Monday agenda items
- Conference Bags & contents
- Wheelchair access
- Gifts for speakers
- Picking up speakers: Hurwitz & Richardson / Stanley
- Conference Dinner
- Cocktail Reception
- Registration Desk details; noticeboard for changes
- Another last minute email ?
- Chairpersons and notes
- Conference CD
- Email biothetical players
- Book meeting rooms for am and pm meetings
- Opening by David Gardiner: ?? indigenous acknowledgment ??
- Posters – arrangements
- Allmedic Books - arrangements
Conference bags
- Abstract Book
- ABA membership application forms
- ANZIHLE membership application forms (wrong contact details)
- JBI subscription form
- QUT Faculty of Law Newsletter
- QUT Health Law Major information sheet
- QUT August Ethics Lectures flyers
- What to do in Brisbane brochure / other tourist info
- Various maps
- Biotechnology Australia promotional materials
- Pen
- Nametags (with program)
- ?? delegates list
- Minties etc
Mal ParkerMattick (public lecture); Gillett (ABA president)
Lindy WillmottMorgan (plenary)
Lynn GillamHurwitz (plenary)
Colleen CartwrightRichardson (plenary)
Colin ThomsonStanley (Kirby oration)
Cam StewartBiothetical
25 concurrent sessions
Wayne Hall
Anne Farrell
Gail Tulloch
Jennifer Fleming
Ben White
Ian Kerridge
Colleen Cartwright
Peter Saul
Susan Dodds
Rachel Ankeny
Tom Faunce
Margaret Otlowski
Judy Allen
Mal Parker
Loane Skene
Lynn Gillam
Colin Thomson
Cameron Stewart
Julie Letts
Michael James
Grant Gillett
Lindy Willmott
6 PM
- Call to order
- Welcome to Brisbane from the Organising committee
- Welcome to the Conference on behalf of ABA & ANZIHLE
- Official opening: David Gardiner
- Official opening by Professor David Gardiner, Deputy VC (Academic) QUT
- Including indigenous acknowledgment
6.10 PM
- Thanks to Professor Gardiner.
- Theme of the conference: Life, death & human nature: bioethics & biolaw in the 21st century: very wide scope etc
- Nature of the program
- not distinctly ABA/ANZIHLE days, but many overlaps
- Nothing stands still in bioethics
- BMA REVERTS TO OPPOSING EUTHANASIA Members at this year’s meeting voted to reverse the decision by a margin of nearly 2 to 1.
- Health Minister Tony Abbott considers that there have been no scientific breakthroughs which warrant lifting the ban on therapeutic cloning. But PM Howard has softened under states’ pressure.
- Virtue ethicists joke
- We will have substantive issues and methodological sessions, and we anticipate considerable interchange in the spirit of robust inquiry. We do, of course have contingency plans in the event of unacceptable behaviour & other difficulties. For example, if the virtue ethicists look like fogging things up with too much circularity and question-begging, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling. Pull down on the mask, and if you are sitting next to a virtue ethicist, secure your own mask first. That way we should obtain the greatest good for the greatest number.
- Keynote speakers and their overlapping and interdisciplinary fields of expertise
- John Mattick
- Brian Hurwitz
- Ruth Richardson
- Fiona Stanley
- Derek Morgan
- Grant Gillett
- Links to JBI: ABA / ANZIHLE / Otago: refer to later announcement
6.15 PM
ABA PUBLIC LECTURE: Ethics and ideologies in biology and medicine
Introduction to Professor John Mattick
John Mattick is Professor of Molecular Biology and Australian Research Council Federation Fellow at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland. As you can see, he is a relatively young man, clearly yet to reach his peak.
A U Sydney and Monash U graduate, he has worked at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, the CSIRO Division of Molecular Biology in Sydney, and the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Cologne.
But he saw the light, shining from Queensland, some years ago. He was the founding Director of both the Australian Genome Research Facility and UQ’s Institute of Molecular Bioscience.
He was appointed an Officer in the Order of Australia in 2001 and received the Australian Government Centenary Medal in 2003.
