This form is to be submitted to the Fiscal Office Travel Unit for verification prior to any event where it is anticipated that Ecology will incur costs for room or facility rent, meals, coffee, light refreshments, speaker cost, and other related costs. Do not use this form for video or telephone conferences. Instead, refer to instructions in Fiscal Office intranet pages.
Please provide all information applicable to the event such as contract numbers, etc.
After the event, the responsible person must send the Fiscal Office Travel Unit a copy of this form with a sign-up sheet completed at the event (or a roster of attendees), in order to support any billings to Ecology in connection with the event.
1.Title of event or name of group
2.Date(s) of event Location
3.Vendor/facility name(s) (or attached list)
4.Purpose and objective of event
5.Employee responsible for organizing event Phone
6.Super Index Code(s)/SIC(s) to be charged for expenses
7.Number of persons expected to attend this event
8.Total estimated costs for this event:
a.Travel reimbursement / f.Speakers (Letter of Agreement)b.Meeting room or facility rent / g.Personal Service Contract
(Agreement form w/vendor) / h.Other Costs (such as printing)
d.Coffee / Total Estimated Costs
e.Light refreshments / Ecology share of total estimated cost
Amount to be paid by others
9.Registration fees involved? If yes, cost per person
10.Total anticipated registration fees to be collected
11.Reason why state facilities (if not used) cannot be used, and if to be located more than ten miles from organizer's workplace, why so located
I have reviewed the above information and agree that payment for the costs of this event should be allowed based on the benefits to be gained by the agency. As the person responsible for authorizing expenses related to this event, I accept personal responsibility for any charges deemed ineligible by the Fiscal Office.
Approval Signature (See reverse side for signature matrix) / DateBudget Review/Approval (if needed) Signature/Title
/ DateFiscal Office Review Signature/Title / Date
Registration fees are to be recorded in revenue code
This form is to be reviewed and approved per the following signature matrix:
Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums, Training Events, Workshops
Above $100,000 / Deputy Director and Director$20,001 - $100,000 / Program Manager/Program “A” Manager/Regional Director
Up to $20,000 / Section Manager or Field Office Manager
Coffee/Light Refreshments / Section Manager
Room Rental (no other charges) / Section Manager
If the costs will be charged to various SIC codes that cross programs, the Assistant Director and the Budget Analyst of the program organizing the event (the lead program) will have signature authority where applicable.
Instructions for Completion of Approval Form
1.Reflect the title of the conference or seminar or the name of the group that is meeting.
2.Show the date(s) of the event or meeting, and the city and state where the event is being held.
3.List the name of the vendor or facility where the event will take place.
4.State the purpose and objective of the event (attach memo, if necessary).
5.Name and phone number of the employer to be contacted about the event.
6.Show the SIC(s) to be charged for the expenses of the event. If the charges are to be split to a large number of SICs, attach an explanation and a breakdown of the charges and SICs to be charged.
7.Estimate the number of persons to be attending the event.
Note: After certain events, a roster of attendees must be sent to the Fiscal Office and any charges based on a count of persons must agree with a roster for that portion of the event. Several rosters of attendees may be necessary if different charges on the bill are based on a count of persons.
8.Estimate all the costs to be incurred for the event. Meeting room or facility rent usually involves an agreement with the vendor, which should be submitted to Fiscal along with the invoice. Cost for speakers will be as reflected in the Letter of Agreement or contract. Determine the estimated cost of Ecology's share and the amount to be paid by others (federal, county, other state agencies, etc.). Enter into the appropriate blanks. Please include copies of agreements that pertain to the amount to be paid by others. If Ecology is to pay all costs, enter the total in the blank for Ecology's share.
9.Show the per person registration fee. Contact Fiscal Cashiering to setup a Revenue Code and record this code in the space provided on the bottom of the reverse side.
10.Show total registration fees to be collected, based on the expected attendance.
11.If state facilities are not used, explain why they were not.
Submit the completed, approved form to the Fiscal Office Travel Unit at least 10 days prior to the event.
ECY 010-113 (04/05)1