Proposal Information

Organization Name
Project Name
ID Number / Foundation Program Officer

The foundation recognizes that its goals will not be achieved unless the technologies in which it invests are widely used in low-income developing countries. Experience suggests that fast and equitable uptake of an otherwise successful technology cannot be taken for granted: sometimes it does not happen at all; in other cases it can take decades for a technology that is widely used in developed countries to benefit people in developing countries; and often the use is restricted to a privileged minority.

Proposals for foundation support to projects including technology development must demonstrate adequate attention to a plan for the eventual uptake and use of the new technology. This applies to any kind of health and development technology: e.g. in the Global Health Program drugs, vaccines, diagnostic and other devices, procedures, nutritional supplements; or in the Global Development Program, improved seed, agricultural inputs, mobile solutions for savings or agricultural extension, and water and sanitation devices.

Important Caveats

Although such planning is relevant at all stages in the product development process—from the early stage or pre-clinical research stage through proof-of-concept to launch and delivery—we recognize that the issues and the responses to them will be different in early and late-stage development. Do not hesitate to indicate “not applicable” as appropriate. These guidelines are designed for a wide range of potential projects and we recognize that there will be projects for which some sections do not apply.

We recognize that the information sought below is often not available. In those cases, we look for acknowledgement of the issues, some discussion of them, and plans for addressing them, in collaboration with the foundation, at the appropriate stage in the development process. We do not expect definitive and well-researched responses to all of the following questions at the time of proposal preparation, but the questions do highlight issues that have been found to affect the ultimate success of a technology, and that we may need to address in partnership.

Sections To Be Completed

  1. Market Understanding

Who is expected to use this technology? How will it be used or administered, and how does this compare with current practices? How has the target product profile been defined? What is known about the target market, such as size and segmentation? What is known about social, cultural, and institutional determinants of demand? What is the product’s value proposition and how is it to be established? What data is needed to do so? Who will disseminate, market, or commercialize the product, as appropriate? What is understood of the marketing strategy of the marketing or commercialization partner?

  1. Manufacture

Where and how will the technology be manufactured? Do you anticipate technical or capacity constraints to manufacture? Discuss any plans for technology transfer and for agreements with industrial partners. Identify any potential doubts or concerns regarding manufacture.

  1. Pathways to Regulatory Approval and Policy Adoption

What is the anticipated regulatory pathway for this technology in each applicable country? What remaining studies are required for regulatory approval in each of these countries, and what are the targeted end points?

Who are the key global and local stakeholders involved in policy adoption? What are the key requirements for policy adoption (including data) in the targeted locations?

  1. Financing

What will be the approximate delivered cost of the technology? Who is expected to pay for it, and are there grounds to believe that will be affordable and attractive to them?

  1. Distribution

Will rollout be phased, and if so, on what rationale? What are the market penetration goals over time?

How will the technology be distributed? What will be the role of public and private channels? Will the technology pose new challenges for logistics systems? Are there any distribution, education, or marketing challenges that must be overcome?

  1. Quality Assurance

What steps will be taken to ensure product quality (including stewardship) and correct usage through the approved distribution channel? What measures are necessary to limit counterfeiting, parallel importation, or other unauthorized cross-border transfers? Are there concerns about patient or consumer safety, drug resistance, environmental impact, or other risks, and what risk mitigation measures are envisioned?

  1. Ensuring Global Access

In light of the above analyses concerning market, manufacture, financing, and distribution, please describe the anticipated collaborations, partnerships, or intellectual property licensing arrangements that may be necessary following the completion of this proposed project, in order to successfully undertake and continue product development and prepare for the ultimate dissemination of the intended health and development solution for the benefit of the developing world.

  1. Other

What are the main outstanding questions regarding delivery of the technology, and how will they be addressed?

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