A Garden For Pig
Time required: 30 minutes
Common Core 2nd Grade ELA Reading Standards Addressed:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.1- Ask and answer questions about key details in a text
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.2- Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.4- Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.8- Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text
Common Core 3rd Grade ELA Reading Standards Addressed
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.1- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.5- Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings
Harvest of the Month Nutrition Objectives Correlating to Fruit and Vegetable Tasting:
On page 1, we are introduced to an Apple Farm. The setting of the story is an Apple Farm. Apples are a good source of Fiber. Fiber is a complex carbohydrate found only in plant foods. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Both types of fiber help control blood sugar. Soluble fiber also helps pull cholesterol out of the body.
Common Core vocabulary words are in all caps
A Garden for PigWritten by Kathryn K. Thurman
Illustrated by Lindsay Ward
Instructional Steps Pre-reading / Script and Detailed Description
Hold up the book in front of the class and ask these questions before beginning to read:
/ Read aloud is to be done in a group setting for example during “circle time.”
- ANALYZE the cover. What do you think the TOPIC of the story is about?
- Point to and say the AUTHOR’s name: Kathryn K. Thurman (this is the person who wrote the book.)
- Point to and say the ILLUSTRATOR’s name: Lindsay Ward (this is the person who created thepictures) “There are many ways to create a picture…crayons, paint, pencil,construction paper, photographs, etc. This person illustrated the book with mixed media which included cut paper, pencil, paint stamps and pastels
Instructional Steps During Reading / Script and Detailed Description
Read 1-2 / Point out that the apple trees are made out of cut book pages.
Read 3-4 / Ask “Who has tried”:
- Roasted apples
- Baked apples
- Applesauce
- Apple pie
Read 5-8 / Point to and name the vegetables together
Read 9-10 / Ask: What is pig eating?
- squash
Read 11-12 / Ask: What do you think Pig will do after Mrs. Pippin leaves?
- Try to escape
Read 13-14 / Ask: Where is Pig trying to go?
- Back to the garden
Read 15-20 / Define:flambe
Read 21-24 / Ask: “Did Pig eat his apples?” “Why not?”
- No. He is bored of eating the same thing every day.
Read 25-26 / Ask:“Where did Pig have the seeds?”
- In his stomach
Read 27-32 / Explain that many animals carry seeds from place to place in the same way that pig did
Read 33-36 / Define Organic
Spend a few minutes discussing the paragraph headings on the tips pages.
Instructional Steps Post Reading / Script and Detailed Description
After reading the book ask these questions to the class: / Ask:What do you think the MAIN IDEA of the story was?
- Pig wanted something besides just apples to eat
- To give our bodies all of the nutrients that we need to be healthy.
Read Aloud Strategies:
- If a child interrupts with a question, distinguish if it is helpful to their comprehension or not. In cases of a relevant question say “That’s a good question, let’s answer it at the end of the book!” If interruptions are permitted then encourage students to stay on task and talk about the current topic/book.
- Use enthusiasm when reading with inflection and giving the characters a distinct voice
- Follow the words with your finger as you read.
- Encourage students to look at the illustrations and find things that correlate with the words. Illustrations can also help the students predict what will happen later in the book.
- Help the students to identify a personal experience or link an experience with the story.
- Teach new vocabulary and help the students learn the meanings by providing a simple definition and/or example.
New Vocabulary and Definitions
Flambe pg. 19 / (of food, such as steak or pancakes) served in flaming brandy
Organic pg. 34 / of food : grown or made without the use of artificial chemicals
* (Merriam-Webster's site forkidshas a studentdictionary)