Funding Bulletin
Education / Schools
Annex A
December 2016
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Current funding opportunities:
Greggs Foundation - Environment Grants:
The environmental grants programme aims to improve peoples lives by improving the environment. This can include purchase of equipment, sessional salary costs, purchase of trees/plants, small capital projects and learning activities. We are also interested in new approaches and innovative ideas as well as sustainable approaches to supporting your local environment.
Who can apply: Any not for profit organisation can apply, preference will be given to small, locally based and community led organisations with a turnover not in excess of £300,000 per annum. Schools are also encouraged to apply and are given the same level of priority as small locally based organisations.
Funding: up to £2,000
Application deadline: 3March 2017
Further information:
Salix Energy Efficient Fund:
The Salix Energy Efficiency Fund is available for academies and sixth form colleges that have energy efficiency projects that need capital to invest but may not meet the Condition Improvement Fund's criteria. This could include projects such as: Lighting or heating controls; LED lighting and Insulation or boiler/heating system upgrades.
Who can apply: all academies, including those in large Multi-Academy Trusts as well as sixth form colleges.
Funding: The main criteria is that the projects must pay for themselves within 8 years through the annual energy savings. Schools that have a project that doesn't quite meet the 8-year payback but have some capital to put towards it can still apply. For applications for over £100,000 schools will need to complete a business case.
Deadline: 13 January 2017 (3pm)
Further information:
Condition Improvement Fund:
Purpose: The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) provides additional capital funding that academies and sixth-form colleges can apply for each year. Keeping academy and sixth-form college buildings safe and in good working order is a key priority.
Who can apply: Single academy trusts, smaller multi-academy trusts (MATs) and sixth-form colleges
- Primary and special schools may apply for £20,000 to £4 million for each project.
- Secondary schools, all-through schools and sixth-form colleges may apply for £50,000 to £4 million for each project.
- The CIF also supports a small number of expansion projects for Ofsted-rated good or outstanding academies and sixth-form colleges that need to expand their existing facilities and/or floor space to either increase the number of admissions in the main year of entry; or address overcrowding.
Deadline: New applicants must register by 5pm on 30 November. The deadline for submitting applications is 12 noon on 9 December 2016.
Further information:
Education Endowment Foundation:
Purpose: The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has grants available to fund the development and evaluation of projects that seek to improve the educational attainment of children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Foundation will fund projects for the benefit of pupils and schools in England, including early years settings and colleges.
In this funding round, the Foundation is particularly interested in:
- Subject-specific teaching and attainment in secondary schools
- Interventions that aim to improve how teachers mark pupils’ work.
- Interventions aimed at improving literacy outcomes in primary school children, which could be tested in primary schools in the North East.
EEF do not fund projects in one or very small numbers of schools/settings. Their smallest projects have been in 3-4 schools, but are typically in more than 20, and often over 50, institutions.
Who can apply: mainstream primary and secondary schools, charities, local authorities, academy chains, universities, social enterprises and community interest companies.
Funding: Up to £50,000
Deadline: 9 December 2016
Further information:
Wolfson Foundation Secondary Education Programme:
Purpose: Funding is available for capital or equipment projects relating to the teaching of science and technology, languages, music, the arts or libraries. Projects should focus on students taking A-Level or GCSE examinations.
Who can apply: High-achieving state-funded and independent schools and sixth form colleges. The main aim is to support schools with a proven record of excellence. Schools with a clear record of continuing improvement may also be considered.
Funding: Grants do not normally exceed £50,000 for schools or £100,000 for sixth form colleges.
Deadline: There are two deadlines for stage one applications each year: 10 January and 10 June.
Further information: