Eaton High School

Credit Flexibility Options


Credit Flexibility

Credit Flexibility is designed to broaden the scope of curricular options available to students, increase the depth of study possible for a particular subject, and allow tailoring of learning time and/or conditions.

Credit Flexibility is intended to motivate and increase student learning by allowing:

·  Access to more learning resources, especially real-world experiences

·  Customization around individual student needs

·  Use of multiple measures of learning, especially those in which students

demonstrate what they know and can do, apply the learning, or document


Credit Flexibility Options:

Flexible credit options below represent the methods in which the students in Eaton Community Schools may expand learning opportunities. Each involves an application process with specific timelines. Applications are available through the high school guidance office.

1.  Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO)

2.  Advanced Placement courses (AP)

3.  Dual Enrollment courses (DE)

4.  Career/Technical center (MVCTC)

5.  Alternative School/Summer school

6.  Career Based Intervention (CBI)

7.  Independent Study - $65 fee

8.  Mastery examinations with single culminating project - $65 fee

9.  Service Learning

10.  On-line and/or correspondence program (fees may apply)

General Information, Rules and Procedures

Ø  The number of credits allowed through the flexible credit program is not limited. However, credit cannot be earned in a course for which credit has already been given.

Ø  Students may earn credit for multiple content areas with the completion of one credit flexibility plan. The credit will be awarded separately and all learning outcomes for the multiple content areas must be addressed with evidence of learning.

Ø  The Credit Flex Panel will assign a grade as well as a numerical average for courses on the approved plan.

Ø  The principal will be responsible for certifying course completion and the award of credits consistent with the District’s policies for graduation.

Ø  In order to ensure the integrity of the learning experience, a student may be asked periodically to provide evidence of progress and attendance. This will affect students wishing extra-curricular eligibility.

Ø  Courses taken through the credit flexibility process will be included in the calculation of a student’s GPA and will appear on the student’s transcript. Students who fail to complete or who drop a credit flexibility course after the approved drop date will receive a W/F (withdraw failing) on the transcript. Grades earned through credit flex will not be weighted.

Ø  There will be three testing windows for completing mastery tests and presenting culminating project. Students must choose the testing window when applying for this option. Windows will be: Week before school starts

Week of semester exams

Week immediately following the last

Eligibility and OHSAA/NCAA Considerations

A student wishing to participate in high school athletics should be aware that Credit Flexibility learning experiences will be factored into his/her eligibility. Eligibility is based on reported grades at the end of each of the four grading periods. This may require progress checks and evidence updates from students needing the Credit Flex course to factor in to eligibility. Summer credit flexibility will not count toward eligibility for fall sports.

Any athlete wishing to pursue Division I or Division II NCAA athletic eligibility is encouraged to ensure that he/she will meet the appropriate requirements.

Further information is available in the Guidance and Athletic offices.


Appeals of all decisions must be made in writing to the Director of Education for review by the curriculum committee no later than (10) calendar days after notification of a Panel decision.

Rubric for Evaluation

In planning for application submission and for final evaluation, a rubric is attached to provide a framework of skills to be demonstrated in the credit flexibility process. This will also be the framework under which the credit flexibility final evaluation and grade will be determined.

Memorandum of Understanding

Student ______Date ______

Student ID ______Grade ______

Please read the following statements and initial next to each statement. Finish with your signature indicating that you and your parents understand and agree to the commitment and policies set forth by Eaton High School. Parent signature also relieves the school of any liability for times in which you as the student are not at school due to this credit proposal, should it be accepted.

______If my credit flexibility proposal is accepted, I will earn a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) for the course.

______The grade I earn will appear on my transcript, regardless of the final grade and will be calculated in my GPA.

______Credit will be granted at the end of regular semester reporting periods.

______Weighted credit cannot be obtained through a flexible credit course. (This does not apply to dual enrollment or advanced placement courses.)

______I may not drop a flexible credit course after the drop date. If so, I will receive a WF (withdrawn/failure) on my transcript.

______I have discussed with the guidance counselor the outcome of not completing flexible credit courses and the impact that will have on returning to the traditional class structure.

______I must meet the attendance requirements set forth by my plan.

______I am not to be in the building during times that I am not scheduled for a traditional class unless I have a scheduled appointment with teachers, counselors, or administrators.

