Script taken from You tube (unedited):
So the Common Core standards are new national emphasis on deeper learningwith more critical thinking problem solving skills the kind haveskills that lend itself well to science and interdisciplinaryinvestigations have different subject matters so we're going to see
stem being very important because the scientific method and logical thinkingand looking at evidence andobserving carefully and asking the right questions this is a lot about what arecommon core standards are aimed atto have this richer deeper learning before Common Core the existingstandards ora mile wide and an inch deep this is so true focusingare learning in each subject matter and andwith an ability to go deeper and to look at other disciplinesso that you can integrate math and science and social studiesand civics and look at projects thatinter we've all other subject matters and there is a bigexperiential absolutelymore hands-on more experiential and lessfar less rote memorization multiple choice testwe figured out that life is not a multiple choice test and we needcritical thinking any problem solvers our businesses want this in our collegeswantthese kind of young people with the trainingthat we're talking about the common cold will bringit was so appreciativethe STEM learning network focusing onout of the classroom after the bell kind of additional learning experiences wherewe can engage kids in STEMactivities in science labs and investigations in this kinda critical thinking problem solving
so students will get the lessons of the day in their regular classesthey can continue in a deeper way and get connected to science a lot ofscience education has been squeezed out of the regular day because UVA over emphasis in my opinion just on math and onEnglish Language Arts which are very important but science is very importantso I see the after-school programs as beinga place where we can really get kids excited about sciencehave exciting guest speakers exciting labs kids working asteam members solving problems this could be funyeah think it's good I think it's the other key thingwhen you get kids engage in excited about their learning they want to cometo school in the morning because they can't go to the after school program ifthey haven't come to school all dayso this is a book that gets the students interested in the main day lessonsand then after school they're thrilled to have the chance to work on scienceproject
well we want teachers to look at these innovativeapproaches and teachers across the state are going to professional developmentright nowand they're enjoying the idea that they can go deeper into these difference onlymattersand also you're looking at lesslecturing sage on the stage deliverythe information which students who this take notes memorize andand try to get it get it back and tested multiple choice test this is more aboutthe teacher being a coach to the studentshelping them setup situations where they're going to do the problems onthey're going to do the research they're going to be someone in charge of thelearningat their level and the other great thing aboutthe new science standards and mass tanner's iswe'd also like this into the new education technology wherestudents can work right at their level in their reading are in their masscapabilitiesbecause a computer knows where they're at and can have exciting lessons that
willbe relevant and not too frustrating or not to advancebut right where they need to be when I'm Michael's as to printit is to have in our 10,000 schools a computer for each childeach student 121 computing capacity meansduring the day during every hour the day the student have that access to theInternetand we hoped and also have it after school and on weekendsso this is a bold goal but where we should go because much of the rest theworldthat's in the advanced economies in the advanced educationsocieties are emphasizing this access to the Internet because again you candifferentiate the learningyou can have access to rich materialsvideo materials as well as print materials I you canyou know celebrate Martin Luther King juniors amyou know I have a dream speech but then you can also see itfirsthand by clicking in through the Internet to seehim deliver that speech so there's ways you can have virtual labs in scienceJEC out DNA in and all kinds of explorationa very science topics all through the internet sowere calling this initiative to get every child connected to the Internetwonder when completing work on No Child Left offline.