Downtown Oronoco Gold Rush Day Minutes Draft for May 8th 2017
Committee Members Present: Beau Hanenberger, Trish Shields, Ryland Eichhorst, Linda Sorensen,
Shean Fritts, Nancy Quimby, Patsy Matts and Carl Krause
Asst. Event Coordinator: Bridget Hanenberger. Event Coordinator: Via Teleconference Carol Olson.
Beau called the meeting to order @ 6:03p.m.
The Agenda: Add-ons to the agenda. Painting party, meeting times, storage area for the trash barrels. The other agendas: Showcase, shirts, nametags, posts, committee members, and Camper Host. It was motioned by Beau and second by Linda and approved unanimously.
Approval of last month’s April minutes: It was motioned by Beau to approve last month’s minutes with a couple of spelling corrections to be made. This was second by Linda and approved unanimously.
Painting Party: The walls have been sealed in the basement area where Gold Rush keeps their supplies. We are looking for volunteers to come help paint. There was talk on who would cover the cost for the painting, either the City or Gold Rush.This needed to be done before we can move the furniture back in. If anyone has any good ideas on when to meet, call Beau.
Meeting Change:We are looking at possibly changing the night we meet for our Gold Rush meetings, why? So Ryland would be able to stay for the whole meeting, but it seems there is nota better night to do so at this time. The Gold Rush meetings will remain on the second Monday of the month at 6p.m.
Treasurer’s Report: Alyssa reports. A tax return form is due on May 15tha EZ form was sent because we are a non-profit organization. There are no taxes due from us. Bridget will mail out. An Attorney General filing for the state of Minnesota needs to be filed by July 15th“which is a $25 filing fee”. A Secretary of State registration is up to date and is good through July 7th 2018. 3 different fillings: IRS, Attorney Generals, and Secretary of State. The checkbook balance at this time is about $7,551.00 with a check of a $1,000.00 for Civil Air Patrol, not cashed. It was motioned by Beau to approve the Treasurer Report and second by Patsy and approved unanimously.
Trash Barrels: We are still looking for a solution for the 120 trash barrels on where to store them so they are not such an eye sore. Ryland made the suggestion to fence them in somewhere, possible by the park garage place on a 24x26 lot with a chained fence. Ryland was guessing the cost would be around $1,500 in materials and guess about another $1,500 in labor. A mini storage area was also suggested by Trish. We will address this after the 2017 Gold Rush Event.
Showcase: A yearly event hosted by Jeff and Kris King in the cities.They will be showing off the latest little trinkets for shows. The event is held on May 18th on Thursday from 9:30-2:00. You do need to reserve a spot for it. Carol and Pasty are planning on going. If anyone else is interest in going, e-mail Carol.
Shirts: We need to order new shirts for Carl and Nancy. It was recommended to try on a couple different sizesbefore placing an order.
Name tags: They are on order and will be a magnet style with personal names on them.
Green Fence Post: Penny has some green fence post and was wondering if Gold Rush could use them for anything. It was mentioned that maybe they could be used for the Pepsi banner sign by the road side next to the Gas ‘N’ Go station. Follow up this idea with Ryland. We need to be careful of any underground wires.
Committee Member: We are still in search for another committee member to help fill our board. If anyone knows of somebody who would be interested in this, please direct them to Carol or Beau.
Camper Host updated: We are still looking for a host for this season’s show. We might need to put on the City agenda to solve. We are willing to pay $200.00 from the City for this service. It would be from Wednesday night until Sunday. For more information, contact Beau or Carol.
Beau motioned to adjourn at 6:46p.m. Patsysecond the motion and approved unanimously.