St. Beatrice Parish

CCD Program

4157 Atlantic Ave.

Schiller Park, IL 60176

Rev. Robert Schultz, Pastor

(847) 678 – 7784 (Rectory)

Shelly Falco, CCD Coordinator

(847) 671 – 6429 (CCD Office)


2010 – 2011 Handbook

Mission Statement

We, the faculty and staff of St. Beatrice’s CCD Program, direct our efforts towards providing a well-rounded Catholic educational foundation for our students. We focus on providing a Christian atmosphere that encourages a positive learning environment for students to make connections with their faith formation to their lives.


Welcome to the St. Beatrice religious education program. We thank you for partnering with us for your child’s Catholic education. Together, let us build a better community for our children and our parish. Your example of Catholic living, as well as your attendance at Mass, and regular reception of the Sacraments will encourage your child to reinforce the lessons he/she is learning in CCD classes. Therefore, please take the time to discuss each CCD class session with your child to strengthen their faith formation.

Class Schedules

Classes will begin promptly at 8:20 AM and go until 10:15 AM. All students are to sit along the lockers until their teacher comes for them in the morning. No student is to sit in the classroom without a teacher present. The teacher will take attendance in the morning upon arrival and will instruct the students on which class will participate in the Mass prior to class time.

Sacramental Updates

All sacramental dates are in the process of being finalized. These dates will be given to your students at their CCD class prior to the important meetings and dates of when the students will receive their Sacraments. However, please note that there are specific requirements (with deadlines) that your child must complete prior to making these sacraments. Please talk more with your teacher about the specifications and requirements asked of your child to receive their Sacrament that they will be preparing for this year. (*Please note that if your child will be preparing for his/her initial sacrament there is a two-year consecutive attendance eligibility requirement to partake in the initial reception of a Sacrament.)


Registered Families:

(A family that is officially registered with St. Beatrice Church Rectory and receives weekly envelops)

$160 for one student + Sacramental fees if any

$210 for two or more students + Sacramental fees if any

Non-Registered Families: (A family not registered with the Parish or Not Receiving weekly envelopes. If you are looking to become a parish member, you may register with St. Beatrice Church Rectory prior to September 1, 2010)

$210 for one student + Sacramental fees if any

$260 for two or more students + Sacramental fees if any

ALL Sacramental Fees (Registered and Non-Registered Families) must be paid at time of registration:

First Reconciliation/First Communion: $25 (per student)

Confirmation: $40 (per student)

Payment Plan
A payment plan is available for families wishing to make 4 monthly payments due on the first CCD class of the month starting in September. Payments can be made at the CCD office at that time. There will be a $15 fee added to the tuition cost for administration fees. In addition, all tuition balances must be paid in full by January 8, 2011.
Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
All students will be dropped off and picked up at the Wagner Street entrance. The school doors will open at 8:10 am for parents to drop off papers and/or payments. All parents need to park in the parking lot and come into the school to pick up their children. Students will NOT be allowed to leave the building or cross the street without parent/guardian supervision. In addition, if a different person will be picking up a student other than listed on the registration form or they will be walking home, a letter must be submitted to the teacher prior to the beginning of class. Please keep in mind that this procedure is to ensure the safety of all of our students at St. Beatrice’s CCD Program and we appreciate your cooperation regarding this matter.

The CCD Class requirements are a crucial component to fostering your child’s religious education and students must actively participate in their faith formation to advance to the next grade level. The participation requirements include classroom participation, regular attendance (see attendance policy), knowledge of prayers, completion of all service hours (service hours are required for each grade level each year and are not accumulated), assignments pertaining to each student’s current grade level, and Sacramental requirements if applicable. All students making a sacrament need two consecutive years in the Religious Education Program to qualify for receiving the Sacrament.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is very important for each student and a requirement to fulfill the CCD Program, due to the number of classes in session per year. Students are allowed to miss only 2 classes per year with an excused verbal or written consent from the student’s parents/guardian(s). If your child is going to be absent, please call the CCD office at (847) 671 - 6429 and leave a detailed message before the start of class or give a written note to the teacher prior to the absence. Missed classes will be excused on an individual basis and students will be required to make up any missed work. Absences, that are not excused, may result in additional classes or the retaking of the class level the following year and will not be credited to the student’s record.

Discipline Policy

Our teachers are volunteers. We expect students to treat teachers with respect. Therefore, parents/guardians will be notified of student(s) classroom disruptions or inappropriate behavior towards the teachers, other students, and/or school property. In addition, all cell phones are NOT allowed in class to prevent disruption. Parental support is greatly appreciated in these matters.

Dress Code

Please attend class dressed appropriately for church and school. Hats are not allowed in the classroom or church. Ripped jeans, pajamas, t-shirts with inappropriate words or signs, halter or bare midriff tops, and mini skirts are NOT allowed while attending CCD classes or scheduled functions.
Important Information

Please feel free to contact Ms. Shelly Falco, the CCD Coordinator, for inquiries on the program. If you would like to schedule a time to meet with your child’s teacher, or to discuss any student concerns, including health issues and or learning disabilities please call the CCD Office. In addition, the CCD classrooms are open for parental visitation at any time, however please call the Religious Education Office prior to visitation as part of St. Beatrice safety regulations.