CLUB ADMINISTRATION: these committees are responsible for helping the club secretary track club attendance, maintaining club membership lists and reporting to RI, helping the club treasurer collect dues, organizing weekly and special programs, promoting fellowship among club members, producing the club bulletin (December is Family Month)
Program Committee – arranges for speakers for weekly meetings and special events; works with President and other committees to observe Rotary month focuses
John O’Connor, Chair
Frank Collins, Herb Barall, John Kelleher, George Finch, Bob Buettner, Loren Andreo, Dan Larson, Dan Firestone, Mary Martin, Hope Firestone / Sergeant At Arms Committee – arranges for members to greet lunch attendees, collect fines (track birthdays, anniversaries, etc) at weekly meetings, and collect attendance cards
Jay Stewart and Dick McCarthy, Co-Chairs
George Schoen, Jim Watts, Jack Sayre, George Finch, Dan Firestone, Jack Ghagan, Nick Cecere, Brian Liss, Ned Lynch, Ruth Sheehan, Dan Larson, Jack Martin
High Gear – writes and publishes weekly club bulletin online and through email and mail
Doug Willett and Art Bradbury, Co-Chairs
Anwar Hossain, Bob Wood, Dan Russell, Jack Sayre, Bob Buettner, Ted Mosebach, Tom Westbrook, George Schoen(mailing) / Social/Family Events – arranges for club events to promote fellowship among members and their extended families
(includes Fireside Chats)
Janice Freschlin and Ceil Collins, Co-Chairs
Dan Russell, Jack Sayre, Bob Buettner, Jay Stewart, Jack Ghagan, Gil Wishart, Ned Lynch, Ruth Sheehan, Lionel Lessard, Guy LaBella, Mo Moshovos, Steve Tamiso, Tom Jarish
MEMBERSHIP: these committees are responsible for achieving club membership goals for the coming year using the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs; educating and training club members about the importance of recruitment and retention of qualified, diverse members; conducting classification surveys to ensure the club is relevant to current business trends; conducting club assessments to ensure membership development efforts are effective; and developing action plans for the club to act as a sponsor club for a new club organized in the District, if applicable (August is Membership and Extension Month)
Membership Committee – plans and implements membership surveys, drives, and strategies to increase club membership
Dan Larson and Guy LaBella, Co-Chairs
Frank Collins, George Finch, Bill Saunders, Jim Fallon, Gil Wishart, Dick McCarthy, Steve Jacoby, John Kelleher, Marc Glass, Angela Read, Loren Andreo / New Member Retention/Training Committee - develops and implements programs to train new members, including assigning and supporting club mentors; develops ongoing training assessments and programs, as required
(formerly Rotary Information)
Frank Collins and Ceil Collins, Co-Chairs: Bill Saunders, Steve Jacoby, Yvette Roming
PUBLIC RELATIONS: these committees are responsible for achieving the club PR goals for the coming year; familiarizing themselves with the RI resources; creating awareness of club activities among club members, media, and the general public; enhancing projects and activities to make them more appealing to the media; and helping to create a public image conducive to membership development (January is Rotary Awareness Month; April is Magazine Month)
PR Committee – develops and implements PR plans for the Rotary year – can be broken into sub-committees to address individual media areas
Bob Buettner, Art Bradbury, Co-Chairs:
George Agnelli, Pat Gately, Marc Glass, John O’Connor, Jack Ghagan, Sue Klock, Doug Willett, Ned Lynch / Website Committee – manages the club’s website, working with PR and administrative committees, and BOD
Doug Willett,Chair
Art Bradbury
SERVICE PROJECTS: these committees are responsible for achieving club service project goals for the coming year; conducting a needs assessment of the community and the club; planning service projects, both local and international, using club, district, and RI resources, and ensuring that promotion is planned; implementing service projects and involving all members; evaluating all service projects and using the finding to strengthen future service projects
