for the work
(PLOT NO.F/64 TO F/70)
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation
Name of work / : / Construction of WBM Road acorss newly developed plots at Chandaka Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar (Plot No.F/64 to F/70).Sold to Sri/ Smt/ M/s. / : / ______
ON PAYMENT OF / Rs.2000/- (Rupees two thousand) . (Non refundable).
Vide Money Receipt / No. ……………………… Dated…………………………..
Divisional Head, IDCO,
I/we undertake to abide by the terms and conditions as stipulated in the detail tender call notice and conditions of contract.
Signature of the Contractor
For Official Use Only:
1. / Total Nos. of Corrections / :2. / Total Nos. of Overwriting / :
3. / Total nos. of interpolation.
4. / Total Nos. of Pages / :
5. / Earnest Money Deposit in shape of / :
6. / Copy of TIN / : / Furnished/ Not Furnished
7. / Copy of PAN / : / Furnished/ Not Furnished
8. / Any other enclosure / :
Divisional Head, BCD-I.
NAME OF WORK / … / Construction of WBM Road acorss newly developed plots at Chandaka Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar (Plot No.F/64 to F/70).ESTIMATED COST / ... / Rs.2.79 lakhs
EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT / ... / 1% of the quoted value.
PERIOD OF SALE OF BIDDING DOCUMENT / … / From 08.01.2007 to 09.01.2007 up to 3.00 PM
LAST DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS / … / DATE – 15.01.2007 up to 5.00 PM by Registered Post/ Speed Post only.
DATE AND TIME OF OPENING OF BIDS / … / DATE – 16.01.2007 at 11.30 AM.
PLACE OF OPENING OF BIDS / … / O/O the Divisional Head,
IDCO, BCD-I, IDCO Towers Annex building,
1st floor, Janpath, Bhubaneswar – 751022.
OFFICER INVITING BIDS / … / Divisional Head,
IDCO, BCD-I, IDCO Towers Annex building,
1st floor, Janpath, Bhubaneswar – 751022.
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Orissa Undertaking)
Phone : (0674) 2542784, 2540820,Fax: 2542956.
E-mail :
Website : /
your power to growISO 9001 & 14001 CORPORATION
No. BCD-I / Civil /8241Dated:- 22.12.2006.
The Divisional Head, BCD-I, IDCO, Bhubaneswar invites bids from the registered vendors of IDCO as well as contractors of PWD / CPWD / Railway for the works as per details given in the table.
Bidding documents and additional copies may be purchased from the office of the undersigned from 08.01.2007 to 09.01.2007 up to 3.00 P.M. for a non refundable fee as indicated in shape of cash or Demand Draft on any scheduled Bank payable at Bhubaneswar in favour of ‘Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation’. Interested bidders may obtain further information at the same address. Bidding documents requested by mail will be dispatched by Registered Post/Speed Post on payment of an extra amount of Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred) only (Non-refundable). The undersigned will not be held responsible for the postal delay if any in the delivery of documents or non-receipt of the same. The intending vendors should produce documents having experience for execution of similar nature of work before purchase of tender documents and along with the valid PAN , TIN and E.P.F. No. The tender documents can also be downloaded from IDCO’s web site i.e. which must accompany the tender document cost as specified in the table in shape of Demand Draft along with the tender drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of ‘Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation’ payable at Bhubaneswar and the above Demand Draft must be purchased within the date of sale of tender paper, failing which the tender will be liable for rejection.
Bids must be accompanied by security of the amount specified for the work in the table below, payable at Bhubaneswar and drawn in favour of ‘Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation’. Bids security will have to be any one of the forms as specified in the bidding documents and shall have to be valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the bid.
Bids must be delivered by Registered Post / Speed Post only to Divisional Head, BCD-I, IDCO, IDCO Tower Annex Building (Back side of IDCO Towers), Bhubaneswar-22 on or before 5.00 P.M. on dated.15.01.2007 and will be opened on 16.01.2007 at 11.30AM in the office of the undersigned in presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives who wish to attend. If the office happens to be closed on the date of receipt of the bids as specified, the bids will be received and opened on the next day of opening of the office at the same time and venue.
The tenderers are required to furnish valid PAN ,TIN, EPF No. & Bid security of specified amount along with the tender, without which the tender will be liable for rejection.
