Compliance Committee Meeting Agenda
Date: 3/09/02 Time: 6:30pm Place: Trickel’s house
Call to order 7:05pm
Members in attendance, George Mayer, Erik & Robin Trickel, David Halloin, Alan Myrick, Mike & Michelle Blake
Review last meeting meetings
Gm correction spelling Hoene name in report on extensions. Alan motioned to approve, Robin 2nd
Old business
Review of variances/compliance current issues. Several boats without proper documentation on insurance and several docks not complete. It was discussed using a mailing group for the committee to be more involved with issues before items were sent to the board. Eric will get this set up for us.
Fining review in CC&R’s: the committee is exploring a system of fining members out of compliance that do not respond. Article 2 section 8 provides this for the association. The committee proposes a phone call or e-mail after the initial letter goes out, next a letter asking for a plan of action warning member the next steps include fining (certified letter), next letter first fine (certified letter), if no response higher fine, if no response lien against property and possible association fixing the problem. The committee is working on the details and will ask the board to approve. Michelle is working on the drafts of these letters for the committee to review. Members of the committee will vote by e-mail changes-approval.
New business
What should we do to get a better turn out at general meetings? The open forum is recognized as the best improvement this year. Having beer could improve attendance. Holding event in the evening on the property was also suggested.
Committee will meet next at Georges house May 6th, 6:30
Next newsletter needs article written about the committee tour of the property and article about proposed fining system and let owners know if fines don’t work the association can hold up the sale of a property in the closing stages for payment of the fines.
Committee will tour property on Mother’s day May 12th looking for lots that need some spring cleaning of debris and unfinished dock construction.
It was suggested that George send Tim a reminder his variance is soon to expire as a courtesy.
Committee discussed having an overlap of the past officers from October to the January 1 of the following year to help guide the new board in the budget, and other matters.