Nurtured Outcome Group Meeting

Committee Room 5, Town House, Broad Street, Aberdeen

Thursday 30April2015,9.30am-12.30pm

Present: Sheila Sansbury (Chair), Grace Brown (minutes), Helen Adair, Karen Davidson, Gette Cobban, May Fong, Lisa Buchan, Sue Thorburn, Shona Foreman, Cat Sim, Andy Virasami, Anne Donaldson, Louise Beaton, Lyndsay Johnstone, Catriona McDonald, Mary Crear, Maggie Hepburn

Agenda Item / Discussion/Recorded Information
1. Welcome and introductions / We were welcomed by Sheila and everyone around the table introduced themselves.
2. Apologies / Emma Brown, Carol Sadler, Hilary Young, Stuart Patterson, Joyce Waddell, Elaine Herron
3. Minute of previous meeting / Accuracy:
Agreed as an accurate record.
4. Matters Arising / From previous Matters Arising:
ESF money is available. Opportunity to bid for funding for Childcare Advice and Workforce Development.
Sheila and Mary will look at this.
Sheila suggested a contribution from Workforce Funding might be appropriate.
Feeding Aberdeen Event: the event was led by the Welfare Reform Board. Sheila and Lyndsay attended.
Message from Canada where food banks were set up originally in the short term is that they are here to stay. We have to consider that this will be the norm in the city.
Some workshops looked at delivering food in different ways e.g. some supermarkets contribute to food banks – could families collect food from them rather than having to travel to the food bank to collect.
Men are using more than women. There seems to be 2 reasons for this: single men who have lost their jobs are using food banks; women are sending their partners to the food bank as they don’t want people to know they are using them.
Employers need to be aware of this when people are made redundant.
Men in Childcare: this is to be kept on the Agenda until Stuart returns.
Item 5: Strategic Updates: Joint Inspection of Services for Children and Young People
This is on the Agenda. Louise updated on progress for the ICS Conference in September:
A programme is currently being put together and inspirational speakers are needed for the Keynote Address. Last year focussed on our Achievements. Thinking is that this year we should focus on what we need to do in the next 24-36 months following inspection and thatthere should be an equalities theme. The Improvement and Performance Group met yesterday and has requested that outcome group key themes are fed into the group. They are looking for workshop ideas from each outcome group. We need to decide what this group will represent. A proposal will be taken to the next ICS Board meeting.
Several suggestions were made regarding presenters/ presentation: Home-Start have used Breeze Productions. Performances receive good feedback and bring issues to life, such as Children in Care and Domestic Abuse.
The Kids Company was suggested. Camila Batmanghelidjh has done a lot of work with vulnerable and looked after children.Their work supports emotional wellbeing grounded in attachment theory.
In terms of an academic to talk about research, Peter Rice, a forensic psychiatrist who talks on health inequalities, was suggested.
Anne spoke about the person from Aberdeen University who spoke about non-technical skills at the recent Early Years Collaborative away days.
Sir Harry Burns and former Chief of Police, John Carnochanbased at St Andrew’s University were also suggested.
Item 5: Strategic Updates: Childcare Strategy Review
Sheila has not managed to talk to John Quinn regarding an Asset Review mapping. She will try to track him down.
Item 5: Strategic Updates: Welfare Reform Update
Financial Inclusion Team staff are now in place and are working with Home-Start.
Cat met with Angela Kazmierczak, one of the project workers. They are happy to provide training and information will be ready to be included in the Training Programme.
Gette advised that they have had 20 referrals already and she has found the team to have a good breadth of knowledge to share.
Item 6: Sub Group Updates: Early Years Collaborative
The EYC Leadership Group has met to confirm Role and Remit, etc. Angela Scott, ACC Chief Executive will be Early Years Collaborative Champion.
Agreed that a Key Action for the next meeting will be a fuller update on EYC and the Leadership Group.
Item 6: Sub Group Updates: Workforce Development & Training Standing Action Group
Mary updated on Skills for Work in Oldmachar Academy. Mary was happy to contact the other schools which participate in this (Bridge of Don and St Machar) but the Head Teacher advised she would do this. Mary will take this forward.
