Review sheet #3

ANTH / LING 203 /503 Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology

Prof. Bilaniuk, Winter 2008

Study sheet 2

Design features of language:




Duality of patterning

Productivity (Openness)

Traditional transmission, learnability



Differences between human and other animal communication

Benefits and problems with language evolution (choking vs. survival advantages)

Articulators (lips, teeth, alveolar ridge, hard palate, velum (soft palate), uvula, tongue, pharynx, larynx)
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
features of vowels: height, frontedness, roundedness, length
features of consonants--
manners of articulation: stop, nasal, trill, tap, fricative, approximant
places of articulation: bilabial, labiodental, dental/alveolar/postalveolar, velar, glottal

features of ASL signs: hand shape, hand placement (relative to body), movement, palm orientation

suprasegmental features

distinctive features (vs. redundant features)


free and bound morphemes

bases, affixes

gender, case

Syntax/ grammar
Noam Chomsky

universal grammar, cognitive grammar, generative grammar, transformational grammar
a discrete combinatorial system of recursively embedded modules
types of modules: noun phrases, verb phrases, etc.
grammatical categories
government: the head (word) governs the phrase
embedding principle
grammatical trees (understand generally what they are showing)

Evidence that language is an instinct
evidence from Pidgin and Creole languages (know the difference between the two)
aphasia, anomia, other disorders affecting language
critical period hypothesis
cases of children not exposed to language input till later in life
second language learning skills of immigrants arriving at different ages

brain development of infants/children: trends for changes in neurons, synapses, metabolic activity

overgeneralization of rules by children

Standard, non-standard, slang

Language mixing typology, problems of categorization

Surzhyk and conditions leading to language mixing in Ukraine

media shaping language ideology
example of perceived ethnicity affecting comprehension
conditions in which AAVE (African American Vernacular English)/Ebonics developed

some linguistic features of AAVE--double negatives, reduction of word-final consonant clusters, habitual verb aspect

the politics of Ebonics in Oakland schools and elsewhere

being deaf/Deaf and the controversy over cochlear implants

ASL based on Frenchsign language, British Sign Language not mutually intelligible

Examples of the interrelatedness between language, ideology, economics, and political/social power

Emergent properties
relationship between different levels of analysis:
1-physical/biological; 2-individual cognitive/ mental; 3-social linguistic/cultural