


Chief Executive Officer Dr Lisa Manning Tel: 07912043872 Chairman G BATTEN B.Pharm M.R.Pharm.S. Written by Dr Lisa Manning.

Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee

Community Pharmacy Assessment Framework (CPAF) visits

Hopefully you will have all filled in your contract self-assessments and sent them to NHS England, failure to do so may result in a contractual inspection visit. If you are having problems please do not hesitate to contact the LPC. Mr. Prentice and Mr. Max clinical advisors will be performing the inspection visits if contractors are unhappy with the inspection please contact the LPC.


Funding has been identified to distribute smart cards, please contact IT on 0151 296 7777 if you require cards. Pharmacies must tick the exemption declarations as one pharmacy has lost £11000 by not ticking >60 yrs exemptions and these Rx cannot be recalled .Training is very important so staff understand the process of EPS and planned events for staff to collect their cards are to be arranged. Norwood surgery is the first surgery to go live for EPS2 in Sefton.

New Chief Executive Officer

Hello to all Sefton contractors from Dr Lisa Manning! I am very pleased to have been appointed the new Chief Executive Officer for Sefton LPC, I have been an active member of the LPC for over 7 years and I have had a consultancy role for the last 2 years. I have been writing the LPC newsletters for many years and will continue to keep you informed of how the LPC is working to support contractors. I will continue to represent Sefton Contractors in engaging with the relevant commissioners and stakeholders and making sure pharmacy is on the agenda for all clinical decisions that affect Sefton patients. If any contractors have any queries or require support do not hesitate to contact me on or or telephone 07912043872.

I would like to set up a network for contractors to share ideas, queries etc. and if you could email me stating which contractor site you represent with preferably a NHS.NET Email (see below) then we can start building a LPC contractor network.

The LPC is extremely grateful for the outstanding job Alan Woodcock has been doing for 34 years as Secretary of Sefton LPC! Alan has worked tirelessly to represent contractors and offer support and has been an utmost professional and one of the driving forces that makes Sefton LPC a highly respected LPC. On a personal note I hope I can continue his legacy. Alan will be sorely missed by the LPC and we all hope he will enjoy his retirement and wish him all the best for the future.


Public Health England are preparing the PGD for commissioning a NHS Flu vaccination service from community pharmacies after accepting our proposal! They are mapping poorly performing surgeries with local pharmacies that have good accessibility. Those contractors selected will be written to shortly with the intention for the service to start mid Nov. It is hoped if the service is successful that it will be rolled out further next year. It is recommended for those expressing interest to consider the Novartis training that has been approved for a private flu service and could be used next year if there is a full roll out of the NHS commissioned service. NHS England also confirmed NHS staff would be given vouchers to take to those pharmacies commissioned for a vaccination. Also an essential requirement is a consultation room that must be 6ft by 4ft for lying down patients if they suffer anaphylactic shock.

NES and supervised consumption

If you have any problems concerning these services please contact mobile 07809314428 needle exchange equipment can be ordered online at

Acting interim head of meds management for the Sefton CCGs is – Brendan Prescott

NHS.NET addresses

Due to the change in IT suppliers and because of EPS all NHS England staff are to change their Email address to NHS.net addresses.

Alan Cummings- Contractors Manager new Email is

Jacqueline Jasper – Contracts Officers new Email is Jacqueline.jasper @nhs.net

It is also recommended that all pharmacists should have an NHS.Net address so that secure information from NHS England and from the EPS information desk can be sent. To Get an address contact Bevan House and request an address or contact Emma Knox on 01138252893. This will be a personal, not a company address and we are encouraging all contractors and locums to be requesting one. This Email address will also help with LPC communications and for building a LPC contractor network

Winter Planning A & E

There are measures to be put in place to rectify the problems in A & E. with a program of work and planning. Some examples are:

  • GPs to give extra cover in A & E
  • Ambulance to treat in the home rather than hospital
  • GPs required working contract hours, 8am to 6.30pm (not out of hours) and GPs will be audited to check access and appointments by phone.
  • Pharmacies to work core hours in winter and not close early on Xmas eve etc. Any changes to core hours must be applied for 90 days before the actual date.
  • GP home visits to be staggered throughout the day, not all at 2pm so investigations and admissions can be spread through the day.
  • GPs to triage personally and not to use nurses etc.- they will be directing patients to pharmacies if necessary
  • Palliative care patient list to be given to out of hour’s service. (OOH)
  • Care at the chemist to be extended to all pharmacies and NHS 111 to signpost patients to pharmacies
  • 100 hour pharmacies to be audited so they are open the contracted 100 hours and opening times promoted to referrers e.g. OOH
  • Surgeries to sort out the 48 hour repeat prescriptions.
  • Pharmacies to participate in campaigns e.g. Choose Well campaign
  • Relaunching CATC and promoting it
  • NHS England to set up interim emergency supply service (ESE)- as many patients present over weekend at A & E for repeat meds. Service will let community pharmacists offer 10 day supply of repeat meds and NHS England will pay contractor for supply. Only for Fri./Sat/Sun supplies and limits to number of occasions patient can have the service will be inbuilt.This service will be for all patients from any area as it will still reduce impact on Merseyside A & E departments. This is only an interim service as it is hoped with EPS2 implementation that this issue will be resolved. This new service has been taken to urgent care board for approval.


We had a meeting with the EHC stakeholders it was agreed that:

You must of attended one of the training evening and

New starters – (never done EHC service before) must complete the 2012 CPPE EHC and safeguarding packages and are allowed 3 months to complete the CPPE contraception package from registration onto the service

Previous EHC service providers – can start the service but within 3 months from registration must complete all three 2012 version CPPE packages.There is a CPPE contraception package requirement because they are looking to extend the service togive POP pill out at point of contact as an add on and therefore it would be necessary that providers have completed this package

Regarding Webstar there is a new question template to represent the new PGD pathway and the PGD, SLA, Flow chart/pathway, PIL, and copy of other service providers to signpost to, will all be uploaded onto Webstar so servicer providers can print them off etc. This is hoped to be updated onto the system by 1st Nov. Webstar have also stated they will hold a training event for service providers.

Pharmacies who can’t offer the service on certain days etc. must be able to signpost patients on that day and confirm they can provide it on that day e.g. contact them. Hence the list of service providers is essential. Invoicing will be quarterly and they hope to include a separate SLA for Chlamydia testing