Item 9: AOCB: Celebrating Success! Event – this has been cancelled meantime. / SS/MC
Men in Childcare/ SP
Workshop ideas to LB
SS/ John Quinn
Full update on EYC & Leadership Gp
MC/ HT Oldmachar re SfW
5. Strategic Updates / Action Plan - Joint Inspection
Sheila spoke to the two papers which were circulated:
Dave Bliss produced a table containing all Care Inspectorate comments which were felt to be criticisms. Outcome Groups took responsibility for comments relating to their work.
Our lead responsibilities were fewer as many early years services fared well at inspection.
Our response in the form of an action plan will be developed and included in the higher level summary. Included in the action plan: Me 2; availability of childcare places and the need to increase places in regeneration areas.
Performance data will be used to inform this but needs to be looked at in more detail for those experiencing inequality.
We will work to Aberdeen 21 but need to decide which outcomes we’re working to and then decide how we report each year.
2.1 Physical Health: play development work to look at areas of the city where child obesity levels are high.
5.1 Neglect Issues: through EYC, Sue is taking forward promotion of attachment/ nurture training. Play development to target looked after children and young people.
Family Support Services feel a single point of referral is required to avoid a scatter gun effect for families – this has been highlightedalready.
6.3 Views of Children, Families, Stakeholders: develop the reporting format to include evidence of consultation – we know it is happening!
Multi-agency training should be included.
We need to ensure strength remains during transition period until knowledge is across the board e.g. breast feeding data is good for the city, but there is a need to look at individual areas and how partners can contribute to promotion in those areas.
Anne feels the UNICEF breast feeding training needs to be rolled out again, but it’s difficult to find training space – partners could perhaps support initiatives in this way. Do we have nice areas for mums to breast feed – generally no!
Suggestion that this could be a conference workshop.
Next steps: Dave will continue to take this forward and the Action Plan will go to the Chief Officers group on 20 May and then to the Board on 25 May.
Sheila advised that some of our content may come out but we need to work to what’s already been written.
Louise advised that the Inspection Action Plan will become the interim ICS Action Plan until the new plan is ready in 2017. / Aberdeen 21 outcomes?
Conference Workshop - LB
5. Strategic Updates / Commission for Childcare Reform
Sheila and Justyna attended the Dundee event.
Key Points: 2 senior Civil Servants have been seconded to the Childcare Alliance to undertake
this review.
Final report will belong to the Alliance who will represent to Scottish Government.
It will be a 10 year plan.
The report is clear in terms of definitions and is proposing 3 key things in relation to children under 1 year: Change to parental leave;
Financial support for childcare as per for children over 1;
Provision of care before and/or after school hours for school-age children during term time.
At the meeting they pointed out that item 3 would be a recommendation.
They then asked if the group felt that children from 2-school age should have their time increased to 1,000 hours. The audience felt that 600 hours was about right.
Primary school age children will become entitled to 50 hours of learning and childcare – currently this is 25 hours of learning. There will need to be flexibility of delivery patterns to accommodate all these changes.
Parents will pay no more than 10% of their income.
There will need to be discussions with Care Inspectorate regarding the expectations of OOSC (learning journeys, etc.)
Unregistered activity-based care is used a lot.
Streamlining of benefits and up-front payments will be needed.
None of this has been agreed by Scottish Government but it is something we need to keep an eye on.
The complete report will go to the Alliance by summer.
There are 3 model options meantime: LA-run services;
Childcare Partnership-type Boards to take forward;
Mixed model: budget to LA with a representative to facilitate
the Board.
Changes may take place prior to the Scottish elections.
We are also waiting for the results of the Review of the Workforce.
There was some discussion that this was similar in some ways to the Scadinavian model where a % of income is paid by parents, but there is also a large government subsidy so that the maximum paid is around £160. Children start school later. All is state run, not for profit, there is no private childcare.
Pre-school wraparound becomes part of education. Classrooms were re-fitted to accommodate children for the whole day. This means parents do not have to move children from one setting to another. There are 2 shift worker patterns: 7am-1pm and 12 noon-6pm.