______I am responsible for meeting graduation requirements.

______I am responsible for maintaining my academic eligibility and am aware of the OHSAA rules for eligibility.

______I am responsible for ensuring that I have met graduation requirements by established deadlines to participate in senior graduation.

______I recognize that the course may not match the academic standards for Eaton High School and may not adequately prepare me for subsequent courses.

______I am aware that I must meet all application deadlines, commitments, and financial obligations associated with my flexible credit course or program.

______My flexible plan will be evaluated for acceptance by the flexible credit panel and I will be notified of its acceptance or rejection within 10 days of its receipt.

______I am aware of the appeal process outlined in this handbook.


Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Application components received:


Principal Signature Date


Guidance Counselor Date

Flexible Credit Application

(To be completed for Credit Options 7, 8, and 10)

Name of Course ______

Begin Date ______End Date ______

Method of achieving credit:

____ Independent Study

____ Online class through (name of institute) ______

____ Mastery mid-term and final examinations

____ College/University course (not PSEO) ______

____ Other (Please specify) ______

Circle credit number associated with this proposal: ¼ ½ 1

1.  Please describe the learning outcomes for this credit proposal and provide an explanation of the correlation to the Ohio Content standards for the course found on the state web site: (Attach additional pages if necessary)

2.  What prerequisites have you taken or skills experiences do you have that have prepared you for this option?

3.  Proposed methods for demonstrating mastery for credit: (select at least 3 if other than mastery examinations)

____ Required mastery examinations scoring 75% or higher completed during the set testing window. (1 other choice needed)

____ Internship (must be accompanied by mentor agreement)

____ Labs (must be selected for any lab based course)

____ Portfolio

____ Project(s)

____ Research project

____Panel Presentation

____ Other (please specify):

4.  Explain the assessment plan for the items selected.

5.  Provide a timeline for the start, progress checks, and completion plans for this course.

6.  Please explain how this proposed course fits into you academic, post-secondary, and career goals.

7.  Do you currently have an IEP or 504Plan? If yes, please explain the accommodations that might be necessary for this course.

8.  Do you participate on any athletic team? Which seasons?

Please attach to this application any of the following that will be applicable to your Credit Flex course proposal:

Memorandum of Understanding

Mentor/Advisor Agreement

Course Syllabus (college/university/online work)

Rubric for the appropriate Credit Flex. Option

Cash/Check for $65 to Eaton High School Credit Flex. (Options 7 and 8)

Flexible Credit Panel

Proposal Review

Date Application Submitted: ______

Received by: ______

This application was reviewed on ______



Reason(s) for Denial:

Resubmission Date: ______

For approved Flex Credit Proposal

Drop Date: ______

*as with traditional courses, students may not drop after the drop date or the course will receive W/F

on grade card and transcript

Applicable Testing Window ______

Grade Verification form must be completed and turned in prior to final evaluation of work. Be aware of the proposal’s approved timelines.

Additional Notes

Credit Flexibility Plan Mentor Agreement

(to be completed by mentor)

Eaton High School is pleased that you have agreed to mentor a student during the Credit Flexibility process. Credit Flex Plans are unique opportunities for our students to plan and complete educational experiences, programs and courses outside those traditionally offered at Eaton High School.

Please respond to the following, which will become a part of the student’s proposal, sign, and return to the student.

Your Name ______

Student’s Name ______

Briefly describe your role as mentor to this student during the course of this proposal. How will your expertise and talents be used? What are your expectations for the student – timelines, responsibilities, learning goals, etc.

In addition, I agree to complete an evaluation at the conclusion of this student’s proposed plan.


Mentor Signature Date

Credit Flexibility Grade Verification Form

Eaton Community Schools

Student Name ______Birth Date ____/____/______

Student ID# ______Current Grade ______

Name of Credit Flexibility Course: ______

Application Approval Date: ______

Evaluation Completion Date: ______


This credit flexibility option above has been evaluated using the agreed upon criteria for mastery demonstration in the application, deadline specifications, and the Credit Flexibility Evaluation Rubric.

Course Title: ______

Grade: A B C D F

Numerical Percentage: ______


Student Signature Date


C.F. Panel Teacher Signature Date


This Credit Flexibility Option will receive an award of: ¼ credit ½ credit 1 credit

This Credit Flexibility Option will be entered into the permanent records and transcript for the above named student.


Administrator Signature Date


Counselor Signature Date