NGRHS2015 – 2016
Grade 7 Math
Communication Plan
Mr. Dale Bruhm
Course Content:Topics to be covered include:
Patterns and Relations
Statistics and Probability
Math Makes Sense 7 / Course Curriculum Outcomes:
In Grade 7 Math, students will be expected to…
1)… demonstrate number sense and apply number theory concepts
2)… demonstrate operation sense and apply operation principles and procedures in both numeric and algebraic situations… explore, recognize, represent and apply patterns and relationships, both formally and informally
3)… demonstrate an understanding and apply concepts and skills associated with measurement
4)… demonstrate spatial sense and apply geometric concepts, properties, and relationships
5)… solve problems involving the collection, display and analysis of data
6)… represent and solve problems involving uncertainty
Unit Tests
Mental Math Quizzes
Assessments will receive a number grade based on the provincial guidelines as follows:
90-100%- Demonstrates excellent understanding and application of concepts and skills in relation to the learning outcomes.
80-89% - Demonstrates very good understanding and application of concepts and skills in relation to the learning outcomes.
70-79% - Demonstrates good understanding and application of concepts and skills in relation to the learning outcomes.
60-69% - Demonstrates satisfactory understanding and application of concepts and skills in relation to the learning outcomes.
50-59%- Demonstrates limited understanding and application of concepts and skills in relation to the learning outcomes.
Below 50%- Has not met minimum requirements of the course.
Incomplete-Work not completed.
Materials Needed
- Pencils, eraser, loose-leaf, 3-ring binder, and ruler. Colouring pencils and calculator are optional. (Only use colouring pencils a few times and I do have some that can be borrowed and calculations are minimal at the grade 7 level in Mathematics…therefore an inexpensive calculator is all that is needed if one is purchased)
Students will be expected to:
Keep all notes and assignments in a working 3-ring binder.
Complete ALL work in pencil.
Come to class prepared. This includes bringing: a pencil, an eraser, your math binder, a ruler, loose-leaf, and your textbook.
Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for their assessments.
Arrive to class on time.
Be respectful, responsible and ready to learn!
Be responsible for collecting missed work if they are absent for a class.
Extra Help
Extra help will be available at noon hour.
Extra help is also available by request.
I can be contacted by:
Phone – 644-5000
Email –
Homework, assignment, and class information will be posted on my website.Click staff tab on NGRHS web-site.
Students are able to check their progress anytime via the school’s In-School Parent/Student Portal.
If you do not have a username and/or password, please contact the office.