2018 Military Leadership Circle
Military Leadership Circle Application
Please fill in the sections below:
Applicant Name:
Branch of Service:
Personal email:
Best Contact Phone Number:
Mailing address:
Current Duty Station:
Current Rank:
Years of Service:
How to complete the remainder of this application:
1. Respond to each section below with no more than 500 words per section. No handwritten applications. All applications must be completed using software such as MS Word.
2. In the footer section after “Applicant number:” enter your first initial and last initial followed by the last 2 digits of the best contact phone number entered above. For example, if Jane Smith had a best contact phone number ending in 1234, she would enter JS34. To edit the footer section, simply double-click in that section.
3. Ensure that both letters of recommendation are dated and signed by your recommender.
4. Once completed, scan all required documents into a single PDF file (ensure the application is followed by your two letters of recommendation). Name that single PDF file as follows: Your application Number – 2018 MLC Application. For example: JS34 – 2018 MLC Application
5. Upload your PDF file at the following secure link:
o https://www.dropbox.com/request/Ln8fX8hiszOvbuObwR84
o The site will stop accepting uploads at 2300 Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Friday 05JAN2018
6. Additional questions? Email .
Note: All new members are required to attend our annual gathering in conjunction with the 2018 Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles, CA from Saturday, April 28, 2018 to Thursday, May 2, 2018. Failure to attend will result in forfeiture of MLC membership. For more information, see our MLC frequently asked questions at http://militaryleadershipcircle.com/frequently-asked-questions/.
Past and current positions held with brief descriptions of each (no accomplishments, please):
ESSAY 1. In your opinion, which issue addressed at last year's MI Global conference will have the most significant impact on the global state of affairs in 2018? Why? You can talk about your relevant military experience here, if applicable, but it is not required. Note, this essay measures your global awareness and intellect.
ESSAY 2. How can the Milken Institute and this program specifically make you a better military officer and leader? Note, this essay measures your professional devotion, enthusiasm and intellect.
ESSAY 3. Name an issue facing the military, at any level or on any scale, and explain a corporate based solution or approach that you believe best addresses that issue. Note, this essay measures your professional knowledge, creative thinking and intellect.
ESSAY 4. Please submit a brief bio describing your personal and professional experiences. Reference other MLC member bios as examples.
Thank you for applying to the Military Leadership Circle!
Applicant number: