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DCAC Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Teacher Resource Center (TRC), Room ABC
Call to Order/Welcome
The October 27, 2011 District Committee Advisory Committee (DCAC) was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Lynnie Paterno, DCAC Vice Chairperson, and Jill LaCasse, DCAC Co-Chairperson. Translation was provided by Special Project Services educators through the use of electronic headsets in Spanish by Mari Giannopoulos and in Khmer by Sam Keo.
Lynnie explained DCAC binder procedure:
• Each school gets one new binder
• Representatives keep current information, handouts and notes in the binder
• Bring binder to every DCAC meeting
• Those members who attend the meetings, in addition to the representative, will receive stapled handouts each meeting thereafter
• The binder belongs to the school. If you leave the school, give the binder to the principal.
Carol Pratt welcomed Marilyn King back from her leave of absence. Marilyn received a warm welcome back applause from the group. We really missed her.
Approval of the Minutes
Members were given time to review and correct the content of the May 19, 2011 minutes as submitted by Jane Kaylor, DCAC Recorder. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Carolyn Pate, Butler, and was seconded by Helen Ford, Holy Innocents. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Carol Pratt, Administrative Assistant, Office of Special Projects Services: “What is DCAC?”
Here are some highlights from Carol’s talk. Please see handout for more details.
• DCAC’s role is to inform parents about policy and information about Long Beach Unified School District and to gather input about all things related to parental involvement.
• DCAC members’ role is to represent their school at the monthly meetings and to report the information they learned to the parents at their schools. ****Must do: share at School Site Council. ***May do: share with ELAC and other advisory committees, post notes on parent board or at PTA meetings or other parent groups.
• Periodically we are audited. There will be a State audit in February of this school year; seven areas including Title I, the program that funds DCAC.
• There will be no meeting in December. Our agenda and schedule is based on the DCAC end of year survey & requirements of Title I
• All schools have attended/will attend Safe and Civil training. New bullying curriculum will be addressed through the school sites’ Safe & Civil Plan, to be presented by the principals.
Carol Pratt for Robert Williams, Director Special Projects Services: “Linking your Single Plan for Student Achievement to the LEA Plan.”
• Every Local Education Agency, also known as LEA, (School District) makes plans for increasing student achievement. The Board of Education and the Superintendent base their decisions on data from state testing and district assessments.
• Budget priorities are based on these needs and the amount of money they receive from the Federal and State governments.
• School goals and budgets are aligned to the District’s Strategic Plan and the LEA Plan and are outlined in each school’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Each school’s School Site Council (SSC) revises and approves the SPSA yearly based on a variety of data.
• Carol asked for input and if there were any questions. A suggestion was made to put the LEA Plan on the district website. Both the Strategic Plan and LEA Plan are on the district webpage. Go to lbschools.net.
Please refer to the handout for more details
Q & A / Input
Comments and questions cards are on the tables. Please fill them out. They will be reviewed and answered at our next meeting.
Jill LaCasse, Co-Chairperson, explained that her term as DCAC Co-Chairperson has expired. An election will be held at the next meeting. If you want to be considered for the position, the requirements and responsibilities can be found in the binder under “Bylaws.” All interested in running for the open Co-Chairperson position are asked to call or email Marilyn King so that she can check your qualification, per By-laws. The election will occur at the next DCAC meeting.
Jill introduced the current DCAC Board and explained that they will continue to serve DCAC the second of their 2year term. DCAC Board meetings are usually on the Thursday before the regular DCAC meeting, 9:30-11:00 am at the District Administration Office. Marilyn emails reminders for the meetings.
11:20 Carol thanked everyone for their attendance and reminded members of the next meeting, November 17, 2011 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Teacher Resource Center (TRC).
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Kaylor