Connecticut Academy of Irish Music
Thank you for your interest in Irish music classes! Please complete this form to register. All classes are 10 weeks and will meet on the following Sundays unless otherwise indicated (refer to “Fall 2017 Class Descriptions”): Sept. 17, Sept. 24, Oct. 1, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov. 19, Nov. 26. There is also a make-up day scheduled for Dec. 3, in the event a class is cancelled due to weather or teacher unavailability. Classes meet at the Wethersfield Academy for the Arts, 431 Hartford Ave., in Old Wethersfield.
Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________
(Last name) (First Name)
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ____________________________
(home phone) (cell)
If under age 18: __________ ____________________________________________________
(student age) (Name of parent/guardian)
(parent phone and email, if different from above)
Classes: Please refer to “Fall 2017 Class Descriptions and Schedule” for details, dates and times. Class times and descriptions are subject to adjustments based on enrollment. We do our best to accommodate all students and usually are able to do this, but a class may be subject to cancellation if fewer than 3 students enroll.
Discounts: Several discounts are available: Register by September 5, and receive a 10% discount on class tuition prices. Also, students who enroll in an instrument class and also enroll in a 2nd group session receive a reduced rate on the cost of the group session. Students who are beyond the absolute beginner level are encouraged to consider a group session -- that’s what it’s all about!
Classes (Please circle your selections) Class length Cost for semester
Absolute beginner fiddle I 45 mins. $250
Beginner fiddle II 45 mins. $250
Beginner Irish fiddle 45 mins. $250
Intermediate fiddle 45 mins. $250
Advanced youth fiddle 45 mins. $150
Beginner whistle 45 mins. $250
Intermediate whistle/flute 45 mins. $250
Beginner guitar 30/45 mins.* $250
Beginner mandolin/tenor banjo 30/45 mins.* $250
Intermediate mandolin/tenor banjo 30/45 mins.* $250
Intermediate guitar 30/45 mins.* $250
Beginner bodhran 45 mins. $85
Intermediate bodhran 45 mins. $85
Songs In the Tradition 45 mins. $250
Youth Ceili band 60 mins. $175
Youth Ceili band (if student’s 2nd class) $125
Tunes with Damien and Jeanne TBD** TBD**
Mixed instrument slow session (Intermediate) 45 mins. $250
Mixed instrument slow session (if student’s 2nd class) $150
*Some students may receive a private or semi-private lesson for 30 minutes
**Please contact Jeanne directly for more information
Initial subtotal: _____$________
Discount for early registration by Sept. 5 (subtract 10%) ____ -$________
Subtotal: ___= $________
Registration fee per family (helps offset fixed expenses) __+ $ 30 _
(No reg. fee for bodhran workshops)
Total amount due: ___= $________
· Please make checks payable to: Connecticut Academy of Irish Music, and mail to: 59 Church St., Wethersfield, CT 06109.
· If signing up for 3 or more classes, additional discounts may be possible - please contact us
· Classes are taught primarily in the traditional method, by ear, so remember to bring a recording device!
· We are not able to offer refunds or make-ups if a student misses a class.
· Questions? Contact Jeanne at: or (860) 810-4852.
For parents of children: There are many nice spots in Old Wethersfield to walk, shop, or grab a cup of coffee. We have a relatively tight schedule, and appreciate your being on time for drop-offs and pick-ups.
Please sign below indicating your permission for your child to participate, and please also indicate whether you give permission for any photographs or video of your child to be used (such as on our website or FaceBook page, or in a brochure or advertisement about the Academy, etc.). We respect your family’s privacy and will not use images without your permission.
(Parent signature)
I give permission for my child’s photograph to be used _____ _____
Yes No
I give permission for video clips of my child to be used _____ _____
Yes No email: