The University and Faculty common regulations shall apply.

ThecandidatemusthavepassedK.C.S.E.withaminimumofC+orequivalentexaminationatthe grades indicatedbelow: Mathematics(B+), Physics(B+), Chemistry (B), English (B), Geography/ Biology (B). Mean Grade of C (Plain) at KCSE or equivalent with Higher Diploma of credit pass in relevant fieldof study from a recognized institution.


CommonUniversityregulationsconcerning evaluationshallapply.Designunitstobeassessed bycontinuousassessment tests40%anddesignprojects60%.Fornondesignunitsthefinal examination will constitute 70% of the total marks while lab work, continuous assessment tests and assignments will constitute 30%. The pass mark for each course shall be 40%.Assessment of practicalattachmentshallbebasedonstudent’slog-book,reportandsupervisor’sevaluation report. It shallbe gradedaspassorfail.


Anyexaminationinaunittakenbyacandidateasaresultoffailingtheunitatthefirstattemptis asupplementaryexamination.Supplementaryexaminationperiodshallnormallybeattheendof a year of study in which the unit is offered.A candidate who fails in any unit, up to a maximum of four units per semester at the ordinary examination shall be required to sit supplementary examinationsinallthefailedunitsduringthesupplementaryperiodimmediatelyfollowing theordinaryexaminationsinwhichhe/shefailedtheunits.Acandidatewhofailsmorethan halftheunitstakeninanysemestershallberequiredtorepeattheacademic yearandserved with an academic warning by the Dean of the School of Engineering and Technology upon recommendation bytheUniversityBoard of Examination.A candidate who fails a unitatthe supplementary examination period shall be required to re-sit the examination during the next time the unit is offered at the ordinary examinations.A candidate who fails a supplementary examination of any year of study during the supplementary examination period shall not be allowedtoproceedtothenextyearofstudybutshallberequiredtore-sittheexaminationduring the next time the unit is offered at the ordinary examinations


Ifthroughunavoidable circumstancessuchasbereavementorsicknessacandidateisunableto sitforoneormoreexaminationpapers,orisunabletoundertakeessentialpartsofthework forcontinuousassessmentthecandidatemay,ontherecommendation oftheSchoolBoardof Examiners,andwiththeapprovalofSenate,bepermittedtotakespecialexaminationorundertake extra work for continuous assessment. Special examinations shall not be allowed for students sitting for supplementary Examinations.


Acandidatewhodoesnotpassaunitafteratotalofthreeattemptsshallbediscontinued. In

SchoolofEngineering and Technology

this case the three attempts shall normally be as follows: First attempt shall be at ordinary examinations.Secondattemptshallbeatsupplementaryexaminationsperiodfollowingfailureat the ordinary examinations

Third attemptwillbefollowingfailureatsecond supplementaryexaminationswhich willbe takenattheordinaryexaminationperiod.Acandidatewhofailsmorethanhalfoftheunitsof ayearofstudyafterthefirst attemptandsubsequentlyfailsthesameunitsafterre-sittingthe examinations shall be discontinued.

Acandidatewhofailstocompletethefirstandsecondyearsofstudyinthreeacademicyearsshall bediscontinued.Acandidatewhofailstocompletethethird,fourthandfifth yearsofstudyin fiveacademic years shall be discontinued.


To qualifyfor theaward of the degree,thecandidate should have successfully completed of 83 units.Additionally,studentswillberequirestoundertakeseveralindividualandgroupprojects during their 5 years period of study.

UnitCode andTitle

Level 100

UCU 100: Communication Skills UCU 101: Development Studies ECU 100: Chemistry for Engineers I ECU 101: Physics for Engineers I

ECU 104: Analytical Geometry for Engineers

ECU 105: Algebra for Engineers I

EEN 101: Introduction to Energy Engineering

EEN 102: Engineering Drawing I

UCU 103: Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking

ECU 102: Chemistry for Engineers II ECU 103: Physics for Engineers II ECU 106: Algebra for Engineers II

ECU 107: Differential Calculus for Engineers

ECU 109: Fundamentals of Computing

EEN 103: Engineering Drawing II EEN 104: Material Science

Level 200

ECU 200: Integral Calculus for Engineers

ECU 201: Probability and Statistics for Engineers

EEN 201: Engineering thermodynamics I EEN 202: Electrical Engineering I

EMM 200: Computer Aided Engineering Drawing

EMM 204: Fluid Mechanics I

EMM 206: Workshop Processes and Practice II EMM 207: Engineering Mechanics I

ECU 202: Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers

ECU 203: Transform Methods

EEN 203: Computer Programming I

EEN 204: Engineering Thermodynamics II

EMM 205: Fluid Mechanics II

EMM 208: Engineering Mechanics II EMM 201: Machine Elements

EEN 205: Electrical Engineering II

EEN212: Workshop Process and Practice II to be carried out during long vacation

at the endofsecondyear ofstudy

Level 300

ECU 300: Vector Calculus for Engineers

EEN 300: Engineering Materials

EEN 301: Engineering Thermodynamics iii

EEN 303: Pumps and Turbines EEN 304: Analogue Electronics EMM 301: Mechanics of Machines I

EMM 302: Solid and Structural Mechanics I EMM 310: Engineering Design I

ECU 301: Numerical Analysis

ECU 302: Innovation and Entrepreneurship

EEN 305: Digital Electronics and Microprocessors

EEN 306: Metrology, Measurements, and Instrumentation

EEN 307: Energy Resources and Utilization

EEN 308: Computer Programming II

EMM 303: Solid and Structural Mechanics II EMM 311: Mechanics of Machines II

ECU 303: Industrial Practical Attachment I (12 weeks)

Level 400

ECU 400: Research Methodology ECU 401: Project Management EMM 313: Control Engineering I

EMM 405: Energy Storage Systems and Distribution

EPE 400: Heat and Mass Transfer EPE 401: Electric Power Systems EPE 404: Solar Thermal Energy EPE 405: Engineering Design II ECU 402: Engineering Economics

EMM 415: Biofuel Bio-chemical Energy Conversion

EPE 406: Wind Energy

EPE 408: Engineering Project I

EPE 409: Photovoltaic Technology

EPE 410: Power plant Engineering

EPE 411: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

EPE 412: Engineering Design III

ECU 403: Industrial Practical Attachment II 12 Weeks

Level 500

ECU 500: Professional Practice and Ethics EEN 501: Energy Management and Auditing EEN 502: Engineering Project II (2units)

EEN 503: Hydropower Technology

EEN 504: Nuclear Energy EEN 505: Geothermal Energy EEN 506: Petroleum Engineering EEN 507: Safety Engineering

Core Courses

EEN 508: Industrial Management

EEN 509: Coal Technologies

EEN 510: Environmental Impact Assessment

EEN 511: Energy Planning, Economics and Trading


EEN 511: Mechanical Vibrations EEN 512: Solar Power Plants EEN513: Wind Farm Design EEN 514: Control Engineering II

EEN 515: Geothermal Drilling Engineering

EEN 516: Strategic Energy Issues

EEN 517: Solid Fuel Thermo-Chemical Conversion

EEN 518: Mechanical Vibrations