Revised, January, 2007


The purpose of Computer Programming II is to continue the structured programming process that you learned in Programming I. You will learn to use string processing, arrays, graphics, and sound to develop more sophisticated and detailed programs than those in Programming I.

Approximately every two weeks you will receive a copy of the grades you have received on the work assigned in this class. This should be taken home and your parents should sign this summary form. Bonus points will be given for signed summary sheets which are returned.


Grades will be calculated on the following:


End-of-chapter questions

Correctly written and run programs which have been seen and recorded

By Mrs. Ritter

Special projects and assignments








The grades given for the above assignments will be divided into four categories. The categories will be: Lab (Correctly run programs), Daily assignments (review questions, homework, etc.), Chapter Tests, and the Final (9 weeks test and/or Semester test). The weights for the categories will be: Labs—40% of your grade, Daily Assignments—20% of your grade, Tests—30% of your grade, and the Final will be 10% of your grade.

There is an exemption policy in place for 9 weeks tests. If you are have only one excused absence and no tardies during the nine weeks period, you may be exempt from the test. However, this does not exempt you from class—especially the fourth nine weeks.

Chapter work is due on the day you take the chapter test. If for some reason you cannot complete the chapter’s assigned work by the day of the test, you will have oneweek from the day of the test to complete the work and get it turned in to me. I will NOT

accept late work after this time. Zeros will be given for incomplete work.


ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD OR DIRNK allowed in the classroom.

Show respect and courtesy to everyone in the classroom including the teacher.

Accept responsibility for your actions.


Each student is issued a diskette to be used while in this class. All assigned programs and projects are to be saved to this diskette. However, because of problems with some of the disks, I strongly recommend that you save not only to your disk but also to your individual desktop.


Since you will receive an attendance grade at the end of every two-week period, it is essential that you understand the attendance policy.