Mull Community Council Meeting
Tuesday 9th June, 7pm, An Roth
Present:Billy McClymont, Fiona Brown, Rory Forrester, Susan Campbell, Bert Leitch, Ronnie Campbell, Jim Corbett, Jane Stevens, Steve Willis, Neal Goldsmith, David Pollard
In Attendance: Councillor Mary-Jean Devon, P.C David Turner
Apologies: Joanne MacDougal, Councillor Alastair MacDougal, Stuart MacDougal, Allan Cameron, Calum MacLachlainn, Cameron Anson, Moray Finch
Community Bus
- M-J.D reported that she had journeyed on the Community bus from Calgary to Salen on its maiden voyage. She reported that it provided a comfortable and personal service. A great success.
Street Drinking
- SW to contact Charles Reppke of Argyll & Bute Council to start the process of installing a by-law to prevent street drinking in Tobermory during the Mull Music Festival.
- This can take upto a year to put in place.
- P.C Turner reported that the only time that street drinking is a problem on Mull is during the Mull Music Festival.
Dog Fouling
- M-J.D presented an anti-dog fouling poster which is currently used in Oban to great success.
- Oban has given Mull permission to clone it and use it throughout the island.
- M-J.D suggested that in addition to the smaller posters, large static signs should be placed in parks and at the head of walks, advising dog owners on the process of disposing of dog foul.
- M-J.D asked M.C.C whether or not they would be willing to part fund these resources.
- R.F queried whether it was the responsibility of M.C.C or Argyll & Bute Council to fund these signs.
- M-J.D reported that the onus is not on A&B to monitor the responsibility of dog owners.
- She further reported that the council do however pay for dog wardens.
- There are now 2 dog wardens in Oban
- P.C Turner suggested that the signs advise the public that they can use litter bins to dispose of dog foul if there are no dog bins in the vicinity.
- M-J.D to ask Brian Swinbanks if he would produce the larger signs.
- B.M asked J.S if she would look into costing for 100 laminated posters.
- J.S happy to do this.
- D.P wanted to ensure that signs were not put up in rural areas and that dog owners would not be expected to lift dog foul in the countryside as it is unnecessary.
- M.C.C had absolutely no confidence in this statement.
- B.M requested that P.C Turner issues D.P with a break down on the laws regarding dog foul.
- P.C Turner stated that there are no exemptions in any area. The laws remain the same in both urban and rural areas.
There were several errors in the minutes of the police report from the last meeting. These are as follows:
- A Section 38-legislative breach of peace was marked as a Section 30.
- Only the theft of fishing bait had been confirmed. Theft of creels had not been confirmed.
- There was no named suspect for the theft of the bait.
- The attempted frauds on Mull have not been traced to anyone as yet. It was mentioned verbally that most of these Frauds stem from overseas.
- The minutes were verbally amended in the meeting and proposed by N.G, seconded by D.P
Reported Calls to the Police since last meeting for Tobermory areaCrimes/Offences for Tobermory
Reported Call for Craignure.
Crimes/Offences for Craignure
Reported Call for Salen.
Crimes/Offences for Salen
Reported Call for Bunessan.
Crimes/Offences for Bunessan / For period 12/05/15 – 09/06/15:
Police Received 15 Calls mainly to assist members of the Public with routine enquires.
Police were involved in a multi agency incident onboard a cruise ship just outside Tobermory bay. Whereby a Male crew member took not well.
Police would like to thank the RNLI Crew, Ambulance and Coastguard for their valuable assistance and time.
Total number of crimes recorded = 4.
2X Section 38 Criminal Justice Licensing Scotland Act
(Legislated breach of the peace), theft of mountain bike in Tobermory and theft of heating Oil in Dervaig.
Police received 8 Calls mainly being to assist members of the public with routine calls. Police did receive a call with regards to one of two rugby fans/players causing high jinx on the ferry on the Sunday after the Mull 7’s.
Total number of crimes recorded = 0.
Police received 4 Calls mainly being to assist members of the public with routine calls.
Total number of crimes recorded = 0.