His research interest is RNA regulation and noncoding DNA in complex organisms, and he has published articles on these topics in Science, Nature Reviews Genetics, Genome Research, Human Molecular Genetics and Scientific American, among others.
The great thing for us is that John doesn’t just look down microscopes and explain RNA sequences. For 6 years John was a member of the Australian Health Ethics Committee of the NHMRC. He was an expert witness to the NZ Royal Commission into Genetic Modification. And he has spoken at many venues such as this, where the topic of interest has been the ethical and social implications of genetic research and treatment, in short – our conference’s theme - the interface between science and society.
In relation to his own and related areas of research he has commented “We are beginning to understand the molecular and genetic basis of life and the differences between species and individuals”. This kind of statement is sometimes interpreted, wrongly in my view, as suggesting that human nature is all in the genes. As passionate as he is about genetics, he is also passionate about the ways in which language and ideology function in the debates over the relationships between science and society, and it is on this topic that he will address us tonight. I am extremely happy that he is able to be our ABA Public Lecturer tonight. From experience, I know he will combine the primary academic virtues of clarity, passion and rigour.
Please welcome Professor John Mattick.
7.00 PM
- Question time 7pm – 7.15pm
7.15 PM
JBI ANNOUNCEMENT 7.15pm – 7.25pm
- Don Evans absent due to death of his twin brother last week
- Colin Thomson & Grant Gillett (? Ian Kerridge)
- Cocktail reception 7.30pm – 8.45pm STATE OF ORIGIN ON BIG SCREEN
- Directions to Venue
- Corrections to Application forms, if required
- Corrections to program
- Noticeboard for changes
- Room disposition: B117 for all plenaries. Breakout rooms (4) for c sessions
- Morning and Afternoon meetings if required
- Planned so far:
- Thursday morning 7am: Editorial board of JBI
- Thursday afternoon 5.30pm: meeting of teachers of medical law to medical students: Leanna Darvall
- Friday afternoon: AGM of ABA; AGM of ANZIHLE
- Maps in book and conference bags – walks
- Starting time for Thursday: 8.45am Brian Hurwitz keynote
- Speakers & chairs: Matt available at desk / in rooms for IT support
- Stick to same concurrent session to greatest extent possible
- Friday night conference dinner: anyone not prepaid please see reg desk prior to 5.30pm tomorrow
- Posters – plug
- Allmedic books - plug
- Morning and Afternoon meetings planned so far
- Noticeboard for changes
- Maps in book and conference bags – walks
- Paul K: Australian Human Research Ethics Association – those interested could meet. ?? Colin Thomson to speak.
- Breakout rooms: 4 – 223 - 226 / Matt available
- Stick to same concurrent session
- Toilets
- LUNCH – AT ARTISANS (directions)
- ABA MC & ANZIHLE Essay winners – in program
- Conference dinner: anyone coming who hasn’t prepaid, please see reg desk prior to 5.30pm.
- Meeting of teachers of medical law to medical students – room 223
- Any other meetings this afternoon
- Dinner – see Registration prior to 5.30pm
- Meetings tomorrow morning: prn
- Free evening: suggestions
- Start time tomorrow: 8.15am in B117: Kirby Oration – Prof Fiona Stanley
- ABA AGM at 5pm this afternoon in room 223
- LUNCH – AT ARTISANS (directions)
- Dinner at 7pm: River Canteen. Over Goodwill Bridge. TAKE TICKETS
- Plug Biothetical / ABA presidential address / concurrent sessions
- Meetings tomorrow morning prn
- Acknowledge Biotech Australia
- Thank Keynote Speakers – John Mattick, Brian Hurwitz, Ruth Richardson, Fiona Stanley, Derek Morgan, Grant Gillett
- Thank paper presenters and essay applicants
- Thank QUT: Lavarch, Gardiner
- Thank Committee
- Thank QUT Organisers
- Amy Henderson
- Aleisha Caesar
- Christine Gustafson
- Çhris Fyfe
- Others eg IT, students
- Thank Lindy - EMAIL RE The Park.