Appendix B.6 - Sample RSVP Project Director Job Description
Appendix B.6 – Sample Job Description for RSVP Project Director
ABC Non-Profit RSVP Program
RSVP ProjectDirectorJobDescription
JOB TITLE: RSVP Project Director REPORTSTO: ExecutiveDirector
STATUS: Full Time
Under thegeneraldirection oftheExecutiveDirector ofABC Non-Profit and theCorporation for National and CommunityService(CNCS) programpolicyguidelines, theRSVP Director hasfull- timeresponsibility for thedevelopment and operation oftheRetiredand Senior Volunteer Programs; in coordination with theABC Non-Profitand SeniorCorps Program Advisory Council.
TheRSVP Project Director isresponsiblefor thedailymanagement oftheRSVP. TheRSVP ProjectDirector functionsasaworkingproject manager, activelyinvolved with communityorganizations, RSVPvolunteers,and volunteer stations. TheRSVP Project Director servesastherepresentativeofthesponsor in signingandapprovingofficial projectdocumentation, includingproject reports, memorandaofunderstanding, lettersofagreement for in-homeassignments. TheRSVP Project Director will abidebyABC Non-Profit’sestablishedproceduresfor internal reviewand its standard policiesand procedures.
TheRSVP Project Director servesfull time,asnegotiated withtheCNCS.TheRSVP Project Director mayparticipate in activitiesto coordinate RSVPprogram resourceswith thoseofrelated local agencies, boards, ororganizations.
Under direction oftheABC Non-Profit ExecutiveDirector, theRSVP Project Director’sduties include, but arenotlimited to:
a)Planand develop all phasesofRSVPoperations;
b)Assistwith hiring, training, and supervisingadequateRSVP staffto efficientlycarryout, maintain and develop operationsoftheRSVP Program;
c)Adheretoand administer personnel policiesandproceduresfor RSVP staff consistent with thoseofABC Non-Profit;
d)Providesupport, informationandmaterialsfor RSVPcoordinatorsandappraisestaff performanceaccordingtoABC Non-Profit personnel policiesand procedures;
e)Recruit, select,orient and placeRSVPvolunteerswith volunteer stations;
f)Develop and maintain appropriatefiscal, personnel, program and volunteer recordsand reports;
g)Enhance the total effortsof RSVPthrough active involvement with community organizations, other national service programs, where appropriate;
h)Implementagreed uponperformancemeasureandother RSVPgrant requirements;
i)Keep Senior Corps AdvisoryCouncil membersinformed and solicit their participationand adviceonmattersaffectingprogram operations;
j)Work in cooperation with ABC Non-Profitstaff,AdvisoryCouncil membersand volunteer station staffto obtain resourcesfor programs;
k)Plan, develop, andimplement ongoingpublicrelationsopportunities, includingsocial media, incooperation with ABC Non-Profit;
l)Arrangefor formal andregular recognition of volunteers, organizationsandindividuals who havecontributed tothesupport ofRSVP;
m)Assurevolunteer orientation, inconjunction with volunteer work stationsand staff;
n)In conjunction with RSVP staff, develop and maintainclosecoordinationand relationships with RSVPvolunteer stations, includingdevelopment of volunteer assignmentplans;
o)Provideongoingsupport to volunteers;
p)In conjunction with RSVP staff, appraisevolunteer performance;
q)Assessappropriatenessand/or performanceof volunteer stations;
r)Attendtrainingconferencesconducted orauthorized bytheCNCS.
Bachelor’s Degree,trainingand/or experiencein work with thoseover 55 yearsofageand volunteers isessential. Flexibility, management skills, computer literacy, and personal transportation are requirements. Experiencemanaging federal grantsispreferred. Must haveexcellent written and oral communication skillsnecessary for preparing grants, written reportsand giving oral presentations and trainings. Abilityto attendafter hoursand weekend meetings/eventsisrequired.Regionaltravel isarequirement ofthisposition.
RSVP Project DirectorDate
Version 2017.4Pg. 1 of 2
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