Police received 4 Calls mainly being to assist members of the public with routine calls.
Total number of crimes recorded = 0.
ALIENERGY – Leaflet Distribution
- John Cuddy from Alienergy came to the meeting to distribute information leaflets about and Alienergy/ government funded scheme to provide insulation for houses in tax bands A, B, C & D-up to the value of £7000
- Tax band A, B & C homes can be funded without question
- Tax band D home owners need to be on a ‘low’ income of £20,000 and under.
The Process
- Alienergy visit the home and complete paperwork according to circumstances.
- The insulation installer visits the home and carries out an EPC survey and produces a report.
- The report will outline all energy saving measures for that home.
- The home owner is then issued a list of what is available to them.
- The funding available may not cover the cost of all the work that is on the list.
- Surveys must be completed by March 2016.
- N.G enquired as to whether money is available for all A, B, C & D houses on Mull
- John Cuddy replied that there has been an allocation of £1.3 million to spend on Mull
- B.M enquired about houses on the E & F tax band.
- John Cuddy replied that these houses are on a list and may be eligible for assistance from other companies at some point in the future.
- D.P enquired as to whether 2nd homes are eligible for the scheme
- John Cuddy replied that 2nd homes will not be done.
- N.G asked whether there has been advertising in local papers and shops
- John Cuddy replied that Round & About had been notified and that shops had been leafleted.
- D.P asked whether there would be a report published of works carried out on Mull
- John Cuddy stated that Argyll and Bute Council would be issued with a report.
- S.W reported that all M.C.C notice board sites have been identified and that all notice boards have arrived.
- The boards are weatherproof and lockable.
- A banner will need to be produced for inside each board identifying them as property of M.C.C
- S.W requested that Brian Swinbanks is asked to make them whilst creating the dog fouling posters.
- J.S asked who would be responsible for the keys.
- S.W responded that the keys will be allocated appropriately by area.
- K.R to e-mail the key holders with the monthly Round&About report for display.
- S.C enquired as to who would but up the notice boards.
- J.C suggested that we allocate a community member who can fix them in their location or do it ourselves.
NHS/SAS Update – F.B
Ambulance Service
- F.B reported that the G.P posts have been advertised but there has been no feedback as of yet.
- The Scottish Ambulance Service appraisal is due on the 16th & 17th of July.
- The next review group meeting will be the 18th of July.
- B.M, M-J.DF.B have all resigned from the engagement group as it is felt that it has served its purpose.
- B.M asked M.C.C for feedback on the R&A report and survey.
- D.P stated that he had voted for option 8 as B.M and F.B had created it from a user’s point of view which is best for the community.
- S.C reported that she had found the survey easy to access on the internet,
- M-J.D stressed the importance in participating in the survey.
- The closing date for the online survey is the 12th of June.
- F.B further reported that during the 2 day S.A.S appraisal, everything on the S.W.A.T analysis system will be discussed. A decision will then be made.
- N.Genquired as to how the community engagement groups have gone.
- B.M reported that the attendance has been low of late but that this indicates that\t the community now know what is happening.
Landing Lights
- F.Breported that Andy Moir, SAS, has spoken to Argyll and Bute Council regarding the lights which are to be placed on the school building at Bunessan. Argyll and Bute Council are attending to this. The SAS will fund these lights.
- F.B further reported that the community application for funding for the main landing lights was turned down however the new lights were delivered.
Permission for Landing Site
- F.B reported that she had written to the Duke of Argyll asking for permission for an official landing site for the air ambulance.
- She has heard nothing back as of yet so will write to him again.
CALMAC ISSUES – Neal Goldsmith
General Information
- Tender bidding closes on the 10th of June
- Dave Currie and Dave Lambert will attend a meeting on the matter on the 22nd of June on behalf of Mull.
- There are currently lots of working parties such as the Ferry Committee, community engagement group and a short life working group.
- These groups all contain members who have an in-depth knowledge of the sea.
