Pleasesubmit your completed applicationand completed BCMQI Dictionary
to or by fax to 1-888-865-2941
Community ofCare:
Please checkoneofthefollowingasyourprimarycommunity of care
Pleasecheckthefollowingto indicate the communities of care in which you would be prepared to serve as an Assessor orPrescriber(Cross Appointment is an additional step, following initial confirmation of the non-core privilege for MAID)
Torequest the non-core privilege to be a Prescriber for medicalassistance indying in a VCH program or facility,please
- reviewand complete the requirements on this application, including review of the accompanying materialsand those indicated in this document and found on theVCHMedicalStaffwebsite( partner websites;
- completeand sign thisform and the accompanyingBCMQI Application of the non-core privilege for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID); and
- submitboth to fax to 1-888-865- 2941.
The Assisted Dying Program will work with Medical Affairs (for Physicians) and Professional Practice (Nurse Practitioners) toschedule adiscussion with theappropriateleaders toconcerningyour application.
Physiciansor Nurse Practitioners applyingforprivilegesformedicalassistanceindyingare requiredtosubmit thefollowingsupportiveinformationtodemonstratethe requisiteknowledge,educationandskillstoprovidetheservice.
Pleaseconfirmviacheckmarkthatyouhavereviewed and understandthefollowing documents:
Physicians: TheProfessionalStandardoftheCollegeofPhysiciansand SurgeonsofBCforMedicalAssistanceinDying:
Nurse Practitioners: TheScope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners, Medical Assistance in Dying (CollegeofRegistered NursesofBC):
VancouverCoastalHealthMedicalAssistance inDying,PolicyStatement,ProcedureandForms:
Role of the Care Coordination Service of the Assisted Dying Program (accompanying)
Medical Assistance in Dying: British Columbia Pharmacy Protocols (accompanying; please do not disseminate further). Note: The Pre-Printed Order in use at VCH will be provided once your privileges have been confirmed.
Review questions for Applicants to be an Assessor/Prescriber, a non-core privilege(accompanying)
BCMQIdictionaryforMedicalAssistanceinDyingprivileges(accompanying, for completion and submission)
PleaseindicatewhichofthefollowingCMErequirementsyouhavecompleted(indicateatleast one):
CanadianMedicalAssociationCMEface-to-facecourseonend-of-lifecareandmedicalassistanceindying September15-17,2016
VCH / PHSA Seminar: Collaboration and Compassion: a team approach to medical assistance in dying,September 28th, 2016 In person,byvideolink,oronline)
Pleaseindicate which of thefollowingrecommendedadditional education you have completed:
Observation with experienced Assessor & Assessor / Prescriber(Required for Nurse Practitioners; Recommended for Physicians)
Observation of Assessment (1), Date:______, with Assessor: ______
Observation of Assessment (2), Date:______, with Assessor: ______
Observation of Provision (1), Date: ______, with Assessor / Prescriber: ______
Observation of Provision (2), Date:______, with Assessor / Prescriber: ______
Other (please describe):
Pleasedescribe yourrelevant clinical skills that wouldsupport yourability toprovide medical assistance indyingina VancouverCoastalHealthfacility or program.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
If you haveanyquestions related to medical assistance in dying,please contact theVCH Assisted Dying call 1-844-550-5556.