(October is Vocational Service Month, March is Literacy Month)
Vocational Committee – plan & implement projects/activities to highlight the importance of vocation in service in the club and in the committee
Tom Jarish and John Kelleher, Co-Chairs:
Marcia LeClerc, Dan Russell, Nick Cecere, Alex Wisz, Neil Cunningham, Pat Gately, Mo Moshovos, Leo Christmas, John Mozzicato, Hope Firestone / Community Service Projects Committee – survey needs and plan & implement service projects in the local community
Mary Sullivanand Jack Sayre, Co-Chairs:
Dave Amberg, Chuck Clarke, Janice Freschlin, Bob Wood, Jay Stewart, Herb Barall, Neil Cunningham, Ruth Sheehan, Ted Mosebach, Guy LaBella, Marcia LeClerc,John Mozzicato, Frank Staples, Mary Martin
International/World Community Service – plan & implement projects/activities outside the US, including partnering on a service project of a Rotary Club in another country
Peter Klock and Stu Harris, Co-Chairs:
Larry Hangland,Anwar Hossain, Dan Firestone, Sue Klock, Sam Leone, Scott Nozik, Tom Westbrook, Jack Martin / Ways and Means Committee – responsible for working with both community and international service committees to budget for approved projects and plan and implement fundraisers to support them
Yvette Roming and Alex Wisz, Co-Chairs:
Mike Derr,John O’Connor, Mary Sullivan, George Schoen, George Finch, George Agnelli, Nick Cecere, Brian Liss, Dave Amberg, Neil Cunningham, Stu Harris, Lionel Lessard, Guy LaBella, Tom Jarish, Angela Read
Golf Tournament Committee – responsible for working with both community and international service committees to budget for approved projects; plans and implements the golf tournament each year, serving as a major fundraiser for the club
Bill Saunders and George Schoen, Co-Chairs
Mike Derr (treasurer), Yvette Roming, Larry Frazier, Jim Watts, George Agnelli, Alex Wisz, Jim Fallon, Gil Wishart, Dick McCarthy, Ned Lynch, Lionel Lessard, Dan Larson, Jack Martin / Grants Committee – responsible for working with projects committees to write and submit grant proposals to District and RI, where applicable
Sue Klock, Chair
George Finch, Bill Saunders, Peter Klock, Anwar Hossain, Sheryl O’Connor
ROTARY FOUNDATION: these committees are responsible for achieving club Foundation goals for the coming year; educating club members about the Foundation; encouraging club members to participate in Foundation programs and support the Foundation financially; communicating the Foundation goals of the District and the Trustees of the RF to club members; and ensuring proper stewardship of Foundation grant funds
(September is New Generations Month, November is Rotary Foundation Month & World Interact Week, February is World Understanding Month including Feb 23rd – World Understanding and Peace Day/Rotary’s Anniversary, March includes World Rotaract Week (3/13), June is Rotary Fellowships Month)
Foundation Giving Committee – responsible for planning and implementing club donation drives for Foundation initiatives
(includes PolioPlus & annual giving)
Brian Liss,Chair:
Sue Klock, Chuck Clarke, Sam Leone, Steve Tamiso, Bill Saunders, Bob Wood, Peter Klock, Marc Glass / Scholarships Committee – responsible for overseeing selection and disbursement of local and District scholarships (including Peace Fellows and Scholarship Trust investment sub-committee)
Jim Fallon and Larry Frazier, Co-Chairs
Bob Wood, Jack Sayre, Larry Hangland, Herb Barall, Dave Amberg, Stu Harris, Ted Mosebach, Frank Staples, Scott Nozik
Foundation Programs Committee – responsible for oversight of and coordination with New Generations; also additional Youth Programs such as Interact and RYLA
Steve Jacoby and Larry Hangland, Co-Chairs: Sue Klock, Scott Nozik, Tom Westbrook, Peter Klock, Jim Fallon, Frank Staples, Hope Firestone

Standing committees will include:

  • Supply Sgt (Frazier, Stokes),
  • Phone Tree Manager (Clark),
  • Tax Preparation (Firestone),
  • Road Sign Maintainer (Ghagan),
  • Paul Harris Committee (Watts),
  • Nominating Committee (P. Klock)