KCF Baseball, Inc. has been formed to provide a summer baseball program exclusively for high school-based teams. The Board of Directors consists of head varsity baseball coaches from area high schools. They are the ones who make the rules and decisions which govern this organization.
- Teams will be comprised of players who are currently enrolled in the high school they will be representing. There is no exception.
- There will be three division of players in this league:
Varsity – Seniors must play in this division. Any underclassman that played on the varsity team the preceding spring must play in the varsity division and is not eligible to move down for tournament play. This team can not have more than two incoming Freshmen
Junior Varsity – Any Junior Player or younger that did not play Varsity during the preceding Spring Season. This team can not have more than two incoming Freshmen.
Freshman – only incoming 9th graders
- Exceptions to team formation - This is done only on the recommendation of the high school baseball coach. There will be no more than 2 incoming freshmen on either the Varsity or JV teams.
- Each team must submit a roster of players to the Executive director before the first scheduled game. If this is not done, the said game will not be played and will count as a forfeit. No exceptions!
- The maximum number of players on roster is 20. This also applies to tournaments.
- There will be no roster changes after the first game.
- There will be no movement of players in any direction for any purpose. If a team does move a player/players, the game will count as a forfeit in the standings.
- The high school coach may elect to recommend the addition of players to a roster for tournaments. The player must have played on either another team from the same high school in the same division or from the lower division.
To be completed by the players:
Player contract and registration (Note – Registration Form must be notarized)
To be completed by the managers and coaches:
Volunteer forms for background check (Note These are Needed IMMEDIATELY)
To be submitted to the Varsity Director before the first game:
Volunteer forms Due by May 20 (Mail or fax)
Player contracts and registration on every player (notary included) MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE TRYOUTS
Team fees of $500.00Due by May 20 (Mail or fax)
ISD fee for CFISD & KISD schools – Each team will be notified of their potential fee based on the schedule and be required to pay KCFBI by start of second week.
If a team is missing any of the above, the team will forfeit until all is in.
The manager is to keep a copy of the forms with him at all times. You have a medical release for treatment if a player is injured and parent is not present.
Practice schedule is to be submitted to Gary for appropriate approval.
- Board of Directors - see attached listing
- Executive DirectorGary Averitt
Voice Mail281-397-2222
3. OperationsCynthia Detmore
Voice Mail281-397-2222
4. OfficialsDave Orton
713-857-5585 NOT AFTER 10:30 p.m.
- All teams are independent business units responsible for revenue and expenses
- Team Expenses:
League registration fee – includes insurance which will be in effect only through the end of this season
Umpire fees per game – see umpire section
Baseballs – 2 new per game
ISD fee for field usage
These fees are due to KCFBI and will be paid to the school district after the games are completed. Any funds not used will be refunded to the teams.
- There will be 2 umpires per game.
- Each team will pay one umpire per game.
- The umpires will be paid at the plate meeting before the game.
- Team managers will be responsible for notifying umpires @ 713-857-5585 from traveling to a game far enough in advance (2 hours) to prevent umpires from traveling to a game that has been changed.
- Umpire scheduler will charge each team $4.00 per game. You will pre-pay your scheduled season games in the registration fee. If you schedule additional games or scrimmages, you will be charged by the scheduler.
- Umpire fees
Single sub varsity$50.00
Single Varsity$57.00
Double scheduled$45.00
Show up$15.00
- KCFBI will play under the rules of the National High School Federation.
- Read your rule book
- Review:
Courtesy runner
Game called due to weather – procedure – official game
- All players must wear helmets when batting in the cages or on the field. If a player refuses, then he will not be allowed to participate in the game. Players must wear the appropriate equipment as dictated in the Federation Rule Book.
- Scorebook to be kept by all teams. Needed for tournament play.
- One manager and 2 coaches in the dugout. No one else that has not gone through the background check is allowed on the field.
- Games shall last one hour and fifty minutes. No Inning will start after this time. Games will end at 1:50 if Home team is leading and batting.
- RUN RULE – 15 after 3 innings – 10 after 4 innings – 8 after 5 innings.
- Game scores are to be emailed to by the winning coach. In a tie situation, the home team will report the score. This is to be done within 24 hours. Standings will be posted on the website every week.
- A tie will count as ½ win and ½ loss.
- First tie-breaker in standings will be head to head.
- A ½ loss shall be assigned to both teams in the case of a rainout, which is never played. If you have trouble scheduling this, please call Cynthia Detmore.
- No games will be played on June 28 due to umpire’s meeting. Please do not schedule anything for this date.
- No game shall be rescheduled due to any other reason than weather. The 2 managers will be responsible for rescheduling after consulting with the home varsity coach and then scheduling umpires.
- Game schedules will be posted on the website. Please make a schedule for your team and distribute to the players. If you don’t see it, it’s not ready!
- Prior to the start of any game, all decisions concerning KCF Baseball shall rest with the Board of Directors.
- After a game begins, the umpires are the only authority.
- Any activity deemed by the Directors or the umpires as disruptive to the league or the game will not be permitted.
- Disruptive activities could be but are not limited to noisemakers,
inappropriate action/actions and or language by any person.
- The person or persons responsible for the disruption will be instructed to
- In extreme cases, disruptive activity could result in forfeiture of a game by the offending team. Such forfeiture could be caused either by the team itself or representatives of the team.
- The team manager is responsible for the conduct of everyone associated with his team (this includes the fans).
- If a player is ejected from a game, he will be allowed to remain on the
property at a location determined by the umpire provided the ejected player does no engage in any disruptive behavior. If this occurs, the umpire shall call the game a forfeit against the team, from which the ejected player represents.
- If a player or manager is ejected from a game, the person committing
the infraction shall be suspended from the next game. A second ejection by the same person will result in expulsion from the remainder of the season and participation in any post-season tournament play.
- There will be a No Tolerance Rule for any/all threatening verbal/
non-verbal behavior. No taunting will be allowed. Depending on the severity of the act, the Board of Directors may remove a player from the league.
- If an infraction or ejection occurs, the umpires and managers will
contact the Executive Director within 24 hours. All persons will be required to send an email with the details of the incident. The Board will be consulted and the outcome will be addressed to the manager of the team and the umpires.
- All games/activities will be conducted on the property of high schools
under the jurisdiction of Independent School Districts. Therefore, the use of tobacco, alcohol and non-prescription drugs is prohibited.
j. Background checks
If a person has information returned with a sexual predator charge, the person
will not be allowed to participate in any capacity with the players.
If a person has a supposed felony conviction, that person will be subject to further investigation and upon further findings, will be contacted and the situation will be discussed prior to notifying the board. The board will have the final determination regarding that person’s participation.
k. The Board of Directors will be the final authority regarding inappropriate behavior
with respect to a player. The varsity coach will be the contact person for the
parents and players for any concern they may have.