Sl No / Name of the work / Estimated cost. / Bid Security / Cost of document / Period of completion / Range of vendor. / Class of contractor.1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6. / 7. / 8.
01. / Construction of WBM Road across newly developed plots at Chandaka I.E. Bhubaneswar.
(Plot No.F/116 to F/4/1). / Rs.3.57
lakhs / 1% of the quoted value. / Rs.2000.00 / Two
months. / Range above Rs.1.00 lakh & up to 10.00 lakhs. / ‘C’ Class
‘D’ Class.
02. / Construction of WBM Road across newly developed plots at Chandaka I.E. Bhubaneswar.
(Plot No.F/64 to F/70). / Rs.2.79 lakhs. / -do- / Rs.2000.00 / -do- / -do- / -do-
03. / Construction of WBM road across newly developed plots at Chandaka I.E. Bhubaneswar,
(Plot No.B/115 to B/108). / Rs.1.78 lakhs. / -do- / Rs.600.00 / One month. / -do- / -do-
The Corporation reserves the right to reject or accept any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
Divisional Head, BCD-I
Memo No.8242 (8)/Dated. 22.12.2006.
Copy submitted to Chief General Manager(C) / Chief General Manager (P&C), IDCO, Bhubaneswar for kind information and necessary action.
Copy to Divisional Head, BCD-II / Divisional Head, Central Store / Divisional Head, W/S / Estimating Branch / Accounts Section, IDCO, BCD-I for information and necessary action.
Divisional Head, BCD-I
Memo No.8243 (3)/Dated. 22.12.2006.
Copy to Manager (MIS), IDCO, Bhubaneswar for information with a request to display bid document along with the short tender call notice in IDCO web site for downloading.
Copy to Notice Board Head Office / Division Office for wide circulation.
Divisional Head, BCD-I.
Memo No.8244/Date.22.12.2006.
Copy to Joint Manager, PR Cell, IDCO, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action. He is requested to publish the above short tender call notice in two oriya dailies. The proof copy of advertisement is enclosed for further action. The estimate has been technically sanctioned by the CGM (P&C) vide letter No. 19156, dated.14.12.2006.
Encl:As above. Divisional Head, BCD-I.
IDCO, Bhubaneswar Construction Division-I, IDCO Towers Annex building,
1st floor, Bhubaneswar – 22. Telephone – (0674) 2543886.
1. / Validity of Offer / : / The tender submitted by the tenderer shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days (One hundred twenty) days from the date of opening of tender.2. / Scope of Supply / : / Supply of Maxphalt shall be the responsibility of the contractor and the same will be used in the construction after getting the test certificate and approval by the Divisional Head, IDCO. However on request the same may be supplied to the contractor at the prevailing issue rate, if available.
3. / Measurement of reinforcement steel / : / Measurement of reinforcement steel will be done as per ISI standard weight. Nothing extra will be paid for rolling margin.
4. / Testing / All cost of mandatory testing of Maxphalt, Aggregates, Moorum, sand, concrete cubes, metals compaction, moorum compaction, BM & SDBC testing and other construction materials etc. will be borne by the Contractor.
5. / Agreement / On acceptance of tender, the successful tenderer will have to execute agreement with latest addition and alternation made till the date of opening of the tender paper in non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.3.50 and six catridge paper which is to be given by the tenderer to the Divisional Head of IDCO.
6. / The Contractor shall have to arrange water and power himself so as to execute the work as per time schedule. Nothing extra will be paid on this account.
7. / The Contractor has to make his own arrangement for approach road to the work site.
8. / The consumption of Maxphalt will be calculated as per Government of Orissa Analysis of Rate.
9. / The Contractor has to make his own arrangement for keeping Maxphalt in his store / site. Watch and ward is to be maintained by the Contractor.
10 / The Engineer-in-charge or his representative reserves the right to check the store at any time. The Contractor has to maintain a proper stock book showing daily consumption and balance etc.
(Total ten numbers)
- Notwithstanding any other condition in DTCN, No water will normally be supplied by Corporation. The Contractor is to arrange water for the work at his own cost. The Contractor will lay the pipe line net work required for the construction purpose at his own cost. No delay in construction is permissible on the ground of paucity of water. If the water is availed from the Corporation source by the Contractor, water charges will be levied as per prevailing rate and the amount will be recovered from the his bill. Service roads are to be constructed by Contractor at his own cost.
- No time extension will be granted on the ground of scarcity of water, communication, material and machinery etc.
- The responsibility to locate Govt. approved quarry and burrow area lies with the Contractor.
- Wherever levels are to be taken it will be the responsibility of Contractor to get the same done through concerned Junior Engineer and checked by the Assistant Engineer.
- The Contractor will submit a detailed programme of completion of work with methodology for execution of each item of work at the time of execution of agreement.
6.All machineries will be arranged by the Contractor at his own cost in proper time.
7.The Contractor shall abide by the relevant Act like Minimum wages, Employees Provident Fund, ESI etc. and Rules and Regulations in force of the state of Orissa from time to time for the labour employed in construction work. The contractor shall be fully and solely responsible for any compensation/ fine that may be imposed for violation of the said Rules/Regulations/Act.
8. For any bad quality of work the amount of award given by any consumer court/ judicial court will be recovered from the executing Contractor.
9.Where the agreement rates are more than 25% of the estimated rate, no extra quantity beyond the agreement quantity should be executed without the prior written approval of competent authority of IDCO.
10. Additional performance security shall be deposited by the successful bidder when the bid amount is seriously unbalanced i.e. less than the estimated cost by more than 10%. In such an event the successful bidder will deposit the additional performance security to the amount of the differential cost of the bid amount and 90% of the estimated cost in shape of Bank draft or Bank Guarantee of any nationalized Bank.
11.For any additional quantities up to 25% on any item, the Contractor will be paid at the approved tender rate.
Materials of following specification are to be used in the work. The tenderer are expected to posses and be well conversant with the following I.S. Standard and Code Practice.
1) / Cement / : / IS: 269/1989 & 455/1989(However the grade of cement to be selected by the Engineer-in-charge of work and sample cube test before commencement of work in each batch.)
2) / Steel / : / I.S: 432/1982 (Part-1&2) and 1786/1985
3) / Vibrator / : / I.S: 7246/1974
4) / Aggregate / : / I.S: 383/1970 - IS: 515/1959
5) / Water for mixing & curing / : / Shall be clean, free from injurious amount of oil, salt, acid, vegetable materials and other substances harmful to concrete conforming to IS: 456/2000 and IS: 3023/1965
6) / Sand/ fine aggregate / : / IS : 2116/1980
7) / Binding Wire / : / IS: 280/1978 (galvanised minimum 1mm.)
8) / Rain Water Pipe / : / IS: 2527/1984
9) / Construction Joint / : / IS: 3414/1968
10) / Steel Window Frame / : / IS: 1038/1983
11) / Steel Door Frame / : / IS: 4351/ 1976
12) / Fitting and fixtures for joinery works / : / Conforming to IS: 7452/82 strictly conform to IS specification and as per direction of Engineer -in-charge.
For road work (approach road) specification as per road & bridges (latest edition) published by I.R.C. and MOS&T shall be followed. In case of any doubt and absence of provision regarding specification I.S. shall be referred. (Indian Standard). The latest version of the BIS code shall be followed.
1. / Drawings and specifications:The contractor after the award of the contract and on signing the agreement shall be furnished free of cost two copies of each of the drawings, specifications, descriptive schedules and other details necessary for execution of work. All further drawings and details as may be prepared by the department/ consultant from time to time for reasonable development of the work described in the contract documents and reasonably necessary to explain and amplify the contract drawings and to enable the contractor to execute and complete the work shall also be supplied in duplicate to the contractor free of cost.
Any further copies of such drawings required by the contractor shall be paid for by him.
The contractor shall keep one copy of all the drawings, specifications, price schedule of items and quantities at work site and the Engineer-in-charge/ consultant/ or his authorised representative shall at all reasonable times have access to the same.
2. / Contractors responsibility:
a) / The Contractor shall provide at his cost every thing necessary for the proper execution of the work according to the intend and meaning of the drawings, schedule of items and quantities and specifications taken together whether the same may be of any not be particularly shown or described therein provided that the same can reasonably be inferred there from and if the Contractor finds any discrepancy in the drawings or between the drawings, schedule of quantities and specifications, he shall immediately in writing refer the same to the Engineer-in-charge/Consultant whose decision shall be final and binding.
b) / Any work done at any time or even before receipt of such details shall be removed / replaced by the Contractor without any expense to owner. If the work is not in order and if so directed by the Engineer-in-charge / Consultant, error, in consistencies in drawings and local conditions effecting the works shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge/Consultant immediately for his decision.
c) / All drawings, bill of quantities and specifications and copies thereof furnished by the department/Consultant, are his properly. They shall not be used on any other work and shall be returned to the Department / Consultant at his request on completion and before issue of final certificate or termination of the Contract.
d) / All materials and workmanship shall be of the respect kinds described in the specification, BOQ contract and in accordance with the instruction of the Engineer-in-charge/Consultant. The contractor must satisfy himself about the same while furnishing samples for approval of the Engineer-in-charge/ Consultant, before incorporation in the works.
e) / The Engineer-in-charge/ Consultant may from time to time cause at his discretion such tests on samples of materials or workmanship of all/any materials and work as he may consider necessary at places of manufacture, fabrication, on the site or at such other places. The expenditure incurred for all such tests shall be borne by the Contractor.
f) / All approved samples are to be preserved by the Contractor in a regular manner in the site office for inspection and verification of the Engineer-in-charge/Consultant or his representative from time to time.
3. / Alteration, Addition & Omissions:
The Engineer-in-charge/ Consultant shall make any variation of the form, quality or quantity of the works or any part thereof that may in his opinion be necessary and for that purpose or if for any, other reason it shall, in his opinion be desirable, he shall have power to order the Contractor to do so and the Contractor shall do any or all of following:
a) / Increase or decrease the quantity of any work included in the contract.
b) / Omit any such work;
c) / Change the levels, lines, position and dimensions of any part of the works and;
d) / Execute additional works of any kind necessary for the completion of the work.
No such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the contract, but the value of all such variations shall be taken into account and shall be added to or deducted from the contract sum accordingly, but no such variation shall be made by the Contractor without prior written instruction from the Engineer-in-charge or Consultant.
a) / The schedule of quantities/ rates shall be deemed to have been prepared and included in accordance with the method of measurement of work set out and as per the relevant specifications or in its absence relevant IS: code of practice.
Any error in the specification or in quantity or omission of any item from the Schedule of Quantities/ rates shall not vitiate the contract but be adjusted by adding to or deduction from the contract sum provided that no rectification of errors, if any, shall be allowed in the contract schedule of rates.
4. / Valuation of variations:
a) / All extra or additional work done or work omitted shall be valued at the rates and price set out in the prices schedule of quantities, and/or derived there from. If in arriving at the contract sum, the Contractor have added to or deducted from the total of the items in the tender any sum either as a percentage or proportion, then the same percentage of proportion shall apply to all items or works in the prices schedule as also for valuation of variation.
b) / If the contract does not contain any rate or price applicable to the extra or additional work, or the rate or price in the priced schedule of quantities has become in applicable in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge/ Consultant by virtues of such addition or omission, then suitable rates or price shall be agreed such rates shall be derived by analysis based on standard schedule of rates of State PWD/ PHD or in case such is not available therein, from any approved schedule with the various elements valued at local market price plus 15(Fifteen) percent towards overheads.
5. / The Offers are also to include:
a) / To supply all materials, labour, supervision, services, supports, scaffoldings, approach road, construction equipments, tools and plant etc. as required for proper execution of all the items of the work as per drawing and specifications.
b) / To provide all incidental items not shown or specified in particular, but reasonable or necessary for successful completion of the work in accordance with the drawings, specifications and schedule of quantities.
c) / Cleaning, Uprooting the stumps, vegetation and old masonry etc. met in the trenches and excavation.
d) / Providing shoring and shuttering to avoid sliding of soils and removal of the same or completion.
e) / De-watering as required and directed.
f) / Excavation at all depths (unless otherwise mentioned in schedule), stacking separately usable and disposal of excess earth and materials from site as directed.
g) / Curing of all concrete and cement work as per specification and direction.
h) / Centering, shuttering as required for all concrete work.
I) / Bending, binding, tying the grill and placing in position, including supply of all materials and labour etc.
j) / To provide water and power required for construction, testing and commissioning.
k) / Testing of materials and works as per specification and direction.