THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for a recessed meeting on Thursday, June 15, 2006 beginning at 5:30 P.M. in the Pritchett Room of the Hampton B. Allen Library.
Commissioners present: Jarvis Woodburn, Chair
Bobby Sikes, Vice Chair
Neil Jones
Dr. Jim Sims
* Ross Streater
Staff members present: Andy Lucas, County Manager
Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board
Holly Berry, Finance Officer
Rita James, Data Processing
Chairman Woodburn called the recessed meeting to Order, welcoming those present. Chairman Woodburn announced that Commissioner Lear indicated he would be arriving around 6:15 and Commissioner Streater indicated he would be here around 5:30. Chairman Woodburn noted that Commissioner Smith had a service this afternoon.
Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda: Motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Vice Chair Sikes, to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Budget Amendment: The amendment re-allocates funding from the JCPC budget to Youth Promise per the program agreement revision to provide additional funding for current expenses and allocates funding for the unanticipated expense increase in building maintenance for the Library.
Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2005/06
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2005/06 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:
Section 1. General Fund Expenditures:
Increase: 11-5870 $ 500
Increase: 11-5840 (500)
Increase: 11-6110 2,500
Total Increase $ 2,500
Section 2. General Fund Revenues:
Increase: 11-4141 $ 2,500
Total Increase: $ 2,500
Adopted this 15th day of June, 2006
2007 Governor’s Highway Safety Program Resolution:
North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program
Local Governmental Resolution
Form GHSO-02-A
WHEREAS, the Anson County Sheriff’s Office (herein called the “Agency”) has completed an application contract for traffic safety funding; and that The County of Anson (herein called the “Governing Body”) has thoroughly considered the problem identified and has reviewed the project as described in the contract;
THEREFORE, NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Anson County Board of Commissioners in open meeting assembled in the City of Wadesboro, North Carolina this 15th day of June, 2006, as follows:
1. That the project referenced above is in the best interest of the Governing Body and the general public; and
2. That Sheriff Tommy W. Allen, Jr. is authorized to file, on behalf of the Governing Body, an application contract in the form prescribed by the Governor’s Highway Safety Program for federal funding in the amount of $51,026.43 to be made to the Governing Body to assist in defraying the cost of the project described in the contract application; and
3. That the Governing Body has formally appropriated the cash contribution of $30,555.59 as required by the project contract; and
4. That the Project Director designed in the application contract shall furnish or make arrangement for other appropriate persons to furnish such information, data, documents and reports as required by the contract, if approved, or as may be required by the Governor’s Highway Safety Program; and
5. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the contract referenced above; and
6. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
Done and ordered in open meeting by Jarvis T. Woodburn, Chairman.
· Commissioner Streater arrived at the meeting.
Administrative Matters:
Employee Health Insurance: County Manager Lucas informed Board members of a miscommunication on the health insurance issue regarding the out of pocket expense. County Manager Lucas stated that during the consultation with the insurance broker and the insurance committee a question was raised on what seemed to be a very high out of pocket expense. County Manager Lucas shared that it was set at $10,000. County Manager Lucas stated that in consultation with the Broker, they stated that this was not accurate as it was only 20% of $10,000, which was $2,000. County Manager Lucas stated that the insurance committee and staff used this in making their decision to recommend Cigna. County Manager Lucas stated that the issue did not come up during discussion at the June 8 meeting or at the educational session. County Manager Lucas voiced that fortunately one of the members of the insurance committee was at an educational session and noticed the $10,000 was still there and brought it to the attention of the County Manager. County Manager Lucas then called the Brokers for an explanation. County Manager Lucas stated that they then called Mr. Horton of the NCACC to work though the misunderstanding. County Manager Lucas reported that they worked with Cigna for an enhanced plan and a lower out-of-pocket that keeps us within our budgeted amount. Cristy Gupton shared that when she and Mr. Hendley wrote the RFP, they used the format from the Association. Ms. Gupton stated that in one section of the long document they asked for a significant improvement over the current plan. Ms. Gupton stated that those responding sent a match of the current plan, which was not what they wanted so they had to contact each responding carrier individually with exactly what they wanted. Ms. Gupton stated that when the revised proposal came form the NCACC she missed the $10,000, as she didn’t ask for it. Ms. Gupton and Mr. Hendley took responsibility for the mistake and apologized for the oversight. Ms. Gupton stated that Mr. Horton was very helpful in contacting the underwriter and came back with a 1.2% increase over the revised quote that has a $5,000 out of pocket max in addition to the $1,000 rather than the $10,000. County Manager Lucas presented an analysis of the plans for Board members. County Manager Lucas shared that even though the problem was resolved within the budgeted amount, the increase removes the flexibility to compensate the brokers. County Manager Lucas then presented three options to the Board for compensating the brokers:
1. Compensate for what they’ve done to date with the RFP process and the three months they’ve worked and use grant dollars from the NCACC to contract with them for Wellness but utilize in-house resources and resources of NCACC and Cigna to handle customer service and not have a broker for medical, dental or life and keep those commissions.
