Idiomatic phrases:

Common Phrases Quiz - 1

Q: Jack has egg on his face because he couldn't remember how to spell "Batman"! / on his teeth
on his face
on his shirt
on his fingers / / to be embarrassed by something one has done.
Q: As the maestro lifted his baton the theater was so still you could hear a pin drop. / his heartbeat
a pin drop
bird wings
the drum beating / / to be extremely quiet, something that you say in order to describe a situation where there was complete silence, especially because people were very interested or very surprised by what was happening
Q: I don't agree with you, but your idea certainly gives me food for thought. / for fun
for consider
for thought
for thinking / / to make someone think seriously about something
Q: I think I understand the nuts and bolts of the operation. / screws
bolts / / the mundane workings of something; the basics of something
Q: I'm afraid hip hop isn't my cup of tea. / tea
wine / / not one's choice or preference, not what someone likes or is interested in
Q: Just a moment... I've got the answer on the tip of my tongue. / top
back / / about to be said or almost remembered.
Q: Look, I will pay you back. Would you please call the dogs off ?! / hunters off
tigers off
dogs off
apes off / / to stop threatening, chasing, or hounding [a person]
Q: Ever since he married Jane, he's had a new lease on life. / rent
loan / / if something gives someone a new lease of life, it makes them happy or healthy and gives them new energy after a period of illness or sadness
Q: Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I guess I really put my foot in my mouth. / foot
knee / / to say something that you regret; to say something stupid, insulting, or hurtful
Q: I'll be back in the twinkling of an eye. / an eye
a lighting bolt
a smile
a laugh / / very quickly,
if something happens in the twinkling of an eye, it happens very quickly

Common Phrases Quiz – 2

Q: I love sitting in front of an open fire. I feel as snug as bug in a rug. / tub
thug / / to feel very comfortable and warm because you are in bed or under a cover
Q: It doesn't help to remind him. It just goes in one ear and out the other. / one hand
one foot
one ear
one eye / / to be heard and then soon ignored or forgotten
Q: Doesn't it seem like they are giving you the runaround when you call tech support? / the eye
the ear
the underdog
the runaround / to act in a way which makes it difficult for someone to do something, for example by refusing to tell them things they need to know
Q: I hate to throw water on your idea, but do you really think she will approve? / sand
salt / / to criticize or stop something that some people are enthusiastic about
Q: Once in a blue moon I go to the theater. / blue sun
blue day
blue moon
red moon / / seldom,
very rarely
Q: Remember, half a loaf is better than none! / roll
cup / / something that you say which means it is better to take what you are offered, even if it is less than you wanted, because it is better than nothing
Q: Let's meet with Harry. We can kill two birds with one stone. / birds
spiders / / to manage to do two things at the same time instead of just one, because it is convenient to do both
Q: Tom blew the whistle on his colleague's illegal actions. / flute
wind / / to show to the public dangerous conditions or illegal activities
Q: They're selling computers dirt cheap at Jack's Tech Shop. / dirty
grunge / / extremely cheap
Q: If you need him, he can turn on a dime and help you immediately. / penny
quarter / to change direction very quickly