Rehiyon XII
Brgy. Concepcion, Koronadal City
In response to R.A. No. 10627, also known as the Anti-Bullying act of 2013, and DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2013, Concepcion National High School has finally decided to create the Child Protection Policy to prevent and address the acts of bullying within the area of learning environment. It is the objective of CNHS to maintain a Child-Friendly institution so that children enjoy the opportunity to live in a place where there is learning, harmony and camaraderie. However, due to differences in belief and culture, conflicts are inevitable. To manage the occurrence of these incidents, policies are set to guide the school in its quest to attain the optimum growth of the learners. Furthermore, violators will be given due process and offenses are categorized as follows:
Mild ------offense is incidental and does not cause harm upon the child
Severe------offense is done repeatedly despite of counseling given and
physical and verbal abuses are highly observed
Grave/Serious------offense is habitual and constitutes physical, verbal, and
other forms of abuses
Physical Abuse------an abuse which is manifested through physical
contact such as hitting, slapping or any other
physical punishment which can cause harm upon
the child
Verbal Abuse------malicious words deliberately uttered by any person
whichcause the learner to feel inferior, insulted,
debased, degraded, or ridiculed
Psychological Abuse------Acts that restrict, discriminate and exclude the child
in reference to his/her age, ethnicity, sex, gender,
sexual orientation, status in life, religion, political
orientation, economic and social condition which
cause the child to experience mental and
emotional stress or trauma
Sexual Abuse------Abuses which are manifested through seduction and
touchingthe body parts of the child; a sexual activity
which may either be permissive or non-permissive sexual
- DISCIPLINARY MEASURES (For students offender only)
Mild------counseling (teacher, adviser)
Severe------counseling (guidance counselor, principal)
conference with parents
suspension(1-3 days)
Grave/ serious------Dismissal from school (The child may enroll in the
school again after two years of staying in other schools
ARTICLE I: The Child as a Human Being
Section I - The child as a human being created by God has the
Intrinsic worth and dignity.
Section II -The child has the freedom to enjoy the rights given to
him/her by the Republic of the Philippines
Section III- Any person who violates the rights of the child is
accountable for his/her actions
ARTICLE II: The Child and the Other Learners of the School
Section I - Every child enrolled in school has the right to live in a
safe, friendly and orderly learning environment.
Section II - He/She must live in harmony with the other learners of
the school.
Section III- The child must not experience any form of abuse from
his/her fellow learners
ARTICLE III: The Non-Teaching Staff of the School
Section I - The non-teaching staff of the school, whether directly or
Indirectly, are forbidden to inflict abuses upon the
Section II - They must support the teaching staff in promoting the
holisticgrowth of the learner.
ARTICLE IV: The Teaching Staff of the School
Section I- The teacher shall not exclude the learner to attend to
His/her classes without valid reason
Section II- The teacher shall not hold the right of the child to ask
queries about his/her academic performance if
results give him/her confusion or doubt
Section III- The teacher is a model worthy of emulation. As such,
he/she shall be prohibited from causing forms of abuses which can hinder the holistic growth of the learner.
Section IV- Any form of abuse inflicted by the teacher upon the
child shall be dealt accordingly. In case of serious offense,
The Child Protection Committee shall refer the case
to higher authority
ARTICLE V: The Visitors of the School
Section I- Visitors of the school, whether friends, relatives,
guardians or parents of the child, shall be prohibited to
pull out the child from his/her classes without
approval from the principal or his authorized
Section II- Visitors shall be totally restricted to scold and impose
punishment upon the erring child within the
learning area of the school. The principal, as
personin authority, shall have the right to
mediate if he shall see that the rights of the child are
already violated.
Section III- Inflicting forms of abuses by the visitors upon the
learnershall be considered an offense.
Violators shall undergo due process such as
conference with the Child Protection Committee of
the school. The Committee, after thorough investigation,
shall decide, whether the case shall be turned over
to higher authority.
ARTICLE VII: Effectivity
This policy shall take effect upon the approval of
The Child Protection Committee of Concepcion
National High School, Brgy. Concepcion, Koronadal