Consignment Forms for the North East Select Miniature Donkey Sale 2018
Farm Name: ______
Names of Owners: ______
Phone #1: Cell ______Phone #2: Cell ______Phone: Home: ______
Email #1: ______
Email #2: ______Fax #: ______
Website: ______
NOTES: Any other important personal information?
Photos & Pedigree to be submitted
Please submit 4 or more photos digitally or send a copy by mail. These must be submitted before this form is to be considered for application. Please send the photos to or . Title the email with your farm name so that we can fish it from the junk folder. You can also text Emily after you send the email at 301-452-1251 so she knows your information/photos are on the way.
Photos: Bite Photo, Right View of whole animal Left View of whole animal, Rear legs including rear end. If you stay on level with the donkey you will get a better photo. (These will be put on the website.)
● Please represent the color of your donkey properly. Dark brown is not black. Red-brown is not red. Crosses need to be noted especially for phone bidders. Roaning and other special features need to be present in the photo. Be as accurate as possible. Buyers appreciate this!
● Show us your best donkey conformation! Staging and stacking your donkey with the help of another person is a good way to get a great photo!
● If your donkey has an unusual characteristic and you want us to post a specific photo of that feature, spot, garters or eye color you can send us an extra photo.
● Please consider that people from all over the world are looking at these photos. We had over 800 hits in one week in 2017 two weeks before the sale. In the past donkeys that had great photos also got higher prices and more bidders. We have many phone bidders. They want to “see” your donkey. Visuals are important.
● If you choose to use photos for consignment and then replace them within 3 weeks of sale time you can. Please let the webmaster know that this is your plan. “Emergency” or last minute photos will not be posted. The website is completed with no more submissions one week before the sale.
● We will not post photos of donkeys standing in mud or dirt.
● We reserve the right NOT to post your photo if it is bad or misrepresents your donkey.
Pedigree requirements: At least one pedigree (both sides) scanned, Xeroxed, emailed, or mailed. IMDR, ADMS, ACOSA, Canadian all count for pedigrees. Once you are juried into the sale you can send the pedigree in advance if you choose.)
Coggins & Health Certificate: Each animal must have their own copy / Xerox copy if there are multiple animals on one paper.
If the registration is not back from ADMS and is pending you need to have a copy of both Sire’s and Dam’s pedigrees and to which registry the paperwork has been sent and the date it was sent.
● If a jennet is in foal please send appropriate signed registration paperwork so the new owner can register the foal. It is tradition for the foal to have your farm name so please put that on the application for registration.
● We will need a copy of both sides of the Sire’s pedigree, health certificate and coggins for the buyer. THIS WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SALE OR BEFORE.
● If there are parts of the pedigree that are covered by photos, please put notes on pedigree by sticky note.
● Please make your check for $100.00 Jennet
○ (Open-bred jennets or jennets with foal will all be charged the same)
● $75.00 Gelding or Jack per donkey to North East Miniature Donkey Association.
● $100 All driving donkeys sold with or without carts
● Consignment paperwork must be in by July 1 by email or posted snail mail.
○ There will be an extra $20.00 charge for each donkey if your paperwork comes in late. (Note: This does not include photos. You can submit photos until July 14th.)
● If you consign more than 10 donkeys, you will get a $25 discount per animal. See Emily or Kim for more information.
We want to make your registration process as easy as possible. You can call/text or email if you have questions. IF there are mistakes please text or email Emily ASAP. It may take 24-48 hours for it to get fixed.
We post the donkeys in order of consignment. If you want your donkeys on the first page consign early. You can submit paperwork April 1.
Consignment Starts: April 1, 2018
Consignment Deadline: July 1, 2018
Late Consignments with $20 fee per donkey: July 14
Photo submissions: April 1, 2018 - July 14, 2018
Registration Name of Miniature Donkey: ______
Check One
Proven Jack ___ / Immature Jack ___ / Weanling Jack (under 1 year) ___
Mature Jennet that has never been bred ___ / Mature Jennet that is barren ___ / Jennet that drives ___
Weanling Jennet ___ (Under 1 year) / Immature Jennet ___ (Under 3 years)
Bred Jennet for a foal in 2017-2018 ___ / Jennet with foal by their side ___ /
Gelding ___ / Gelding trained to drive ___ / Gelding trained to drive with a team ___
Gelding that will be sold with a cart, harness and equipment to drive ___
Registration: Circle: IMDR / ACOSA / ADMS / Canadian & Number #______
Dam’s Registration Number & Name: #______& Name: ______
Sire’s Registration Number & Name: #______& Name: ______
Date of Birth: ______Height in inches: ______or immature (circle)
Bite: ____ On / ___ 1/8” (necessary for Canadian Reg.) / ___ ¼”
Color as noted in registry: ______
Circle: Cross or No CrossCircle: Roaning or No Roaning
Specific Markings: ______
Color eyes: Circle: Brown / Blue Eye Dilute / Ivory Blue Eye / ______
Wooly characteristics? : YES / NO (circle) Wooly genetics in background?: YES / NO (circle)
Circle One: Super Wooly Semi-Wooly Wooly Characteristics: floppy mane/ear-leg hair
Breeding Dates (Start to Finish) ______Expected Due Date: ______
Sire of Foal (registered name): ______
What registry will this foal be eligible for: ADMS/ IMDR/ ACOSA/ Canadian
Has a pregnancy check been done? Y/N
What type: ___ Ultrasound by Vet / ___ Estrone Sulfate / ___ Palpation
Description of the Miniature Donkey for the Catalog: Have fun with this and be as descriptive as possible.
____: Form completely filled out
____: Payment included in envelope
___ : Photos all 5: Bite / Left / Right / Rear
____: Both sides of pedigree or copy of application (Health Certs & Coggins bring with you. A copy for each donkey.)
____: Information completed and on the website