Q1.who played the key role in unifying Germany?

teZuhds ,dhdj.kesafdlusizeq[k HkwfedkfuHkk;h\

Q2. Who was the first Prime Minister of Italy?bVyhdsizFkeiz/kkuea=h dkSuFks\

Q3.Which did Marianne represent ?ekfj;kufdldkizfrfuf/kRodjrhFkh\

Q4.Who wrote Hind Swaraj ?fgUnLojktfdlusfy[kh?

Q5. When was the Border Road Organisation established?

lheklM+dlaxBu dc LFkkfirgqvk\r

Q6.Which is the main source of credit for rich urban house holders ?

“kgjhlEiUuifjokjksadsfy;s lk[k dkeq[; L=ksrdkSulkgS\

Q7. Which was the main aim to form ‘World Trade Organisation’?

fo”oO;kikjlaxBucukusdkdkSulkeq[; mn~ns”; FkkA

Q8.Explain any three measures and practices introduced by revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.ÝkalhlhyksxksadschplkewfgdigpkudkHkkoiSnkdjusdsfy, ÝkalhlhØkfUrdkfj;ksa us D;kdnemBk,\ fdUgharhudko.kZudhft,A

Q9. What did freedom mean to Plantation workers in Assam?

vledsckxkuJfedksadsfy, Lora=rkdkD;kerycFkk\

Q10. Explain any three methods of conservation mineral resources.

[kfutlalk/kuksadslaj{k.k dh fdUgharhufof/k;ksadksLi’Vdhft,A

Q11. Why is manufacturing sector considered the backbone of economic development of the country? Explain three reasons with example.

fofuekZ.k {ks= dksns”kdsvkfFkZdfodkldkes#naMD;kasekuktkrkgS\ mnkgj.kksalfgrdksbZrhudkj.kcrkb;sA

Q12. ‘Modern democracies cannot exist without political parties.’Justify the statement with any three suitable argument?

vk/kqfudyksdra=,jktuhfrdnyksdsfcukthfor ugh jgldrs\ bldFku dh iqf”V rhumi;qDrrdksZ }kjkdhft,A

Q13. What is the main aim of World Trade Organisation? Explain its functions.

fo”oO;kikjlaxBudkeq[; mn~ns”; D;kgS\ bldsdk;ksZadkLi’Vdhft,A

Q14. Describe the role of culture in shaping the feelings of nationalism in Europe from 1830 to the end of the 19thcentury.यूरोपमें 1830 सेलेकर 19वीसदीकेअंततकराष्ट्रियताकीभावनाकोरूपप्रदानकरनेमेंसंस्कृतिकीभूमिकाकावर्णनकीजिए

Q15.Discuss the salt march to make clear it was an effective symbol of resistenceagainst colonialism? uedlR;kxzgD;ksamifuos’kokndsfojks/k esa ,d izHkkohizrhdds :Ikesalkeusvk;k\O;k[;k djsaA

Q16.Explain physical and human factors that govern the location of an industry in a particular area?fdlhfuf’pr {ks= esam|ksx dh LFkkiukdksizHkkfordjusokysHkkSfrd ,oaekuoh; dkjdks dh O;k[;k djsa A

Q17. Why are the means of transportation and communication called the life lines of a nation and its economy?ifjoguvkSjlapkjdslk/kuksdksfdlhjk”Vª vkSja

Q18. How do pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics?Explain with examples.nckolewgvkSjvkanksyujktuhfrdksdSlsizHkkfordjrsgSAmnkgj.kdslkFk le>kvksA

Q19.Suggest any five renforms to strengthen parties so that they may perform their functions well.nyksadksetcwrcukusdsfy, fdUghaikaplq/kkjksadklqkonhft, rkfdogviukdk;Zcsgrjrjhdslsdjldsa\

Q20. What is meant by an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?

,dtckcnsgmRrjnk;h ,oaoS/k ljdkjlsD;krkRi;ZgS

Q21 Explain any five consumer’s rights as user of goods and services.

oLrqvksa ,oalsokvksadsiz;ksxdrkZds :IkesamiHkksDrkdsikapvf/kdkjcrk,aA


Q22.On the political map of India locate and label the following features with appropriate symbols.

A. The place where the Indian National Congress Session was held in 1920.

B. The place where the non-cooperation movement was called off.

C. The place which is associated with the movement of indigo planters.

(i). Kaiga – Nuclear Power Plant

(ii). Bhilai- Iron and Steel Centres

(iii). Kandla – Major Sea Port