13th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 12-14 August 2015

Title of Paper: Guidelines for Paper

Ahmad Nazri Muhamad Ludin1, Noordini Che Man2 and Jamal Aimi Jamaludin2

1Centre for Innovative Planning and Development, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Email:

2Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Email:,

These guidelines are only for the authors whose abstracts have been reviewed and accepted for APSA2015.

  • The paper must be original and unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere
  • Copyright issues are responsibility of the authors
  • Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that at least one author should register and present the paper orally at the Congress. Failure to do so shall lead to exclusion of the paper in the proceedings.
  • Papers should be free of typographical and grammatical errors – it is the author’s responsibility to check the quality of written English; this is not a task of reviewers.

1.0 Paper Title and Authors Detail

Paper title: This information should be placed at the top of the first page in 12 point, Times New Roman in Title case, and centered, e.g. Title of the Paper

Authors Detail: 11 point, Times New Roman, centered, Italics. This style is defined under the style menu of this document as ‘Author’. Use the full name for the first author. If an author is submitting more than one paper, please provide the same name on both papers, e. g. Noordini Che Man

The Footnote Text should be 8 point, Times New Roman, left justified, with no space between the paragraphs. This is the only footnote format allowed in the paper.

2.0 Abstract:

The paper should begin with an abstract up to250words. The textof the abstract should be in 11 point size, italics, Times New Roman and justified with single line spacing. The abstract should be composed in a single paragraph style.The abstract should be followed by 3-5 keywords.

3.0 Introduction

All Papers must be written in English. You can use either British English or American English, but not a combination of both.Kindly use this document as the template for your full paper. All papers accepted for presentation will be featured on a CD-ROM and distributed to attendees of the Congress. When submitting thefull paper, please name the file according to the reference number given to authors by the Congress Committee, e.g.Ludin_APSA2015_198.doc.

The suggested length of the paper is 8-15 pages (including figures, tables and references)and should be formatted as following:

  • 21 cm x 29.7 cm paper size (A-4 Size)
  • Portrait orientation
  • Top margin: 2.5 cm or 0.98”
  • Bottom margin: 2.5 cm or 0.98”
  • Left and right margins: 2.5 cm or 0.98”
  • Header and Footer: 1 cm
  • Indents - paragraphs of section - none
  • Spacing between paragraphs: Single space

4.0Paper Body Format

4.1Page Format

Papers should not be more than three levels of headings:

  • Main Heading:(11point, Times New Roman and Title case, bold, left aligned)should be numbered 1.0, 2.0,…etc. Leave one blank line before and after the first headings.
  • SubsectionTtitles:(11point, Times New Roman and Title case, bold, left aligned, italic) should be numbered 1.1, 2.1,…etc. Leave one blank line before and after the second headings.
  • Sub-subsection Titles:(11point, Times New Roman and Title case, bold, left aligned, italic) should be numbered 1.2.1, 2.1.1,…etc. Leave one blank line before the third heading.
  • Paragraphs should be justified.The first paragraph after a section or subsection titles should not be indented.
  • Textof the paragraph 11 points, Times New Roman and justified with single lines spacing.
  • Bullets: 11 point, Times New Roman, left justified and indent the text 0.5 cm. Insert a single space after the bullet list but not before.

4.2Figures and Tables

Use the following format guidelines for Figures and Tables:

  • Figure, Table headings and captions: 11 point, Times New Roman, Upper Case title, centered & bold. The heading should be under a Figure, and above for a Table. Leave single space above and below each Table or Figure.
  • Table text:minimum 9 point, Times New Roman, Fit into one page.

Please note that no figure composed by Word format will be accepted. All figures must be in jpg, jpeg, and tiff formats, with acceptable size and resolution.

Figure 1:APSA 2015, UTM

Table 1: Sections, subsections and sub-subsectionstitles formatting

Heading / Font / Spacing
Section / 11 point Times bold / 1 line space before a section
1 line space after a section heading
Subsection / 11 point Times boldItalic / 1 line space before a subsection
1 line space after a subsection heading
Sub-subsection / 11 point Times Italic / 1 line space before a section
No blank line after a sub-subsection heading


Equations references should contain the equation number in parentheses, such as (1), (2), etc.


Place the references in a separate section at the end of the document as indicated in this format.

Reference text: 10 point, Times New Roman, full justified, no space between the references.

Use the examples below for references of journals, books, conference proceedings and website URLs, respectively.

5.0 Conclusion

Full PapersMUSTonly be in MS fileand submitted by Monday 25 May 2015online at Authors may need to make revisions to their papers after the review process. Authors are required to provide complete author names and details in the final revised paper and resubmit by Monday20 July 2015.


Authors wishing to acknowledge assistance or encouragement from colleagues, special work by technical staff or financial support from organisations should do so in an unnumbered acknowledgments section immediately following the last numbered section of the paper.


Arentze, T. A. and Timmermans,H. J. P. (2003) ‘Modelling agglomeration forces in urban dynamics: a multi-agent approach’ in Proceedings of the Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference, Sendai, Japan: CUPUM.

Cross, M. (2004) ‘A graphic glimpse of urban planning’, The Guardian, available from -

Hamnett, S. (2000) ‘The late 1990s: Competitive versus sustainable cities’ in S. Hamnett and R. Freestone (Eds.) The Australian Metropolis: A Planning History, pp: 168-188, Crows Nest (NSW): Allen and Unwin.

Harper, T. L., Hibbard, M., Costa, H. and Yeh, A. G. (Eds.) (2010)Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning (Volume 4), London: Routledge.

Yaakup, A., Bakar, Y. A., Kadir, M. N. A. and SulaimanS. (2004)‘Computerised development control and approval system for City Hall of Kuala Lumpur’,Geo-Spatial Information Science, Vol.7, No. 1: 39–49.