Teamsters Local 600 – President’s Article 1-2014

I would like to begin by sincerely thanking all of those members who supported and showed confidence in myself and Recording Secretary, Dave Eagan, in the recent officer election. As we have in the past, we will remain committed to working hard on every member’s behalf and continue to fight for the contractual rights the members rightfully deserve.

As we begin a new year, we can be hopeful that this year will be better than last. We can be hopeful that the overall economy will continue to improve. We must be hopeful that continued economic improvements will not be confined to the wealthy in this country, but will also be realized by those of us who have not been so fortunate.

For a few of our larger employers, we can be ever hopeful that we will see an improvement in their overall business condition. We must be hopeful that we will see an end to the poor business decisions of the past year which placed these companies in the condition that they are in today. In spite of that, we must continue to do our part. As Teamsters, we can take pride in the fact that we are the best skilled and most productive working in our respective trades. We must continue to display these qualities and hope that management will turn it around.

Lastly, many of you already know, the assault on Union Members has begun already this year. On the first day of session, January 8, 2014, State Representative Tim Jones (R) Eureka took up “Right-to-Work” legislation, which has been fast tracked to a committee hearing on January 13th. As in the past couple of years, we will be traveling to Jefferson City to talk to our Representatives and Senators. We are asking, once again, for volunteers to come with us to talk to these elected officials. If interest in preserving a strong Union, you may call the office and volunteer for any of the following dates: February 4th, March 4th, April 1st or May 6th.

Once again, thank you for all of those who showed your support.