This was seen as an opportunity for Aberdeen to lead in taking this forward.
We do also need to be aware of attachment issues and quality rather than quantity.
5. Strategic Updates / Discussion and Direction Childcare Strategy Report
Stuart, along with Aberlour Futures took forward the review of supply and demand of childcare.
Main issues raised were the increase to 600 hours and the fact there is less availability of childcare. There are needs in terms of new housing being built. Many respondents thought that the LA had a statutory duty to deliver on OOSC. They felt that more flexibility was needed. There is lack of provision for children with additional support needs.There were requests for S1 + cover.
Cost issues: childcare costs are equivalent to mortgage costs.Recruitment/ retention issues were raised. Some wanted children to do homework at OOSC – parental responsibility?
In the main quality was not an issue.
Those undertaking the review had concerns that it did not target: EAL families; those with more than 2 children; benefit claimants.
A meeting took place at the Beach Ballroom following the review. Sport Aberdeen were invited – they tend to set up ad hoc services.
Raised that cost of sport camp, etc. is around ¼ of the cost of OOSC HP.
There were no conclusions reached at the meeting and further discussions are needed to develop a plan to take to the ICS Board. This will be developed following the Commission report so will probably be autumn.
Sheila will arrange June meetings to take this forward.
OOSC is set up to meet market demand. Development funding is for priority areas.
Stuart will feed back at next meeting re future phases. / ACTION SS: arrange June meetings re Childcare Strategy Report
SP: report at next meeting
5. Strategic Updates / Welfare Reform Update – ESF Bid
As noted earlier, Mary and Sheila will pick this up away from the table. / SS/ MC – ESF bid
5. Strategic Updates / Early Years and Childcare Staffing Review
The autumn review of the 600 hours raised staff issues.
There is a need to modernise early learning and childcare.
LA principle is to have a teacher in every nursery class.
Having looked at staffing structures it is proposed that one nursery teacher will have the lead for learning in each school nursery setting.
In a 60 place nursery there will also be 1 senior practitioner and 3 practitioners.
Senior practitioner will be or be willing to become degree qualified.
This is currently out for consultation with staff meetings arranged for next week.
This will resolve current 600 hour issues and should provide some flexibility for staff.
Catriona McDonald advised that the teacher needs to have an early years’ qualification as this is the hardest area of school to work in.
There are some issues with the teachers’ union.
Karen Davidson commented that the creation of the senior practitioner role will help them as in many schools practitioners are teaching teachers in nursery how to work within the early years.
6. Sub Group Updates / Early Years Collaborative Update
The Leadership Group is being built. Agreement is needed on who represents each EYC group.
This group is now easier to support.
A lot of testing has been going on e.g. breastfeeding test of change re increasing rates in Northfield.
Nationally there are new themes:
Play; Poverty; Health and Wellbeing.
Locally we are looking at: Communication and Language; Nurture; Addressing Inequality/Poverty.
KEY THEME: More detailed report at June meeting. / KEY THEME: more detail on EYC/ Leadership Group in June
6. Sub Group Updates / Early Learning and Childcare Development Group
The recent meeting was postponed as Stuart, who chairs the meetings, is on sick leave.
All involved in the Group were asked for updates and key issues.
2 key issues emerged:
  • Early Years Change Fund Family Support Meetings: where are we going with this?
There has been no network meeting since November 2014.It’s important for the services involved that these meetings are taken forward.
  • Attachment Training and Early Years Collaborative Improvement Methodology Training: will these be available for inclusion in the Early Years and Childcare Training Programme.
Anne, Sheila and Sacha are meeting in June to take this forward so there may be something
available for the Training Programme.
Sue Thorburn is reviewing Attachment Training across the city.
CPD Group (Anna Bennett) will have detail of what’s going on in education, etc.
Cat asked if there could be a key message about Attachment in the Training Programme should the training not be arranged in time to go into it.
There was a query as to whether the EYC Programme Manager role had been advertised. It went out as a memo via ACVO & Health – Maggie will check ACVO side. No-one from Health was present.
