Course: Wellness & Fitness
Teacher: Mrs Fusco
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Wellness and Fitness Course Syllabus
· Course Description and/or Objectives: This course is a combination of health and physical education classes. The objective of the course is to teach students how to evaluate and engage in an individualized physical activity plan that supports achievement of personal fitness and life skills to promote life-long participation in fitness activities and promote positive health decisions.
Student Behavioral Expectations and/or Academic Responsibilities:
· Cell Phone Use: Cell phones are not permitted in physical education class. They may be used at the discretion of the teacher based on instructional need. Cell phones will be taken and turned in to the office as per the handbook.
· Locker Room Policy:
o Student use of locker rooms and gymnasium is authorized only during designated physical education class.
o Students are expected to provide a lock to protect their belongings during physical education class. All locks must be removed at the end of each class period. All BASH students are responsible to lock their belongings during PE class. BASH will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen items.
o No food, beverages or gum will be permitted.
o Students will be expected to wait in the BEAR GYM at the end of class. Any students leaving through the hallway before the bell will be given a detention.
o All BASH students are responsible to lock their belongings during PE class. BASH will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen items.
· Dress Code Policy:
Students are expected to be dressed in the following attire during physical education class: T-shirt, athletic shorts, and athletic shoes. This policy is for the entire school year.
Consequences of not being dressed for class:
First Step-Warning-Student and teacher conversation
Second Step-Phone call home as a reminder of procedures and expectations
Third Step-1 detention will be issued
Fourth Step- Conference with Student, Parent, Teacher, Administrator, and Guidance
Department Grading Practices: Procedures for calculating grades
· Marking Period Grades:
o Knowledge (15%)
§ Process evaluation, peer assessment/formative assessments, standard proficiency, and quizzes/tests
o Participation (40%)
§ Students will receive a 10 pt daily grade based on the rubric below
· 1 point for timeliness
· 1 point for being prepared for class
· 1 point for positive attitude
· 2 points for effort and participation
· 5 points for the amount of time in the training zone during activities
o Skill (15%): Demonstration
o Fitness (30% of grade)
§ Goal Setting
§ Results
§ Reflection
· Final Course Grade:
Student’s final grade is the average of all 4 marking periods. The student’s End of Course Assessment score will be counted as 20% of the student’s final grade.
· Heart Rate Straps:
Students will be issued an elastic strap that must be brought to class every day. It has a replacement value of $15. Signed Heart Rate Transmitter contract must be on file with respective teacher.
· Make-up Work:
o For every day absent, students will lose participation points for that day.
o Each student will be given 1 day excused for missed class during a marking period.
o If a student misses multiple days of class, he/she may schedule a time to make up the class with the instructor or may stay after school in the fitness center from 3-4.
o School trips may be excused. Always communicate with your teacher prior to missing class due to a school trip. There may be alternative assignments issued.
· Late Work:
o Work completed/submitted beyond the due date for make-up work will be subject to a 10% reduction (from the earned grade) for each day it remains incomplete/not submitted.
o After ten days, students will receive 0% and will no longer be permitted to submit the work.
Be on time: You will have 3 minutes after the late bell to be in the gymnasium
Enthusiasm: Be ready to try new activities and have an open mind to learning
Attire: Be dressed in appropriate clothes for activity.
Respect: Treat classmates, teachers, and any visitors with respect.
Safety: Always lookout for the safety of yourself and others.