Nazareth College Board of Trustees Retreat
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Are we planning for major changes in our customer base? What is the appropriate size of NazarethCollege?
◊Growth – need to continue to grow
◊Reach of the College is very different now. How can we capitalize on this to attract our target population?
◊Leverage core competencies through use of technology
◊Recognize the impact and value of the residential college experience
◊Changes in the customer base – what do our future students think is valuable – speed up efficiency, or social experience.
◊Could we use the campus for work force development? Need to focus on adult learners, but understand what’s consistent with our strengths.
◊We need to be number one or number two in the country at something. Then size can respond to demand.
◊Establishing a target does not make sense – spend time looking at our strength and potential.
◊We need to focus on what the online universities can notdo.
◊Strategic thinking needs to be ongoing.
◊New partnerships with community colleges
◊Make outreach be for NYS and US a priority
◊Must find our place in online delivery
◊Increase number of students in Master’s programs
◊Growing up – social skills will still be needed
◊Growth is desirable but not necessarily in the on-campus undergrad cohort.
Nazareth College Board of Trustees Retreat
Sunday, January 24, 2010
How will the demographic and economic climates impact tuition driven institutions like Nazareth? Can re-organizing really reduce costs?
◊Can’t have a business model that has cost or twice inflation
◊Cutting costs is costly
◊Partnerships (to save expenses)
◊Look beyond traditional market (focus on older population) – adult learner. But, community colleges focus on adult learner.
◊Charge (price) related to demand to cost of educating in specific programs
◊Price sensitivity
◊Dislodging event – student loan programs reduced
◊Why does market keep prices down in business but not in higher ed?
◊Need/merit aid
◊Nazareth could go broke through discounting
◊Each school as a “tub on own bottom”
◊True cost of our program
◊Enrollment numbers in specific programs
◊Role of part time faculty
◊Residential costs in 2020
◊Should we let private developers operate dorms
◊Value added of the residential experience
◊Differential pricing through financial aid awards
◊Link with community colleges in growing areas such as Texas and North Carolina
◊Change scheduling to reduce time out of work force
◊More use of blended delivery methods
◊Maximize use of campus in summer (or spring/summer/fall)
◊Have certain courses available strictly on line
◊Develop a degree in the pedagogy of online learning
◊Push graduate programs (PT and OT)
◊Figure out what we do especially well and direct resources to that
◊Learn to exclude some cows. (But not the cash cows)
◊Junior year on line
◊Formalize linkage of transition programs with community colleges (and support remediation needs)
◊Meeting the unmet needs – second career education
Nazareth College Board of Trustees Retreat
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Are interactive technologies (e.g. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, social networking) changing our business model? What will the impacts of technology be on academic programs?
◊Good uses, too – solicit responses from students more readily
◊Communication avenues enhanced – need to foster that
◊Pedagogy is communication – how to incorporate technology, how to limit it appropriately
◊Sage on Stage or Guide on the Side
◊Participation by students: more than with lecture method?
◊Accessibility – interactivity: lost? found?
◊Difference in desired learning outcomes
◊Gear Nazareth toward programs that require – interpretation - know why – value added – it’s important to know this or that
◊Admit we are scared
◊Nazareth should utilize technology as a tool – embrace it where helpful
◊Wireless is needed at NazarethCollege
◊Humanity Communication - “lost” or “enhanced”
◊Technology is not going away – need to adapt to it
◊Banking and other industries – not going back
◊To share information is not automatically to connect
◊Nazareth history: connection is important
◊Social networking – a richer education – not a distributor of knowledge
◊Interaction collaboration. Problem solving not learned that way
◊Careers preparing for: many take place thru computers – e.g. music banking – studios needed, growth is exponential – cello – never been in room with one.
◊What is the balance?
◊Inspiration to play the cello
◊Form opinions, passion
◊Bonding with professors – warm feelings associated with education
◊Learning community – learning from each other
◊Change: some aspects dying while others are advancing
◊June 2009 – Chronicle – arts faculty as determiners of change – what is the motivation to change? Socio economically – customers keep coming – but not guaranteed
◊Decisions – dollars dedicated to technology – impact the future
◊History of the college has been liberal arts and profession
◊Collaboration with business – businesses means jobs
◊Amazon – student interests – majors/course offerings
◊Greater access to other means/ways of learning/institutions
◊Faculty “education” – delivery
◊Re-engineer cost/equipment
◊Hybrid – time of day, time of year, weekends.
Nazareth College Board of Trustees Retreat
Sunday, January 24, 2010
In the year 2020, what will the impacts be of the globalization of the higher education industry? Better connections, more competition or both?
◊Globalization equals closeness
◊Increased availability
◊Key components are differentiation and having to be number one or number two in something but not everything
◊Develop alliances
◊Expand reach horizontally
◊Liberal arts vs. professional programs
◊Targeted outreach to specific global areas
◊Targeted grab from the world
◊Reverse benefits
◊Rethink academic schedule – not semester oriented. April – November
◊Partnerships with southern hemisphere
◊Growing global – “middle class”
◊Can colleges like Nazareth reach out to English speaking populations abroad and offer our education to them via internet?
◊Pressure on costs in United States forces us to move beyond our regional market
◊Given changing demographics in the United States, due to immigration, how well are we meeting the needs of Hispanics and Asian populations?
◊What kind of “global” experiences do our students have before entering NazarethCollege?
◊How does a different mode of delivery change how faculty teach especially with more global populations?
◊Training for faculty in a variety of modes of technology to distribute knowledge?
◊How do our faculty teach the future teachers how to teach tomorrow’s learners?
◊Globalization may be the dislodging event for higher education.
◊What will be the new pedagogy in the future?