2. Compensate for what they’ve done to date, use grant money to contract with them for Wellness, ask the Broker to provide medical consultation pro bono and allow them to keep the commissions for dental and life.
3. Compensate for what they’ve done to date, contract with them with the grant dollars from the NCACC for Wellness and increase the budget by $14,000 to fully compensate the Broker
County Manager Lucas stated that he was recommending Option 2. Commissioner Jones stated that he liked B. Commissioner Sims asked if Option 2 would be a total loss of $14,000 with County Manager Lucas answering yes but they would be able to recoup some of this through commissions on dental and life. Commissioner Sims stated that he does not get by a day without making a mistake and feels the mistake was done with integrity and voiced that he likes option 2. Commissioner Jones commented that the moon would be blue tonight as he totally agrees with Commissioner Sims. Motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Vice Chair Sikes, to direct the County Manager to employ option 2 as he described in his presentation. Ms. Gupton felt this was extremely generous and appreciated the Board’s understanding. Motion carried unanimously.
Budget: County Manager Lucas reported that he talked with Mr. Scarborough regarding the B. C. Moore building and they are not interested in donating to a non-profit. Commissioner Sims commented that we should let them sit on it a while. Commissioner Jones voiced that he would agree to let them sit as long as Michael Beale would let us sit. Commissioner Jones asked what the Town was doing with County Manager Lucas stating that the Town was waiting for us to make a decision on whether we want B. C. Moore or BB&T so they can pursue BB&T. Commissioner Sims agreed that we need to satisfy Mr. Beale but he also thinks no one else is standing in line to purchase the Moore building. Chairman Woodburn suggesting having the County Manager stay on top of this issue to see if there is anyone else out there interested in the building. Commissioner Sims felt we should tell the Crawford boys that we would wait to hear from them again. County Manager Lucas noted that we have not made an offer with Commissioner Sims stating never make the first offer. County Manager Lucas stated that after making the changes requested by the Board, it left an 89.5- cent tax rate and as a result of some of those changes we ended up with some additional savings. County Manager Lucas shared that we could actually decrease this by $12,000 and bring it down to 89.4-cents. Motion by Commissioner Sims that we decrease it by $12,000 and bring the budget down to 89.4. Commissioner Jones offered a second to the motion. Commissioner Sims stated that he would be in favor of bringing it lower but he just voted to reduce it by this amount because that was the amount given by the County Manager. Commissioner Sims stated that he was not voting to set it at that tax rate but simply voting to reduce it by that amount. County Manager Lucas shared that the only issue unresolved was EMS. County Manager Lucas shared that the issue was brought before the EMS Advisory Board last evening and it seemed to be well received by the Rescue Squad. County Manager Lucas shared that they talked a lot about the third truck and the expectations of this Board to have a cohesive system. County Manager Lucas stated that in contractual terms he wanted things documented in terms of policy to make sure we are on the same sheet of music. County Manager Lucas stated that he would also want to make sure in contractual terms that we only give $50,000 and it was not open ended like the hospital contract. County Manager Lucas recommended the Board place money into a contingency pending a plan of how they are going to work into the system to have a full service third truck and give them until August 1st or September 1st to come back with a plan. County Manager Lucas stated that the plan would then be presented to the Board for their approval. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Jones, to accept Andy’s recommendation to put $50,000 in contingency and let rescue come back to us by September 1 on how they will run the third truck. Motion carried unanimously.
County Manager Lucas stated that because they did not know what would happen with insurance they could not prepare a Budget Ordinance for approval tonight. County Manager Lucas stated that the EMS issue brought a lot of discussion last night and in fact two of the employees involved in his recommendation have tendered their resignations. County Manager Lucas feels they may have been premature in their decision and he has thoughts on how to handle the two positions.
Chairman Woodburn called for a discussion on the budget. Commissioner Streater stated that he was ready to set it. County Manager Lucas stated that he was prepared to have it ready for the meeting Monday. Commissioner Sims referred to the $10,000 out of pocket for insurance and feels this should be considered in the future if the Board gets any money. County Manager Lucas feels this would be one of the first issues to address next year to bring this down even if the co-pay goes up a little. County Manager Lucas stated that he was of the belief after consultation with the brokers that it was $2,000 and they felt like they were making it better. Chairman Woodburn stated that the Budget Ordinance would be adopted Monday. Commissioner Streater asked the time of the meeting for Monday with Chairman Woodburn answering 6:00 P.M. in Courtroom #1. County Manager Lucas suggested waiting until Monday to discuss B. C. Moore as there would be a closed session that night on the conceptual design. County Manager Lucas asked if the Board could meet again June 28 or 29 for last minute budget amendments and tax releases in order that we don’t overextend in a department. After discussion, Board members agreed to meet June 28th at 6:00 P.M.
Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to recess until 6 PM Monday in Courtroom #1. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted:
Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC
Clerk to the Board
Meeting time: 45 minutes.