected, a window telling you the report is running will open.

After student test data is entered into the CDE database, responses and independence level scores will be related to Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs). Student performance levels will be reported as

·  Inconclusive

·  Exploring

·  Emerging

·  Developing

·  Novice

Go to option C (below) to view this report.

Option C. Download or View Reports

Step C- 1. Select Download or View Reports.

Step C- 2. Select whether you want to Download or View the report:

§  Student Biographical Data and Indicator Completion Report

Note: An Excel document with the column headings for the report is available. Please email if you need it.

For additional information about the Performance Level Descriptors, access the CDE Assessing Students with Disabilities webpage:


You may wish to print the Performance Level Descriptors along with the Fast Fact document which is also located on this link to assist teachers with using the 11th Grade Alternate results and Performance Level Descriptors for transition planning.

11th Grade Alternate Assessment

District Assessment Coordinator Instructions p. 1 of 10

Colorado Department of Education

Exceptional Student Services Unit

Revised 4-2013