September 28, 2006 – 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Community Planning Association
Attendees: Beth Baird, City of Boise
Mike DuBois, IDEQ
Scott Frey, FHWA
Cecelia Hockett, ACHD/Commuteride (for Don Kostelec, Chair) Yancey Willis, COMPASS
Members Absent: Kevin Bittner, Valley Regional Transit, Vice Chair
Jorge Garcia, IDEQ
Don Kostelec, ACHD, Chair
Katey Levihn, ACHD
Greg Vitley, Idaho Transportation Department, District 3
Others Present: Pamela Golden, HDR Consultants
MaryAnn Waldinger, COMPASS
Debbie Winchar, COMPASS
Call to Order:
Chair Don Kostelec and Vice Chair Kevin Bittner were unable to attend the meeting. Beth Baird moved and Scott Frey seconded the motion to allow Jay Witt to chair the meeting. Motion was unanimously approved.
Jay Witt introduced Cecelia Hockett as Commuteride’s alternate representative on the ICC.
Scott Frey moved and Beth Baird seconded the motion to accept Cecelia Hockett as Commuteride’s alternate representative on the ICC. Motion was unanimously approved.
Agenda Additions/Changes
Jay Witt stated that Leonard Herr will present Item V-E, Update-Treasure Valley Air Quality Council/Plan.
Jorge Garcia will not be in attendance therefore Item V-C, Update-Revision to the State Conformity Rules will be tabled until the next scheduled meeting.
Leonard Herr suggested that he present CMAQ funding as a discussion item in place of Item V-C.
Open Discussion/Announcements
Jay Witt introduced Mike DuBois, Airshed Coordinator, as IDEQ’s new representative on the ICC as Leonard Herr is now the Air Program Manager at the IDEQ Boise Regional Office.
Jay Witt stated that he is leaving COMPASS as of September 29, 2006 and will join Washington Group International. MaryAnn Waldinger has accepted the position of Principal Planner for transportation modeling and air quality and will also take on the meeting responsibilities of the ICC.
Consent Agenda
A. Approve the June 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Jay Witt moved and Scott Frey seconded the motion to approve the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously approved.
Action Items
A. Approve Revisions to the ICC Bylaws
Jay Witt presented a summary of the Bylaws changes, and explained the reasons for the changes. The revisions would make the EPA, and the FHWA ex-officio members. The Chair and Vice-Chair positions would be selected using a rotation schedule in lieu of voting. The revised Bylaws will take effect at the next ICC meeting.
Beth Baird moved and Cecelia Hockett seconded the motion moved to approve the revisions to the ICC Bylaws. Motion was unanimously approved.
Information/Discussion Items
A. Update – TIP and Communities in Motion Conformity
Jay Witt stated that Communities in Motion was adopted by the COMPASS Board in August 2006, and the conformity analysis demonstration has now been submitted to FHWA/FTA. Jay also explained that all the GARVEE projects are in conformity demonstration, but inclusion problems develop when a project moves from an out-year into a program year (FY 2007-2011) or vice versa. GARVEE projects only would be added or removed as appropriate in the TIP conformity, by notifying the ICC via email and presenting the change as an information item at the next meeting. The FY 2007-2011 TIP is not yet approved and will be presented to the COMPASS Board for approval in October, 2006.
B. Update – PLAQ Revision
Scott Frey provided a status report on the revision of PLAQ. Scott stated there were new regulations for particulates, and also new Federal guidelines on toxins that will be combined with the PLAQ revisions.
C. Update on CMAQ Funding
Leonard Herr provided an update on the funding of CMAQ projects. Leonard stated that ITD staff recommended to the IT Board that FY2007 solicitations for CMAQ funding for FY2010, not be offered due to the increased cost of construction, and the ITD Board agreed. Scott Frey explained that CMAQ funds can be used on either STP eligible projects or for CMAQ eligible activities. It was further discussed how the lack of these funds would impact municipalities dependent on CMAQ funds to meet their air quality conformity.
D. Update Monitoring and Exceedences
Leonard Herr provided an update on monitoring and exceedences over the past year. He explained the measuring criteria for air quality, and that air quality numbers were very high for ozone in July and PM2.5 in August and September due to the wildfires.
E. Update Treasure Valley Air Quality Council/Plan
Leonard Herr provided an update regarding a draft plan that would address air quality issues in the Treasure Valley and address solutions and ways to avoid non-attainment in the future. The draft plan has been going through a public committee review process for the last four months. The final plan will go out for a 60-day public comment in November 2006 and to the Legislature at the next Legislative session.
The next ICC meeting is scheduled for December 7, 2006, at 9 a.m. at COMPASS.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
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