Appendix 4


If the school buildings are insured through EIG, they should be notified whenever any building work using clause 5.4B of the JCT Minor Works Building Contracts with total cost over £100,000 (including fees and VAT) is undertaken or when any other type of contract is used. Additional premiums are grant aidable and the invoice for payment should be forwarded to the DBE together with form PDS, available for download at the DBE website. The premium must be approved in advance of request for payment and included on Form CDBE/FC.

Consultants must:

•Complete the Insurance questionnaire and return to Ecclesiastical Insurance Group when form Approval is submitted to the DBE office. Insurance costs should be included in the professional fees in section 7 and a breakdown of the professional fees included with the submission.Section 5 applieswhen submitting form DFC/Approval.

•Include insurance costs in section 2 of Form VADBE/Approval and complete box C in section 4.

•Notify the insurers of the dates the contractors move onto and off the site.

If schools are not insured through EIG, they should check with their own insurers.

•Submit the invoice to the DBE together with form PDS.The payment will then be made in the normal manner.

•Include the premium on form CDBE/FC final costings submission.

•Ensure any additional insurance is in place before the project commences on site.

When governors only carry insurance for the governors’ 10% liability and rely on Local Authority insurance to cover the remaining 90%

  • consultants must also notify the Local Authority insurers of any capital project.This may result in an additional premium being charged which should be included on forms Approval, DFC/Approval and VADBE Approval.
  • Insurers must also be informed of the 100% non-grant aidable costs on projects