- Some of the issues discussed within these groups are as follows:Skippers being rotated too frequently, Old boat – vessel is struggling to cope with the increase in demand. It should have been replaced in 2013. ( A vessel replacement report is due at the end of July ), Dealing with 3 different stake holders; ARGYLL&BUTE COUNCIL who own the pier, C.M.A.L who own the boat and CALMAC who operates the service. (This makes decision making a slow process) , Providing a commutable service, the introduction of R.E.T
- N.G reported that the subsidies for running the service come from a European fund. This means that stake holders must also comply with European rules and policies when running the service.
- R.F enquired on the progress of upgrading the pier.
- N.G reported that it will cost between £12 & 15 million to carry out the necessary works.
- There is potential to obtain a loan from Transport Scotland. The increase in pier dues should generate enough money to pay back the loan.
Community Ferry Update
- B.Menquired about the community ferry proposal.
- N.G stated that James and Andy Knight are looking into installing a community backed 2nd vessel
- This issue was raised at the community engagement group meeting.
- F.B enquired as to whether there was a 2nd boat yet.
- N.G not yet. Before any decisions regarding the 2nd vessel were made, The Mull Ferry Company wanted to gauge community feeling on the matter.
- B.M it is essential to establish clear boundaries of community involvement.
- F.B enquired as to whether the community vessel would attract the same subsidies/
- N.G reported that he could not answer that question and would have to wait for further feedback from the next meeting.
- N.G suggested that if any members of M.C.C have any questions on the matter, to get in touch with M.F.C directly.
- N.G further suggested that it may be helpful for M.C.C to meet with the M.F.Cfor discussion.
- B.M asked S.W to write to M.F.C inviting them to the next M.C.C meeting.
- N.G reported that there is another meeting on R.E.T on the 25th of June.
- There will be community engagement meetings on Monday 15th June in Bunessan, Wednesday 17th June in Craignure and Thursday 18th June in Tobermory.
- These meetings were advertised.
- B.M enquired as to the purpose of the R.E.T meeting
- N.G reported that the meetings are held to relay key points from Ferry Committee meetings and gauge progress on issues raised at previous meetings.
- It will also be an opportunity to raise new issues for representatives to take away and work on.
- N.G further reported that he has been disheartened by the lack of individuals coming forward to help in sub-groups.
- B.M asked members of M.C.C to volunteer to be part of the short-life working group.
- B.M, R.F, S.C, J.C, D.M, and B.L all volunteered.
- S.W reported that the M.C.C website is nearly finished
- He would be meeting with Zac Finch on Saturday 13th June and be taught how to update the website and make changes.
- M-J.D reported that she had attended a meeting about Mull integrated Health Care on Monday 1st June
- A group from Estonia visited Mull from Monday 1st – Friday 5th June on a scheme funded by Leader.
- They were so impressed by the friendly and hospitable nature of the people on Mull.
- They have suggested that a group from Mull is delegated to go to Estonia on the same scheme.
- Home help provider Carr Gorm is undergoing a review on its provision of over-night care. This service has been withdrawn for 1 year and 4 months.
- M-J.D further reported that she had received complaints about grass at graveyards not being cut.
- All the people in the recent CalMac advert are from Mull and Iona.
- When looking at the Economic Development plan, it showed that the population and the number of jobs in Oban, Lorne and The Isles is increasing.
- Currently the majority of employers are the government and public sector. However with recent cuts, many of these jobs are being replaced by jobs in the private sector.
- B.L raised concern for the upkeep and maintenance of the Ulva community bus as it has to travel on such badly maintained roads. The road needs to be replaced.
- M-J.D suggested that the roads are inserted into the Ulva Ferry Development Plan. In doing so, a business case can be built up around it.
- B.M suggested that the Ulva Roads are also put on the Mull Development Plan.
- S.W reported that the 2016 Mull Rally will run from 9th – 11th October.
- B.M requested that all members of M.C.C are very careful about what they discuss on social media sites surrounding community matters.
- N.G stated that members cannot say anything on behalf of M.C.C without it being fully discussed first.
- M-J.D reminded all members that as Community Councillors they have a code of conduct to adhere to.
- DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 14th July 2015, 7pm, An Roth