Training Services for VR Customers

Discussion Paper


Trainingis a vocational rehabilitation service available to eligible Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) customers through both the Texas Workforce Commission’s (TWC) Blind Services Division (BSD) andRehabilitation Services Division (RSD). VR customers can develop their knowledge, skills, abilities, and other key attributes through training that meets identified rehabilitation needs to help them prepare for, secure, retain, advance in or regain competitive integrated employment. Types of training include:

  • academic training obtained through an institution of higher education that:

awards a bachelor’s degree or higher; or

provides not less than a two-year degree acceptable for full credit toward such a degree.

  • vocational and technical trainingprovided through a vocational or technical school to achieve:

a certificate;

an associate’s degree; or

a training-specific credential

VR customers can develop their knowledge, skills, abilities, and other key attributes through training. In addition to supporting training VR provides additional services and supports that are provided to assist customers in completing training which is part of their plan to gain competitive integrated employment. Examples of services and supports include:

  • Books, and
  • Tutoring

As appropriate to the vocational rehabilitation needs of each individual and consistent with each customer’s individualized plan for employment (IPE), the DSU must ensure that certain VR services are available to assist the individual with a disability in preparing for, securing, retaining, advancing in or regaining an employment outcome that is consistent with the individual’s unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice. Training for vocational rehabilitation needs includes:

  • 34 CFR §361.48(b)(6)

“Vocational and other training services, including personal and vocational adjustment training, advanced training in, but not limited to, a field of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (including computer science), medicine, law, or business; books, tools, and other training materials, except that no training or training services in an institution of higher education (universities, colleges, community or junior colleges, vocational schools, technical institutes, or hospital schools of nursing or any other postsecondary education institution) may be paid for with funds under this part unless maximum efforts have been made by the State unit and the individual to secure grant assistance in whole or in part from other sources to pay for that training.”

TWC must ensure that the services are appropriate for the vocational rehabilitation purposes and that funds are used appropriately. Commission rules at 40 TAC §854.43,“Vocational and Other Training Services”,sets forthparameters on the provision of these services.


Currently, VRS policy and procedures to support a customer’s higher education and training needs are different within the two VR divisions andRSD and BSD staff work under separate program manuals. TWC staff is creating a single VR Services Manual (VRSM) in preparation for combining the two divisions by October 1, 2017. Staff identifiedpolicies and procedures that require updating and alignment between the two divisions.

  1. Policies and procedures for paid instructor and determining training fees are differentbetween the two divisions.
  2. Training services policies in the RSD and BSD program manuals are not aligned with current rule in 40 TAC §854.43, whichsets forth specific methods and parameters for the provision of training services. Specifically, payment for optional and refundable fees are not aligned and regulations, nor are requirements for paid instructor training.
  3. Neither divisions have current policy or procedure currently for buying or selling text books. A uniform procedure is necessary to ensure that funds are used appropriately.

Decision Points

Staff recommends the following policy revisions to be included in the VRSM:

1.Apply to the combined VR division the current RSD policy that correspondence course training must not exceed $300 per course unless the VR counselor documents both reasonableness and need and obtains manager approval.

2.Apply to the combined VR division the current RSD fee limit of $3,000 for tuition for vocational or technical training at private, proprietary institutions.

3.Align policy in the VRSM with 40 TAC §854.43, which requires that no payment will be rendered for optional and/or refundable fees such as deposits for training and that instructors providing paid instructor training must be approved by TWC or be those specifically exempted in writing based on Texas Education Code §132.002(b).

4.To improve fiscal stewardship, establish policy and procedure in the VRSM regarding the purchase and resale of textbooks to clarify:

  • When available, used textbooks should be purchased instead of new textbooks.
  • After the completion of the course and if a textbook is no longer needed, customers may sell textbooks back to the bookstore; however, any amount obtained from the sale of textbooks must be applied to the cost of the next semester’s books.

To improvefiscal stewardship, staff further recommends that a thorough review be conducted of the current, longstanding policy that establishes a fee limit of $173 in tuition per credit hour. If approved, staff will conduct the review and seek Commission guidance on options for revised policy.

Rehabilitation Council of TexasInput

RCT reviewed the draft policy and procedures and recommended that thetutoring, correspondencetraining fee, college tuition, and college fees should be considered for an increase.

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Agenda Items: 09/21/17 Commission Meeting