Acronym Chart

A&AAid and attendance

A/OAgent Orange

AOJAgency of original jurisdiction

AWOLAbsence without official leave

BCDBad conduct discharge

BVABoard of Veterans Appeals

C-fileClaims file

CAVCU.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims

CHAMPVACivilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs

COLACost-of-living adjustment

Comp. Compensation

C&PCompensation and pension

DCDiagnostic code

DDDishonorable discharge

DICDependency and indemnity compensation

DODDepartment of Defense

DRBDischarge Review Board

DRODecision Review Officer

DSM IVDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.)

DVADepartment of Veterans Affairs

EAJAEqual Access to Justice Act

FOIAFreedom of Information Act

FTCAFederal Tort Claims Act

GCGeneral Counsel

GDGeneral Discharge

GSWGunshot wound


HDHonorable discharge

HOHearing officer

IMEIndependent medical expert

INCIncurred in service

IUIndividual Unemployability

JSRRCU.S. Army and JointServicesRecordsResearchCenter

LODLine of duty

MAPRMaximum annual pension rate

NANational Archives

NOANotice of Appeal

NOD Notice of Disagreement



OEFOperation Enduring Freedom

OIFOperation Iraqi Freedom

OGCOffice of the General Counsel (VA)

OPCOutpatient clinic

Op. G.C.Opinion of the General Counsel

OTHOther than honorable discharge


POAPower of attorney

POWPrisoner of war


PTSDPosttraumatic stress disorder

RE codeReenlistment code

RIRating increase

RPCVA Records Processing Center (St.Louis)


SFStandard Form

SMCSpecial Monthly Compensation

SMPSpecial Monthly Pension

SMRService medical record

SOCStatement of the Case

SSASocial Security Administration

SSDISocial Security Disability Income

SSISupplemental Security Income

SSOCSupplemental Statement of the Case

TBITraumatic Brain Injury

TDIUTotal Disability Based on Individual Unemployability

UCMJUniform Code of Military justice

UDUndesirable discharge

USASCRURUnited States Armed ServicesCenter for Research of Unit Records

U.S.C.S.United States Code Service

U.S.C.A.United States Code Annotated

VADepartment of Veterans Affairs

VACOVA Central Office

VACOLSVeterans Appeals Control and Locator System

VAMCVA medical center

VAOPCVA outpatient clinic

VARVA regulation

VAROVA regional office

VBAVeterans Benefits Administration

VHAVeterans Health Administration

VJRAVeterans Judicial Review Act of 1988

VSOVeterans service organization