Department: Assembly Communication

Consent for the taking and use of photographic and video images

In order to promote the work of the National Assembly for Wales we often take photos or videos of visitors at Assembly organised events. We often share those images in a variety of ways (see section 3b below) for example on the internet, social media and YouTube. You are asked to complete the below indemnity form, confirming parents or guardians have been fully informed about how we may use their children’s personal data and that you have received written consent from them agreeing to such processing.

Some parents or guardians may not wish images to be taken of their children, or them to be used in certain ways. If you do not receive consent forms in respect of all children attending please let us know (at the bottom of this form), so that we can make arrangements to ensure those children are not photographed/filmed. Parents should be reassured that that their children can still take part in the event if they do not wish to provide consent. If you would like more information about this form please s

In consideration of the mutual rights and obligations in this agreement the National Assembly for Wales Commission (“the Commission”) and ______(“you”) confirm and agree that:

01. You have authority to enter into this agreement and provide consent in the terms set out in clause (3) below on your own behalf, or on behalf of a minor or minors (under 18 years of age) listed in the schedule below, where you are the parent/guardian or head teacher/teacher/group leader of that minor or minors.

02.You warrant, represent and undertake that you have formal authority from the respective parents/guardians to give that consent, where you are giving consent on behalf of a minor or minors as their head teacher/teacher/group leader, and will indemnify the Commission, its employees, agents, contractors, licensees and assignees against all and any liability resulting from the lack of such authority.

03. You consent to:

(a) the taking of photographic and video images (“images”) by the Commission’s employees, agents or contractors;

(b) the use of those images by the Commission in the promotion of its activities and those of the National Assembly for Wales in whatever manner and format it considers appropriate including, but not confined to, its own website, third party websites (including social networking sites), electronic and printed publications and communications, other promotional materials and broadcast media;

(c) that use in conjunction with your own, or child or children’s, personal details including full name (first name and surname), age, class, name of school, unless you indicate otherwise by ticking this box☐

(d) that use even though the finished product may be distorted, blurred, altered, used in composite form or used in conjunction with text or audio, and

(e) that use on the understanding and agreement that the Commission cannot exercise control over the images on third party websites and other media in matters outside its control such as the defacing, manipulating or otherwise altering of such images, or use with other images, text or audio.

04.You discharge the Commission, its employees, agents, contractors, licensees and assignees from all and any liability resulting from all and any use of the images in accordance with the consent in clause (3) above and this agreement generally.

05.You agree that the Commission will own the copyright in the images and you waive any legal or moral rights whatsoever in any of the images taken, and at no time in the future will you seek to assert any rights or make any claims against the Commission, its employees, agents, contractors, licensees or assignees.

06.The Commission will use and manage your images in accordance with the terms of this agreement and within the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.

07.The Commission will not use the images in websites, electronic and hardcopy media it owns or controls in a manner that is derogatory, defamatory, or detrimental.

08. The Commission will not use the personal details or full name (first name and surname) of any individual covered by this agreement in conjunction with any image without your specific consent in clause (3)(c) above.

09. The Commission will only hold and use the images for 5 years from the date you sign this form, after which time it will not use the images for any new purposes without obtaining further consent.

10.You and the Commission agree that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 will apply to Assembly Members so that they enjoy and can enforce the rights and benefits granted under this agreement in the same manner as the Commission(including the general consent to use images, the right to be indemnified under clause 2, the discharge in clause 4 and the waiver in clause 5) where Assembly Members attend a Commission event and take photographic and/or video images in their role as Assembly Members.

You agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement:

Name of group: ______

(For example school and year group, school and class, youth group)

Your name: ______

Position: (choose one of the following)

Head Teacher
Youth Group Leader
Signature: ______
Date: ______

In the event you have not received consent in respect of every child attending, please provide information here so we can ensure those who have not consented can be excluded from filming/photography. Provide additional sheets if required

The Commission agrees to be bound by the terms of this agreement:

Name: ______(for and on behalf of the Commission)
Signature: ______
Date: ______