Sheila will check if this has been on ACC jobs and if not will arrange to re-circulate the information.
The Programme Manager role is to support 3 Improvement Projects: PACE; EYC; Attainment within schools. / Key message on Attachment for Training Programme
MH – check EYC PM role has gone into ACVO bulletin
SS – to check internally
6. Sub Group Updates / Workforce Development & Training Standing Action Group
Mary advised that the group is clear on priorities for the year: recruitment; career guidance; training programme.
Attachment-led training has been referred back to the Early Years Collaborative group.
The National Review of the Workforce is due and Kathryn Chisholm has been invited and will attend an Employer Forum towards the end of June. This may inform the direction of the group in terms of the workforce.
Catriona McD advised that Kathryn is talking to the Providers Group in May.
Skills for Work: all 8 students passed and all are being head-hunted although some are going on to do a teaching qualification. 1 vulnerable young woman who was a challenge in the class has a firm job offer. The young people will undertake a presentation at Aberlour’s annual SVQ Awards event.
It is proving difficult to organise this year’s Skills for Work as schools are not recognising vocational courses.
May Fong advised that in other LAs a couple of childminders are thinking of taking on young assistants who can be registered at age 16.
Anne Donaldson expressed an interest in Skills for Work for some of her young people.
She also wondered if the Baby Think it Over course would/ could resume – no-one from Health was present.
Ashgrove have taken on a young person as an intern. / AD/ MC to discuss
6. Sub Group Updates / Early Learning and Childcare Board
The Me 2 initiative is being led by Cheryl Elrick at Ashgrove Children’s Centre.
Staff recruitment continues.
Currently 86 children are using the Me 2 services across the city. Not all have taken up the offer of 4 days. In some cases this is because of the distance they have to travel.
In the coming year around 200 are expected to be eligible.
Currently in discussion with partner providers, SCMA and Children’s Services Team – some eligible children may be able to use the crèche at Kincorth Sports Centre.
There is a meeting with SCMA today to look at how childminders could deliver the Me 2 service.
Initial focus was to get settings registered and up and running.
Sue Thorburn is supporting staff to refresh practice.
Current staff are from a social work background and need support to focus on the learning and development needs of the children.
The Board meets monthly and has input from Job Centre Plus and Health as well as Development Officers.
Looking at supporting families to gain confidence. Home Support services are already participating. / CE/ SF to discuss further
7. Key Discussion / Annual Report and Action Plan
The plan is in a very draft format due to Stuart’s absence.
The group was requested to look at it in detail and track changes. Also any comments would be helpful.
We need more ‘story’. / ALL – comments/ detail asap
8.Standing Agenda Item / Consulting with Children and Parents
SCMA have an intern working on this. Results will be pulled together in August to inform training.
Play can provide evidence through communities work.
Playgrounds: evidence from children/ Educational Psychologists/ Focus Groups/ APF (Aberdeen Play Forum).
The Respected and Included Group are planning what they hope will become an annual event.
Is LA taking on board how services are being delivered – information is needed from children, young people, communities.
This will also be part of the Communities Empowerment Bill which will promote the stronger role of communities.Communities will have a say in how budgets are used including for Police/ Health/ etc. within their community – community voting.
Aberdeenshire is setting aside £300,000 annually for this.
Civic Forum input – needs early years’ representation.
Marginalised groups e.g. travellers, will be represented along with conflicting perceptions.
There will be 10 days of training for Finance Staff.
All supported by Angela Scott and Cllr Jenny Laing.
Library Service undertake planning and evaluation.
Consultations are standard e.g. Bookbug packs, sessions, etc. with staff, children and parents.
They have an in-house system which is nearing the end of year one so will be able to evaluate.
System is in 2 parts including linking to planning. / Info LJ / GB
Info - HA/ GB
9.A.O.C.B. / Information gathered by the group looking at Attachment across the city has been passed to Sue Thorburn.
Next meeting date to be changed due to holiday dates. Grace will arrange a date after 8 June 2015. / Date for next meeting – GB - asap
Date of Next Meeting / TO BE ADVISED